Pma long course initial test guidance

All information about Pak Army Initial test

In this post, I will describe the whole story of the Initial test at the Army selection centers. Please read at least once and share it with other Aspirants.

For the preparation of initial tests, please read the past papers available on our page Click and Visit:
Initial and issb material


1. Upon entrance to selection centers, you will be checked by the security staff for electronic gadgets which are prohibited. Mobile, Cameras, and other electronics will be collected at the entrance.

2. After security clearance, you will wait in front of Testing Hall. You will be handed over a Brochure of Rs.300. Staff will check your original educational documents. A Stamp will be applied on the back side for the initial test attempt.

3. After that, You will go to Testing Hall where you will sit in front of computer. Staff will brief you about testing procedures. After that you will start your initial test.

4. You will enter Your CNIC and Roll Number printed on your Slip. A sample paper screen will appear. Read the sample paper, After that click NEXT.

5. Verbal intelligence test will appear first. If you qualify for the verbal intelligence test then you can move next. If you qualify for the Non Verbal intelligence test then you will move to an academic test.

If you pass all the tests, A PASS stamp will be applied on the backside of your educational documents. If you fail the test, A FAIL stamp will be placed on the backside of the documents.

Below is the Format of the test.




Some tips for initial test

  1. Attempt the easy questions first.
  2. If any question is difficult, leave it for rest
  3. All questions have equal marks, so easy and hard questions have same marks, that’s why you should attempt the easy one first.
  4. Solving easy questions first will boost your confidence
  5. Manage your time accordingly
  6. If you have any queries about any questions, don’t waste your time by solving query. Computer clock cannot be stopped.
  7. Have a Recitation that you believe before starting the test.

You can practice for verbal intelligence and non-verbal intelligence on our page INITIAL TEST PREPARATION

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