Initial Test Preparation

ISSB online initial test preparation

Welcome to the best online initial test preparation page. If you are preparing for any Initial test of Pakistan Army, Navy, or Air Force PAF, then you are at the right place. This page will certainly help in your online initial test preparation.

Tip: verbal and nonverbal the initial tests of all three armed forces have the same concept. There are a few changes, so you should prepare for verbal and nonverbal intelligence tests well. It will help you in other tests as well

For example, if you have mastered verbal and nonverbal intelligence, then there will be no issue in Passing the initial test of

  • PMA long courses
  • Technical cadet courses
  • PAF initial test preparation of Gdp, CAE, AD, and all other branches
  • PAF Airmen intelligence tests
  • Pak Navy commissioning tests
  • Pak Navy Sailor and other Non-Commissioning tests
  • PAF civilian intelligence tests

Initial tests are Speed tests. Speed tests are designed to assess how quickly a candidate can complete the items within a set period. Scoring is based on how many questions are answered by the candidate within the time limit. You can prepare best for your Initial tests in the armed forces. Please share your results with other aspirants. These are the best tests for PMA, ISSB, and PAF initial test preparation.

Most Important: Every course / post have their own initial test pattern, so you should prepare yourself for those specific tests only. For example, a person is applying for the GD Pilot post, then he / she should not prepare the general knowledge or any current affairs. The general knowledge is only included in PMA long course tests. If a person is applying in the short service commission, he / she should prepare the intelligence tests and the specialization subject, like Computer science, psychology, International relations as applicable.

Verbal Intelligence Tests

(Applicable for all posts)

For the verbal intelligence test, please click on the following link.

The above link will help in all types of verbal intelligence tests for the initial test preparation of any posts.

Non-verbal Intelligence Tests

(Applicable for All posts)

Please click on the following link to attempt the Non-verbal intelligence test. This link will help you in the non-verbal tests as we have uploaded different types of questions and also stated different methods to solve each type.

Non-Verbal Intelligence Tests

English (for PAF Long courses and airmen tests only)

Visit the following page for English Grammar Preparation.
English Grammar
English Test No. 1 (Prepositions)
English Test No. 2 (Basic Grammer)
English Tests

Physics (for PAF Long courses and airmen test only)

Click on the following link to attempt online Physics quizzes. These tests are based on the Federal textbook board (Matriculation book). You should prepare and revise the matric physics syllabus for airmen and the FSc syllabus for the commissioning posts. Note these tests are not sufficient for passing the physics tests and you have to prepare past and initial physics questions for the best preparation. Don’t rely solely on these physics tests.

Physics Tests

Math Test (for CAE and airmen aero trades)

Following is the link for the initial test of Mathematics. The math tests are conducted for the CAE post in commissioning and the aero trades in the non-commissioning cadre. We have uploaded a small pdf on this link. For complete and best preparation you should revise your mathematics syllabus and prepare it accordingly. If you have a short time to prepare then you are advised to prepare from the past and recent papers, it will help you a lot.

Math Test

For PMA Courses (LC, Lcc, TCC, etc)

For Past papers and the best material related to ISSB online initial test preparation in the form of old candidate experience, please click on the below button

If you have cleared your initial Tests, then click on Preparation and Guidance in the Top Menu, for the best guidance. Links for the ISSB test preparation are given below.

Note: Please visit our website daily. This website is new and we are uploading Quality tests daily. Like our Facebook page for daily updates. Any question in your mind? Please leave a reply in the comments section.

If you find this content interesting, kindly share it with your friends who are preparing for careers in the armed forces or ISSB. Feel free to use the WhatsApp icon or click the relevant button below to share this post on Facebook.

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128 thoughts on “Initial Test Preparation”

    1. Physical height should be 5 feet and 4 inches for females. Baqi Koi Physical tests in initial abhi introduce nai hwa.

  1. A.o.a sir am currently apply in LLC …will u suggest me how I prepare myself for initial online test …kindly suggest me.for preparation or any past online test MCQ related to electrical engineering

  2. Sir Aoa
    Kya during test they provide blank pages for rough work like mathematical % question or distance question

  3. AOA Sir! My name is Abdullah.
    I have done FSc Pre-Engineering with additional biology also.
    Am I eligible to apply for Medical Cadet course??

  4. AOA Sir! My name is Abdullah.
    I have done FSc. Pre-Engineering with additional biology also.
    Am I eligible to apply for Medical Cadet??

      1. Sir! I have done Fsc pre medical and now I am virtual university 1st semester student, can I apply for issb on the basis of fsc pre med?

  5. A.o.a sir am currently apply in LLC …will u pleZ suggest me how I prepare myself for initial online test …kindly suggest me any sight aure link….for preparation aure any past online test MCQ

    1. Can you explain, Further branch in LCC? So I will be able to suggest past experiences and papers. You can prepare for verbal and non-verbal through this site.

  6. Hira naz afshan

    Asslam o Alaikum respected sir I am doing bs English, I passed 4 semester now I am in 5 semester . after 2 years can I apply in army forces , which weight is consider good for 6 feet girl and also guide me in which program I will apply ?

    1. W.Salam, Yes, You can apply in the Lady cadet course for English subject vacancies after completion of your BS degree. For 6 feet height 55 Kg to 72 Kg weight is in Fit Range.

      1. Sir .. I did BSCS .. can I aaply for cyber security ?? If not .. what will be the areas for me to aaply according to my degree jn the upcoming LCC .. nd secondly .. please tell me about the academic syllabus as well .. will be very grateful ..

  7. A.oa sir what type of Gk would be asked for lady cadet…I mean frrom what type of era i have to touch for preapration of GK IN ISSB

  8. Hello sir
    LCC ki abi next admission date kb hai or Bcz mera last semester Oct 2023 main end ho ga
    can u plz guide me..

    1. Dear Ayesha, PAF is not a University where one can take admission for higher studies. PAF provide you employment opportunities after Completing your required qualification.

  9. Shahama Nasir

    Assalamualaikum sir,
    1) I have done BBA-Supply Chain Management. Am i eligible for applying in army services corps?
    2) I have given exams but i’m waiting for results for 8th semester. My result will be announced between 22-28 July. Can i apply on hope certificate?

    1. W.salam
      1. Yes, You are eligible in the services corps.
      2. Agar aap ko August tak Result card / Transcript mil sakta ho, then Test me appear hon, Uni se letter lay jayen, jis pe likha ho, k app k exams complete hen aor apko Result card jald mil jayega.

  10. After B’s English can I apply for LC post.. my eyesight is weak and what’s the criteria of height in this post??

    1. Emaan kazmi, If the vacancies are announced for the English subject (Not announced every year)then Yes, You can apply. Your eyesight should be 6 by 6 with glasses in case of eyesight weakness

  11. AoA, After completing BS chemistry can I join Pak army as LC? if yes then which Branch?
    can I eligible for PAF r PN as well?

    1. Yes, After completion of BS chemistry, You can join Pakistan Army as a Lady cadet. You can Apply whenever announced either in Education corps or munitions.

      1. sir me recommend hogaya hoon navy me to sir me apna ISSB change krskta hoon like army me jana chahta hoon agar krskta hoon to full detail bataden sir ?

        1. If You have cleared your ISSB exam and You are finally selected in the Merit list, then No. If you are unable to make to merit list, Your ISSB recommendation remain valid for one year and you can apply for other courses and by making your initial tests clear, You can appear for other forces / branches.

  12. Assalam-o-alaikum sir! Meri initial test date 21 thi or m kisi emergency ki waja s kal test nai dy ski to 22 ko roll no slip k loia website on ki but enter the given requirement and then they show No records for the candidate please register yourself iska kia mtlb m ab test nahi dy skti and jo mera center h wo call pick nai kr rahy 2 din s or center mery city s almost 5 hours dor hai kindly mujhy btaye ab m kia kru

    1. There is No formal process. But you can appear with other candidates before or after the test date (If testing process is continue). Just simply go to selection center and tell the reason, only if they ask (Many times to poochtay b nai hen) and appear with other candidates,

  13. AoA sir! 16 year education required in LCC means BS in given fields but agr 2 year ki BCS and 2 year ka masters kia ho to kia qualified ho gy cuz m n apply kia h meri test date b issue ho gai h m jus confirm kr rai hun k agr nai Eligible to m test deny na jao is lia 1 to test center dosry city m h or time lgna h jany m to bad m wo na dent dain

        1. If anyone have a problem and is not able to appear in the initial tests then he or she can go on other dates without writing any application or letter. But for your self satisfaction and knowledge, you can call the selection center and ask for the new date. Or if you know, other candidate test date, you can appear with them in the test on that specific day.

  14. sir can you suggest online registration is good or in ASRC cuz registration website isn’t working from last 3 days and 18 is the last date for apply

      1. Aliya Azeem

        Sir,did you know almost how many girls are appear in PAF as a GDP every year..

  15. AoA sir! I have not passport yet so in Registration form of LCC 22 k passport section m kia add kru

        1. Abdullah Zulfiqar

          Sir kya Initial tst aur physical same day hota ya physical ka lya kuch time milta..!?

          1. Different selection centers ka different hisab hota hay, Koi Same day me computerized test and medical kar lety hen. Jab k physical tests next day hota hay. Koi selection center physical week bad conduct karta hay.

  16. Hello sir,
    For sitting in the Pak Navy exam it is one of the requirements to bring your domicile along with other documents. If in case someone’s domicile is not yet ready and is in process, will they allow that candidate to sit in the initial exam or not?

    1. Hello Fatima, if it is in process, that’s good. If you have any receipt, chit etc, They will not demand the domicile. They will allow you to appear in the initial exam.

  17. Assalam u Alaikum

    Kia initial computer test or initial medical and physical waghaira same day hota he ya gap hota he

    For Ssc psychologist post

  18. Initial computer based test wale din hi initial medical and physical ho jata he ya gaps hote he in k doran ?

  19. AoA Sir! kindly suggest any good Academies for initial test preparation for LCC 22 and navy SSC.

    1. W.s Aksa,There is no need for academies for the initial test of any post. Academy charge huge amount of noney and on the other hand you have to understand that Initial test is a Screening test, Agar Pass ho b jaye, to koi confirm nai, aap issb me appear hogy ya nai.
      So, I request all applying candidates, If you have potential and ability, You can clear the initial test at your own.

  20. Can i apply online for Lady cadet course 22 cuz Army Selection and Recruitment Centers are not in my city.

  21. hello sir I will apply LCC 22 in November session for CS to kia us k initial ki tayari abhi s start kr skti hun and suggest any good academies for preparation?

    1. Dear Aksa, If you want to prepare for Lady cadet course, then preparation have two phases, one is initial and the other is ISSB. You can prepare yourself for the initial test in 15 to 20 days. However, ISSB require extensive preparation. If you are a student and currently enrolled in your semester, I will advise you please work on your Personality, i.e. Communication skills, Confidence, Persuasion, Directing and many others. If you were able to build your personality, and after the completion of your Degree program passed the initial, Surely, you will have high chances to become a Super Lady cadet.

      1. Dear sir!
        Special branch psychologist k liey intelligence test verbal and non verbal ki tyari k sath or kon kon c tyari krain academic test k liey. Please guid me

        1. Dear sitara, For academic test, You have only to prepare your psychology subject. For psychology test preparation, Please review Introduction to Psychology book published by VU (PSY101). Remember, There is no General knowledge, English etc in Academic test.

  22. Is there any ISSB tests for Information Technology PAF?
    What is the syllabus for academic test of IT branch in PAF?

    1. Yes, There are Issb tests for Information Technology. The Syllabus of academic test include Introduction to Computing, Computer languages and other Mota Mota BS degree topics

    1. Dear Muhammad Ali Khan, Excellence have an edge over normal performance. If you Pass Initial tests with High percentiles This will certainly help you in Shortlisting for ISSB.

  23. Aoa Sir, I have applied for Engr Avionics in PAF. Can you guide me that what topics I should prepare for academic portion?

  24. Iman Chaudhry

    Sir Please mujhe btaen ke ye intelligence or academic test hum ne separate separate pass krne hote hein ya in sab ka total result pass hona chahea? Or ye passing marks kitne hote hein? Or sir please koi tip ke kis subject ko ziada focus kia jae? Mera test he after 3 days.

          1. Iman Chaudhry

            Aoa sir
            Me ne Initial pass kr lia he. Ab issb ki call ka wait he. Sir please mujhe bataen ke issb me koi academic test bhi hota he? me ne PAF CAE branch me apply kia he

          2. Asa Afns ma kasa test hota ha or Kiya same day py hi test hota ha physical

  25. fatima saleem

    hi sir i have applied in PAF for Logistics CSC 130 On basics of my software engineering degree after graduation. sir kindly inform what will be syllabus for initial test?

    1. Dear Mahnoor, Your Initial test for CAE will include following tests
      1. Intelligence test
      2. English
      3. Physics
      4. Mathematics

      When you download your online registration slip, These test will be written on your slip. Please prepare yourself accordingly.

  26. Muhammad Mutahir

    sir i just apply for paf in gd pilot i need help k kya study krana hai konsi books wagera please help

  27. Maham Fatima

    Assalam-o-Alaikum sir I passed intermediate exam with computer physics math can I apply in Air Force as a GD pilot

    1. Yes, Maham Fatima, You can apply for the gdp posts if you secured 60% Marks im Fsc and If your height is or greater than 4 feet and 10 inches.

  28. Himra Khalid

    I’ve applied for LCC 2022 as BBA graduate. What type of initial academic test should i prepare? Should it be related to business aur just general knowledge and basic subjects like english,maths,science etc

    1. Dear Himra Khalid.. Please prepare for the two tests, 1. Intelligence which comprises of verbal and nonverbal 2. Academic Test, Which is comprises of Basic concepts and terminology of Business administration in your specialization area. Please Join our WhatsApp group for lady cadet course to gain full information about lcc test preparation. You can Join our WhatsAp group by by Contacting through this page Contact Us

  29. Respected sir, its my first army attempt. i seek to know if ibcc euivalent certificate reuired for olevels?(alevels result not out yet) I scored all As and A*s. Secondly i didnt receive the email for intial exam, i dont know the docs required, kindly inform them. and yes what is registration fees.

    1. Dear asad, You don’t require equivalent certificate for A levels. 2. Check your status from the official website for your test date. 3. There is No registration fee for PMA long course or any other branches.

  30. tania azam

    when the LC jobs will be announced? kya is be education walo k liye bhi seat hai? q k official site pr Army Education Corps (AEC) is br subject education bhi mentioned hai…

    1. The Lady cadet course jobs will be announced in the 2nd half of this year. We can not say prematurely. The details will be shared once course is announced. Education wali posts thora interval k bad aati hen. Last time nai ayi then. There are chances, It will be included in Fresh lady cadet course.

    2. Nida Saleh

      Lady cadet course No 21 is announced but unfortunately No vacancies for educational corps. The online registration is started from 7 June to 27 June 2022.

    1. Persona psychologist

      Deah Shah Taaj Kazmi, We did not understand your question, Are you asking about initial test preparation data? If yes, you can Attempt online verbal and nonverbal tests at our website.

    1. Persona psychologist

      Initial agar 3 dafa Fail karo, to chance khatam ho jaatay hen. Pass karke jitne dafa marzi test day do. Initial k chances har course k liye alag alag count hongaya. Yani agar 3 dafa PAF me fail ho jao to army and Navy still apply kar saktay ho. udar k chances zaya nai hwe. ISSB k 02 chances hotay hen. Agar 02 dafa fail karo, to Chance khatam, Agar Pass karo, to jab tak age limit hay, to 5 dafa b day skty ho.

    1. Persona psychologist

      Dear Ramsha Manzoor, Pakistan’s army does not hire Female psychologists. You can apply in the Pakistan air force or Pakistan Navy for psychology-based jobs.

  31. Hi, how to prepare for IT officers test, PAF? Do I have to cover all topics they have mentioned on their website?

    1. Persona psychologist

      Dear Shiza Shah, You have to prepare for the 02 Tests. One is the intelligence test which comprises Verbal and Non-verbal intelligence tests. You can prepare for the Intelligence test from our website. For the Academic test, Yes you have to cover all the topics they have mentioned on their website. Please visit our initial & ISSB material Page for the past paper experience. You can contact us through our WhatsApp Number to collect past experiences.

    1. Persona psychologist

      Read any university-level Book “Introduction to Psychology”. In sha Allah test clear ho ayega. Test general hota hay, kisi ik subject se questions nai aatay.

      1. Rida fatima

        After initial interview list lgti ha issb ki ya just call pa inform kia jata ha

          1. Kia PMA 150 long course ma apna test date change kar sakta ho

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