English Grammar

If you are looking for an online English Grammar guide then you are at the right place. On this page, Short notes are given first for English test preparation. After the Short notes, One can practice online for English Learning.

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English Test No. 2 (Basic Grammer)

English Grammar Guide and short Notes

1. Sentence Structure

Sentence: Arrangement of Words that make complete sense. e.g. We are playing Football. Jim is singing a song.


  • The subject: A word that denotes a person, place, or a thing about which something is said. The subject is the actor who takes action. Note: Subject may consist of one or more words.
  • The Predicate: that says something about the Subject.
    (Urdu Meaning: Khabar)

Sentence = Subject + Predicate
Example: We are playing Football
Subject = We
Predicate = are playing Football

  • Object (Urdu: Mafghool): is a word on which some action is performed.
    In the above sentence, Football is the Object.
  • Phrase: Combination of words that make sense but Not Complete sense.
    Examples: On the road, a very big car, in the east.
    (URDU: Phrase ka Matlab Jumlay ka Juz/part)
  • Clause: A simple and small sentence. It is part of larger or longer sentences.
    Examples: I saw a Lion who was roaring.
    There are two clauses in this sentence.
    First clause: I saw a Lion.
    2nd Clause: Who is roaring.
  • ( Clause Chootay Joomlay ko kehtay hen)

Types of Clauses:
Principles Clause: That expresses complete thoughts and Idea.
Subordinate Clause: It depend on another sentence for its meaning.
In the above example,
First clause: I saw a lion, is Principle clause.
2nd Clause: Who is Roaring is subordinate Clause. It depends on the first clause.

2. Types of Sentences

There are 05 types of sentences.

  • Statements (Give facts or describe events or things)
  • Interrogative ( Sentences in form of questions)
  • Imperative
  • Exclamatory
  • Optative
  • Statements: Further divided into two types.
    a. Affirmative:
    b. Negative:


Statements: Jasmine is a pretty girl. Cloud bring us Rain. Pupoo is playing Football.

Interrogative: Where I can get this burger? Did the teacher visit the classroom.

3. Classification of Sentences

  • Simple Sentences
  • Compound Sentences
  • Complex Sentences
  • Compound-Complex sentences

Parts of Speech

  1. Noun
  2. Pronoun
  3. Adjective
  4. Article
  5. Verb
  6. Adverb
  7. Preposition
  8. Conjunctions
  9. Interjections