- This topic has 59 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 9 months, 4 weeks ago by
ISSB Mentor.
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- January 23, at 08:07 #6130
ISSB Mentor
KeymasterASRC Rawalpindi
Alhamdulillah initial clear
Academic questions were 40% english grammar. Other than that, mentioning the ones i remember
1. Bangladesh currency (taka)
2. Which country helped build warsak dam
3. Which country helped build the steel mills
4. What type of government system was implemented in 1973 constitution?
5. Who selected the president according to 1962 constitution?
6. The ocean on Pakistan’s coast
7. Harappa on bank of which river?January 23, at 08:08 #6131ISSB Mentor
KeymasterAssalam o Alaikum
Center :Rawalpindi
Alahamdulilah Allah kay fazak o Karm sy mera initial test pass ho gya hy rwl centre sy.
Verbal main 5 6 preposition thi .4 date ko agr monday ho to 24 ko kya din hoga.aur kuch relation ship ky q thy.aur ali is elder than amir and amir is elder than majeed (is trh ky kuch question thy).
Non verbal main pics ka comparison tha.
Nabi pak saw kis saal peda huway.
Nabi pak saw ny madina pak ki trf kb hijrt ki.
Ghazwa badr kb hui.
First prime minister of pak
First prime minister of pak who visited america
Capital of kpk
Badshahi msjid kahan hy.
Kis milk ky log coffee zyada pity hain.
Name of present chairman NAB
Squash ka tournament kis mulk main hota hy.
Kuch maths ki equation thi.
Group no =27Academic part 50% asan tha aur 50 % buhut mushkil.
January 23, at 08:08 #6132ISSB Mentor
KeymasterPMA LC 149 EXP NO 21
Initial cleared but medical failed due to height
I remember some of the questions as below
1. POF stands for? Pakistan Ordinance Factory
2. Muslim fighters of ghazwa badar? 313
3. BPL stands for? Barclay Premier League
4. 2+2/2? 3
5. 6x + 5y = 0 is ? Equation
6. Why we boil milk?
7. Why we send children to school?
8. CM of Punjab?
9. Soan river k baray me koi tha
10. Kpk ka main river?aesa koi sawal tha
11. Capital of chili? Santiego
12. AGRICULTURAL SHOT term is used in which sport? Cricket
13. Ghazwa e uhud year? 3 hijri
14. Kuniyat of Hazrat Mohammad(PBUH)? ABU AL QASIM
15. 90% of 90? 81
16. 500 students in class, 340 present. % of absent?
17. Car train ki speed time wala b
18. Non verbal main missing part walay boht thay
19. President ko kon select karta he jese national assembly or senete options thay
20. Name of Pakistan in 1956 contitution? Islamic Republic of Pakistan
21. 1st PM of pak?
22. Pak ko central asian se kya cheez join karti he? Dont know
23. MANAGEMENT k letters ko afar alphabetically likhain to 3rd last word kya ho ga? I think N
24. YAUBET? Beauty
25. Hazrat Hajira(A.S) was mother of? Hazrat Ismail(A.S)
26. Most imp event of 8 hijri? I think conquest of makkah(kindly confirm)
27. Find the diff one walay bhi boht thay
Verbal me boht zyada days walay question thay k 4th day monday ho to 27th kya ho ga…. koi 10 se 12 to lazmi hon gay
Mujhe initial boht asaan lagay bczme tyari kar k gya tha but boht zyada larkon ko mene verbal or academic me fail hotay dekha so if u want to pass then prepare seriously.
Sirf verbal me time management chahiyay so practice each kind of questions
#pma149experiencesJanuary 23, at 08:08 #6133ISSB Mentor
KeymasterPMA LC 149 EXP NO 18
Alhamdulillah initial cleared
Name :Akhter Hussain
Date: 12-11-2021
I am glad to share my experience of initial test.
1)Verbal intelligence
It consist of 96 questions and we had to complete in 30 minutes. This part is part is quite easy. Do practice for it ,it will easily solved. The questions which I had remember is
⭕Mostiy Series questions
⭕ Questions to find percentage like 90% of 90, 1300 students are present out of 1500 , 340 out of 500.
⭕one tenthh of one third of 90, quarter of one tenth of 120 etc
⭕ Aslam is 4 years old and is four times greater than Aslam .what will be age of Fatima when Aslam will 12 years old . There are three questions like this.
⭕ To find relationship like my sister is your brother’s mother than what is my relationship with you.
⭕Mostly alphabet series.
2) Non-verbal intelligence
There was 40 minutes to attrmpt 64 questions .
This part is petty difficult for me .
⭕ Puzzles are there
⭕clock wise movements question and etc.
3) Academics
There was 30 minutes to attempt 50 questions .
This part is very easy if you read something.Most questions was fromGeneral knowledge and islamiat
⭕who among men first embraced Islam (Hazrat Abu bakar )
⭕Who coined the name of UNO
⭕The boy ran into serious difficulties this year . Find adjective in this sentence.
⭕Most runs in oneday for Pakistan ( it was fakhar alam but there was option for it so I tick Saed Anwar as my answer).
⭕Pakistan won T 30 world cup in ( 2009)
⭕who is roohul qudus
⭕Zaboor on which prophet.
⭕Allah use name of Hazrat Muhammad in Qur’an as
⭕K2 is 2nd largest in world.
⭕ World’s largest fresh water lake. Etc
I had completed this part before 19 minutes
One suggestion is that do read and keep calm during test. It’s very easy for those who read and practice it
#pma149experiencesJanuary 23, at 08:09 #6134ISSB Mentor
KeymasterName..sohaib from mianwali
Date 11 november
1.first PM of pak?
2.2nd gvner of pak?
3.hazrat muhamad ki betain kitni?
4.coffe knsa cntry produce krta sb sy ziada?
5.bhasha dam kis rvr py bn ra?
6.residency of quaid?
7.largest bone of human body?
8.longest river of pak?
Bs yhe yaad thy or duaon ma yad rkhna Allah pak sbko kamyabi dy…Ameen❤️January 23, at 08:09 #6135ISSB Mentor
KeymasterASRC Pano Aqil
Academic 12/11/21
1- Quran Pak First surah descendant on holy Prophet (Surah-Alaaq)
2- 15 Rajab what happened ?
3- Uhud Muslim strength
4- Zabiullaha Title of which prophet
5- which corridor of Pakistan separate from central Asian countries (wakhan)
6- 1556 Pani pat war Two major is tarhna ka Tha ?
7- Largest coffee producer ? Brazil
8 – Largest religion in the World
9- River Indus flow from which country ?
10- 2nd largest city of Pakistan by population ?
11- World most developed continent ?
12- Pakistan win how many Hockey world cup ?
13- Dark continent (Africa)
14- Hazrat baba Fareed tomb in which city (Pak Pattan)
Simple Math parabola,hyperbola E<1 integration …
CopiedMay 18, at 07:56 #6631ISSB Mentor
Keymaster2024 PMA Long Course Initial tests
May 18, at 07:58 #6632ISSB Mentor
KeymasterGroup member
Name: Zeeshan Rao
Centre: hayd
Prepapre Verbal part from Issbpsychologist.com
Non verbal Too much difficult time management is very important
1 latest nishan Haider
2 green house gasses are
3 base of logarithm
4 capital of Turkey
5 symbol of Gold
6 khilafat movement sy Tha
Antonyms of wild
7 antonyms of excuse
8 rubble is the currency of
9 Iran currency
10. Active passive
11. In our body total weight of water
12. Quid e Azam left congress
13. PPP founder
14. Khewra mine locater in which city
15. Tanda dam built in which year
16. Pakistan mein pehla general election kab Hua
17. Pakistan is hard country writin by
18. North West rang
Remember me in your prayers 🙏❤️May 18, at 08:00 #6633ISSB Mentor
KeymasterAsalam alikum sir
First of all thanks sir for preparation. This website is very helpful for me Thankyou sir154 PMA long course
Status: Alhmdulillah passed.+medical+physical
Verball intelligence
Verbal almostsara wahi tha o sir waqas ny 105 wali pdf share ki thi
(1) 90%90 (81)
(2) how many 31 days
month in year (7)
(3) out of 500 student 360 are boys girl %tage will be (28)
(4) 2+2/2= (3)
(5) Quarter of 1/10 of 120= (3)
(6) there are 30 passengers in a buss 1/3 of Than are men %tage of women= (33.3)
(7) Ali bought a pen for rs 30 and sold 40 rs %tage of profit= (33.33)
(8) Difference series.
Angle, rectangle, square, hexan (ANGEL)
(9) cricket, hockey, baseball, football (FOOTBAL)
(10) monkey, ape, champanze, panda (PANDA)
(11) 4 day of month is tuesday what will on 26 day of month (Wednesday)
(12) there are 30 passenger in a buss 2/3 are men number of women (10)
(13) A men walked north truns left then again truns right present direction is (NORTH)
(14) 115, 55, 170, 65, 235, 75 (…….) confrim it
(15) 66, 63, 57, 45, = (21)
(15) b, e, j, Q, = (Z)
(16) why parent give education to children= (FOR GROOMING)
(17)why we boil milk = (TO KILL GERM)
(18) If yesterday was friday the day after tommrow= (SUNDAY)
(19) train speed twice as that car if car 60 km cover in hour train will cover (60)km in 30 minute
(20)bat can’t see and snake can’t hear
(21) in class of 500 student 1200 are present %tage of absent (20) confrim it
(22) if my brother sister is your mother whom i to you= (uncle)
(23) if 5 man write 5 page in 5 minute then 1 man will write (1 page in 5 mint)
(24) out of 500 student 340 are present %tage of Absent (32)
(25) vehicle is to wheel then sound is to (wavees)
(26) arrange last letter of word is (Utyeab) beauty (Y)
(27) Alphabeticaly 3rd number of management (G)
(28) Arrange poearld (leapord)
(29) 2 active voice aye the jo passive karny th aik simple tens se aya th aik present prefect main tha
(30) Narration aye the 2 wo bhi dono sahe kaye hn main ny
(31) aik prepossition aya tha awar ke sath consa lagega 1 of 2 with 3 up 4 about main ny (About) click keya tha
(32) Active voice make passive voice
(33) capital city of gilgit biltstan. (Gilgit city)
(34) Founder of Facebook ( mark zuberak)
(35) who origin word pakistan first time (?? Check it)
(36) tottal seats of national Assembly (320) main tick ke the confrim it
(37) riyaz is the capital city of ( Saudi Arbia short form main istrah Atta hai (KSA)
(38) rubble is the currency of (Russia) Confirm it
(39) Capital of Australia ( canbera)
(40) the capital city of ghandra search it.
(41) Only field marsh of Pakistan. (Ayoub khaan confrm it)
(42) which is the most hot element at atmosphere mecury, mars, venus, starun.
(43) The unit of current is ( Amapre)
(44) which element use in gold. (Search it)
(45) butterfly shot term use in which game. (Searcht it)
(46) nehru report date (1928)
(47) mento morly date (1919)
(48) first muslim women pm of democratic government. (Benazir find it)
(49) pakistan Atom tested name of place. (Chagi 1 chagi 2 chagi 3) search it
(50) the land of lakes( search it )
May 18, at 08:02 #6634ISSB Mentor
KeymasterAoa sir
Pma long course 154
ASRC D I khan
Clear initial test+Medical
Verbal bht asan thay & non verval bhi bht easy thy alhamdolillah bht axhay huay
Today academic tough tha
3: voyage synonym
4: wild antonyms
5: current fedral education minister
6: CM of Balochistan
7: Mark Zuckerberg is the founder of
8: current USA ambessidar
9: why children sent to school
10: why boil milk
11: in which moment sindh seprate from bombay
12: civil person of marshal law ( iska ZILIFQAR ALI BHUTTO THA)
13: 2 Question proposition kay thy
14: chose accurate sentence
Bs filhal itny sy yad hain
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