Hi all, In this post, you will read about different questions that usually people ask about the Air force. I have tried to include all the possible questions and answers, with true information Confirmed through different sources.
What is the highest rank in Air force?
The highest rank in the air force is Air Chief Marshal (For Officers). If we talk about the airmen, their highest rank is Chief Warrent officer. Please read Ranks in Pakistan Air Force (PAF) for more details.
Which one is a good career? Army or Air force?
Every field has their own advantages and disadvantages. Both army and air force have their own characteristics. It also depends on which post you are serving in both forces. For example, if You want to rule on air, then air force is the best option, if you want to command people, army is the choice. Moreover, Air force stations are nearest to cities While in army you have to serve in deserts, mountains or even in Jungle. Personality of the individual is more important and it depends on you which field and department suits your personality. Every Job and position in armed forces possess different challenges and it depends what type of challenges are suitable for your own personality.
There are How many fields in Air force?
In Air force only few people fly Jets. Remaining people support the aviation. Following are different fields of an air force.
- Flying
- Engineering
- Administration
- Training and Education
- Ground Security
- Air Defence
- Medical
Please read All Information about GD Pilot requirements
What is the Lowest Rank in Air force?
The Lowest rank in the air force is AC (Aircraftman), The lowest rank of airmen category. The AC is promoted to SAC (Senior Aircraftman) after successful completion of training.
Do air force soldiers fight?
Unlike army soldiers, air force soldiers don’t fight and they perform respective trade duties.
What is the Passing score of Air force test?
The passing score of the air force test is 50%. However, due to high competition, You are required to work hard and earn more than 80% score both for Airmen and commissioning test.
Can Girls join Air Force?
Yes, Girls can Join air force. Girls can join air force in different departments on different posts. Please read Girls in PAF: Join PAF as a lady officer
What is the Air force age limit?
Air Force have different age limit criteria for different posts and courses. Following are the upper age limits for different categories.
• Non commissioned; Maximum 20 year age for airmen
• Maximum 22 years for Long courses based on FSc (Regular commission)
• Maximum 30 years of age for Short service commission
Please Note that Upper age limit is measured on Joining dates.
What is the Salary of a Fighter Pilot?
There Salary is similar to other officers in air force except they get Flying allowance. The starting Slaray of a Fighter pilot is 60 Thousands (as on 2022, the Salaries are changed with time).
Which subject is best for air force?
Talking about Pakistan air force, FSc Pre.engineering is the best choice, as they can apply both for figher pilot and Aeronautical engineering.
Is Height necessary in air force?
Yes, Air force have certain physical standards for recruitment. 5 feet and 4 Inches is the common height requirement, while Security posts need higher Height requirement i.e. 5 feet and 10 inches. Girls with 4 feet and 10 inches can join air force. For Fighter pilot it is 5 feet and 4 inches for both genders.
Is there any Physical test in PAF?
Yes, there is Physical test in PAF for all post / course. If you are applying for commissioning then there is a physical test in PAF. Similarly if you are appearing in airmen tests, there are physical tests for them too.
How long is the basic Military training in air force?
Basic Military training have different duration for different posts/ courses. Following list might help you in understanding better about the basic training duration.
• All airmen do 08 months of Basic training and 2 years for technical training (06 months for Non technical trades)
• 06 months basic Military training for short service commission
• 02 year basic Military training for Regular commission and Long courses.
Do I get paid in basic military training?
The Answer is yes. Although you are not a permanent employee during the training, however you still get the monthly salary while doing basic training.
How many hours do you sleep in basic Military training?
You can sleep for 08 hours in the basic Military training. If you go to bed early, then you might get 09 to 10 hours sleep.
Do male and Female cadets / trainees sleep in the same Room?
No they don’t sleep in the same room. They get separate accommodation.
Is basic Military training hard?
No, it doesn’t, But not east too. It depends for the acceptance of challenges and commitment.
Can you leave air force after 4 Years?
No You can not leave Pakistan air force before 19 years.
Can I apply in Air force after 12th?
Yes, You can Apply in Air force after 12th (Only science Group /No arts group is allowed). You can apply for the post of General duties pilot, Aeronautical engineer, Air defense officer, Logistics officer, administration officer etc. You can also apply for the airmen posts if your upper age permits.
What is the salary of Pakistan air force?
Salary of an employee depends on the Rank and Service Tenure. If we talk about the airmen as per pay scale of 2022, Their starting salary in training is 40 thousands and It goes up to 120 Thousands for the Chief Warrent officer (Highest Rank of airmen). For Officers their Starting Salary is 80 Thousands and it goes up to Lakhs for Higher Ranks.
Please read this post for Salaries of airmen; PAF Airman salary and Ranks: Complete Information about Work, Rank, Salary
Is Pakistan air force a private or Government organisation?
Pakistan air force is a government organisation and is an equal opportunity employer. Pakistan air force works under the Federal government and its employees enjoy all opportunities provided by the Federal government.
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Assalam o alaikum! Sir can you please tell me that math test is included in gdpilot
No, There is No Math subject test for gd pilot. Math is included only for CAE.
My front one teeth is not in proper place and I have cavity in my 3 teeth can i clear my paf dental test
Yes, You can.
In dental test in paf in what condition we will declare unfit for paf
If All Tooth are misaligned, Excessive Surgeries, Infections etc
What type of dental issue you have?
Is there any dental test in paf medical
Yes, In the final medical, it is included.
Assalamoalaikim sir my height is 5 feet 3 inches can i apply for paf as a gd pilot
No, There is No relaxation in Height. If eligible, You can apply for CAE posts.
Is there any height relaxation for females who are applying for gd pilot in paf
Unfortunately, There is No relaxation for height for anyone.
Assalam o Alaikum ! I have a question … Sir , i have just completed my Fsc from pre engineering and the result will appear on September but the problem is last date for admission is 24 August . ….i want to join after my fsc completion
What should i do ?
When will next admissions open ?
You can apply on the basis of hope certificate. and later in September, when your results are announced you can submit your documents before issb.
Sir, in the registration of 156 GDP the of female is not available. But the advertisement has the female portion too. So, how to sort it out?
Do not hurry, Please wait for few days, when the website is updated, relevant options will appear. You can apply till 24 August, Sufficient time.
Jazak Allah sir. Web was updated after an hour. I have applied
i got 54% in intermediate and 68% in matric, so is there any chance for me to apply for GDP pilot?
can you guide me please?
Unfortunately, You are Not eligible. There should be at least 60% in Fsc
what do you suggest me?
If possible, Do improvement in your FSc.
Aoa sir, can someone with weak eyesight join PAF?
Other than GD pilot, Yes you can apply, if you have 6/6 eyesight with glasses.
Assalamualaikum sir
Can you please guide is their any upper age relaxation in PAF for GDP branch
03 months age relaxation is possible.
Assalamualaikum Sir, I have a question! Are aeronautical engineers allowed to use phone after 6 months of training? And if no, then after how much time cell phones are allowed?
After One year
Are airforce cadets allowed to use mobile phones during the first six months of training?
No, They are not allowed to use mobile during training period.. However Call facility is available there, and you can contact your near and dear one.
I’m doing BBA from numl Islamabad (currently in 6 semester)but I want to join Pakistan army so which subject I chose in my specialization (supply chain/HR/marketing/finance)for joining army after doing BBA(as a female)??
My father was retired air force officer so can I join Pakistan army ?
Walekum us Salam Wajiha, Yes, You can Join Pakistan army. As you mentioned, The supply Chain Mgmt have the higher number of vacancies, Then Come Finance. Marketing and HR have No or few vacancies unfortunately.
I have 3 surgery scars 3inch of each.I want to join Pak force in any trait. please suggest me any trait in Pak Forces in which I can clear medical. I have recently applied for Pak navy I passed academic test, physical test and interview but I was referred to CMH for surgery scars. Please suggest me a perfect trait in Pak forces
Please read this post for prsonality traits to become successful in Armed forces commissioning. 8 Qualities ISSB try to find in a Recommended Candidate: Personal Qualities of a Good Leader
I want to apply in air force as a gdp after 1st year and 63% is the total first year based result…now can i apply or wait for next year 🥺
You should apply after completing your FSc program. For apply on the basis of 1st year you must have 65% marks or higher in total average.
Does eyesight matter in air defence paf?
Please read What are the Air force eyesight requirements?