Emotional Intelligence test

EQ test for Emotional intelligence measurement

What is Emotional Intelligence (Emotional Quotient)?
Emotional Intelligence OR Emotional Quotient EQ is

how you understand your own emotions.

How you manage these emotions. Further, How you recognize other people’s emotions and the ability to manage them.

In old days, there was a lot of focus on Intelligence Quotient i.e. IQ. Intelligence was measured through IQ, and the one who gets high scores on IQ, the person is considered more intelligent.

However, with the passage of time, It was realized that Intelligence is not just Academic performance and ability but more than that.

Today, different theories suggest different types or categories of intelligence. Emotional intelligence is one of them. Apart from emotional intelligence, there is social intelligence. Social intelligence is the ability to make and maintain relationships.

How EQ is different than IQ?

Emotional intelligence is totally different than Intelligence Quotient i.e. IQ. How? Let me explain with an example,

A student gets more than 80% in both Mathematics and Physics. It means the student has a High IQ. However, he have difficulty making friends because he didn’t respect other feelings. If someone is sad, he laughs, etc.

This emotional intelligence test or EQ test is based on different behavioral responses to specific situations. Please choose your response to every situation honestly. The wholistic score represents, your emotional stability.

Online Free Emotional Intelligence EQ test

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10 thoughts on “Emotional Intelligence test”

  1. Gulzaib Arif

    A.o.a sir. My question is not like any issb topic. I just want to find out about it so I asked, that where does passing out parade of TCC cadets (like TCC 32, TCC 35) held. Is it with PMA cadets passing out or it held as separate? I could not find its answer anywhere else, so I posted it here.

  2. Malaika Akram

    Sir I will give a GDP TEST… But I am so much worried about my weight, Its just42

  3. Hashmat ali

    Sir emotional score high Hona chahe ya low konsa behater hai 36 points hasil kae Hain ye high to konsa best rahega low ya high

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