Active and Passive Voice

Online active and passive voice tests are given at the end of this page. But let first understand the active and passive.

What is Active Voice?

In Active Voice sentences, The subject is active. The active voice sentence stresses the subject performing an action.
Example: Jack plays football.

Passive Voice

In the Passive Voice, the sentence emphasizes the action or the object of the sentence, opposite of Active voice.

Converting Active voice into passive voice Present Tenses

Simple present tense

The Simple present tense or indefinite tense have the following rules for changing active voice into passive voice.

Subject becomes object

Object becomes subject

First form of verb is changed to 3rd form of verb

Helping verbs like is/are/am/ are added

Look at the above 4 rules. You can easily make passive voice from the active voice in the Present simple sentence.


Active Voice: Jack plays football.
Passive voice: Football is played by Jack.

A: Sam does not play football.
P: Football is not played by Sam.

A: Does Smith Play Football?
P: Is football played by Smith?

Present continuous tense

In the Present continuous tense, the Active voice has helping verbs is, are, am, and Verb+ing.

Subject+is/are/am+ (1st form Verb+ing) + object (if any)

Present continuous tense: Smith is Playing football.

For changing the active voice into passive voice, remember the same rules of present simple/indefinite tense.
Indefinite Rules + addition of Being

Active: Smith is playing Football.
Passive: Football is being played by Smith.

Negative sentences
A: Smith is not playing Football
P: Football is not being played by Smith.

Interrogative Sentence
Active: Is Smith playing football?
Passive: is Football being played by Smith?

Present Perfect Tense

Present Perfect sentences have the following structure.

Subject+Has/Have+3rd Form of Verb+Object (If any).

E.g Smith has played football

Converting Present perfect tense in passive voice..

Changing active voice to passive voice in present perfect tense requires has been or have been. The above sentence will change into passive voice as below.

Passive voice: Football has been played by Smith.

Negative sentences: Smith has not played football. Passive voice will be ” Football has not been played by Smith.

Interrogative sentences: Has smith played football?

Passive voice will be: ” Has football been played by Smith?

Present perfect Continuous Tense

This tense cannot be changed from active voice to passive voice.

Note: This Page is being Updated: This is not Complete. You might visit later. Thanks



#1. Active: Mr. A plays foot ball, Passive?

#2. The horse pulls the cart


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