free colour blind test online

Check Your Color Blindness for Free: Test through Images

Colour blind test is carried out by different departments especially the armed forces when they hire new employees. This post will help you to check whether someone is color blind or not. If you are facing any difficulty, then you are requested to visit a worthy Eye specialist doctor for further diagnosis.

What is color blindness?
According to Wikipedia color blindness is defined as;

Color blindness (color vision deficiency) is the decreased ability to see color or differences in color.


The colour blinded person can not see the colours in the normal way. While recruiting for the armed forces, In the initial medical examination, a Colour blind test is mandatory. All candidates are checked for colour blindness. If any candidate is found to fail to recognize different colors then the candidate is ,unfortunately, medically unfit.

This test is also known Ishihara test. In the Ishihara test, deficiencies for red and green color are tested.

Free Colour Blind Test online: You should check your colour blindness by watching the following pictures. Answers are given, once you see all the images.

What do you see in the following Pictures?

Every aspirant is requested to perform this test. If you fail this test then there is no need to go for the initial test. Please consult a medical doctor / Eye specialist for an expert opinion.

Picture No.1 (Hint: a Number)

free colour blind test online through pictures
Copyrighted work available under Creative Commons Attribution only license CC BY 4.0

Picture No. 2

What do you see in the following picture? Hint: It is an animal.

color vision in free colour blind test for red and green

Picture No. 3

Can you see the Digit? or it is the shape of some animal? Look closely.

ishihara test online
Find the digit in this picture. The right answers are shown at the last in this post.

Picture No.4

People who have a red and green deficiency in color vision will face problems in the following picture.

red green question in colour test
Did you The Number 15 in this image? If no, There is problem of colour blindness

Picture No.5

free color vision blind test
Look closely at this image and find the digit, 35. Are you able to see?

Look and find the digit.

Picture No.6

Question image for colour blindness check
In this image, a Digit is shown, Find the digit, It must be 8.

Picture No.7

Image for colour blindness check
What do you see in the image? Is it an animal? or Digit? If you see a bear, then you have no problem in your vision colours


  1. 74
  2. Rabbit
  3. 42
  4. 15
  5. 35
  6. 8
  7. Bear

You are requested to kindly share this post through social media with other people. This will help the candidate to check whether they are medically fit or unfit. Research shows that 4.5 % of people are color blind. So if a candidate is color blind, Clearing the initial screening test in the armed forces has no fruit for him or her.

This was all about a free color-blind test online. If you are preparing for the initial and intelligence tests, please see our INITIAL TEST PREPARATION. If you have cleared the initial tests then you must prepare for the ISSB. You can prepare with us by reading all the posts published at Preparation and Guidance.

Want previous candidate experience to read? You can read all candidate experiences for initial as well as ISSB in Initial & ISSB Material.

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