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- December 22, at 04:59 #395
ISSB Mentor
KeymasterMy initial interview experience at Peshawar
Me = May I come in sir
Col= Aajaye Abdussalam beta ajaye
Me= Assalamo Alaikom Sir
Col= wasalam bet jaawo beta
Me = thankyou sir
Col = Kahan se aaye ho
Me = Chitral se
Col = Chitral se bohot bandey aate hen kia waja he?
Me = me sir shawoq ziyada chitralion ka army keliye
Col = Acha beta , Abdussalam k bare me jaante ho
Me = told all about dr Abdussalam
Col= Who was Alfred Nobel
Me= told
Col= what did Alfred Nobel Invented
Me= sorry sir
Col= who was Parwez Musharaf
Me = told all about Parwez Musharaf
Col= aap ja sakte hen beta
Me= thankyou sir
Result ===Akhamdulillah RecommendedDecember 22, at 05:00 #396ISSB Mentor
1 Commander with 1 Captain Psyciatrist
Commander Sir ki itni power thi jab wo aj Subha selection Centre main ae thay us waqt pooray office main 1 aisa scene bana tha matlab sab ke sab sahi ho gaye thay🙂
Because sb ke alfaz thay Sir aa gaye
Sir Aa gye
Hum 41 bachay thay un mai se only 12 bachay pass howay and 12 bachy wo walay thay jo highly confident and well dressed thay
Me : May i come in sir?
Captain: Yes aa jaien
Me: Thankyou sir
Captain: beth jaien
Me: Thankyou sir
Captain: kEse hain
Me: ALHUMDULILLAH bilkul thek
Captain: Introduce yourself
Me: Told
Captain: ap ki age 19 ha…and ap ny 17 ya 18 age pe apply kiu ni kia and pointed to the commander
Commander says: Tw beta yeh batao kese ho
Me: Alhumdulillah Sir
Commander: Mjy batao shandoor valley kahan ha
Me: Sorry sir
Commander: Acha yh batao 1 famous banday ka 2 saal pehly Road pr usko goliyan mari thi
Me: Sir he was AMJAD SABRI
Commander: Wo jaga kn si thi?
Me: Sorry sir
Commander: acha yh batao Darya Kabul Pakistan main h?
Me: Yes sir
Commander: Iska name Kabul kiu
Me: Sorry sir is baray main ni pata
Commander: Aj kal universty se kia kr rhy
Me: Bs Honours
Commander: Why you choose that and not army
Me: Sir when i apply in universty…At the same time i applied in army 144 Long course but i had not passed initial so thats why i again apply in army
Commander: Good
Iske bad Commander mjy 2 min tak dekhta raha
and m b same unki ankhon main dekhta rha
after that
Captain: Mjy apnay demerits batao
Me: Told
Commander: Tiktok kese install kro gae
Me: Sir main tiktok use ni krta
Captain: Kn si apps use krty
Me: Told
After that Captain and Commander see each other and ankhon se ishara kia what ?
Me just commander sir ko dekh rha tha
and main apny confidence ko bht zyada acha kahun ga bcz is saari bat ke doran me bht zyada serious and just like a cadet tha
And is ke bad captain ny kaha chalain thanks
Yh bas ALLAH ka karam
and meri maa and baap ki DUA thi
jis ki waja se mai aj yh pass ho gaaya
and ap ko kch b ni ata bas apko confident hona pre ga
Thanks And Hope For the Best to All
Stay Blessed
This reply was modified 4 years, 1 month ago by
ISSB Mentor.
This reply was modified 3 years, 2 months ago by
ISSB Mentor.
December 22, at 05:02 #398ISSB Mentor
KeymasterToday My Initial Interview Experience!
Me waiting for My number in-front of interview room.
Bell Rung and i entered in room.
Me: May I Come In Sir?
Brig: Yes Come In
Me: Assalamu Alaikum Sir.
Brig: W salam Have A Seat.
Me: Seated
Brig: Introduce Your self.
Me: Told
Brig: Why You Want to join paki army?
Me: it is my dream.
Brig: Brigadier stoped me here where were you for two years you have done your FSC in 2018 and you have also done your DIT in 2019 if this was your dream why did you not apply earlier.
Me: With confidence sir i was trying to develope the abilities which pak army need but i was unable to find them. When i found that now i am able to join this i tried.
Brig: Speak on pak Army.
Me: Told
Brig: Make five sentence on this bottle. Bottle was placed on table filled with water.
Me: Told
Brig: Ok Beta You may leave now.
No general knowledge no current affairs are asked.
Seriously they just need confidence. I just spoke with confidence and kept my eye contact with interviewer. My english was so weak. I told whatever came in my mind but told with confidently.
Allhamdulillah Recommended For ISSB.December 22, at 05:02 #399ISSB Mentor
KeymasterInitial interview experience ASRC Rawalpindi 10 dec two officers bergidear and colonel B for bergidear C for colonel mani darwaza kola awar ijazat manga pir salam kia awar chair ki side mai qala howa Bragi ni kaha beto mai bet gaya awar thank you bola B ni kaha mask utaro B introduce your self. pushto Ki suara ki nam batao. Pushto ki asar sonao. Samni table per botal para tha B ni pocha is per 5 lines english mai bat karo . dunya mi aik mahh si kia chal raha hi english mai batao . mani usa ki election awar Azerbaijan awar Armenia ki conflict ki bari mi bataya. Capsin sea ki bari mi pocha ki kidar hi awar kis country ki sat laga hi. sari questions bergidear ni pochi colonel judgment kar rahaa tha akir mi colonel ni kaha ok beta you may go me thanks sir and come out. Result recommended
This reply was modified 3 years, 2 months ago by
ISSB Mentor.
December 22, at 05:04 #400ISSB Mentor
Keymasterinitial interview Experience
Me:Enter a room open lock and said Assalamo Alaikum sir
Breg:walaikum Slaam so you are tanveer ahmed
Me:yes sir
Breg: brief about your self .
Me: Told name disttc marks percentage siblings…
Breg.How many seats in national Assembly
Me:342 sir..
Breg: Ghzwa ahzab kb hua
Me: 3hijri (wrong)
Breg:Pakistan ny gawadar port kis sy kharedi…?
Me:Oman sir
bre.where is niagra fall
me .australia
then he pointed to lt colonel…to questioned me
lt col: who is chairman senate
Me: sadiq sanjrani…
lt col: who is speaker of national assembly
Me: Asad qesar
then he pointed me to answer major
Maj: who is governer of punjab and sindh
Me: chohdry sarwar imran ismaeel
Maj: v good
who is governer of kpk
Me: shah farman
then he say ok you may go now-
This reply was modified 3 years, 2 months ago by
ISSB Mentor.
December 22, at 05:06 #401ISSB Mentor
KeymasterAS&RC Peshawer !
Here are some experience which i had in my initial interview wd Captain adnan.
M: Opened the door having a smile in my face 😊
M: May i come in Sir?
C: Yes beta ajaeen .
M: Asalamulaikum !
C: Walaikum salam !
M: Stood beside the chair for a sec .
C: Have a sit .
M: With a smile thank you.
C: aur kya Haal chaal hn ?
M: Alhamdulillah theek thak, aap sunayain😁
C: Beta Mai PucHunga ,batayeinge tw aao 😁
M: ok sir go ahead 😁
C: stared at me with a smile. what is your fav subject?
M: English. Cox “I had written in my form as well”.
C: where have uh done your Matric ?
M: Told .
C: Range of HATF Missile ?
M: 50km.
C: biggest continent of the world ?
M: Asia.
C: Quaid azam’s father name?
M: Poonja Jannah .
C: Name 5 District of bolochistan?
M: told 7 wid a smile 🙂
C: Smiled , well, i’ll take names of some countries nd uh have to tell me their capital.
M: ok sir.
C: latvia,poland,greece,belgium,zambia,uganda.ireland.?
M: told 5 nd apologized for others two..
C: Pakistan’s largest jungle?
M: couldn’t hear his voice properly nd asked him to repeat .
C: Repeated.
M: couldn’t hear again, 😂 cox he was sat far away, nd he speaks in a slow loud.
C: 🤨🤨i said Jungle Jungle Jungle😁
M: Sir changa manga 😊
C: where is it?
M: Sorry sir.
C: Why English is your fav sub ?
M: Becoz sir i get good marks in my exams.
C: well talk on chitral for straight 3 minutes in English?
M: talked above 3 minutes i guess.
C: What is CPEC ?
M: Told few things with abbreviation.
C: Indus river length ?
M: 3,180m.
C: Heeeiiiiinn😳😳 ..Meter ???
M: Yes sir .
C: it’s Km beta.
M: Perhaps 😂
C: 🤨Stared at me for seconds nd said , Are you sure ?
M: Yes sir .
C: aur ?
M: Bac sir theek thaak.
C: ok beta you may go .
M: thank you sir AllaH Hafix.
Then there were more interviews to be done , we awaited for an hour.
finaly result came out
Nd i was refered to Major for my re interview .😑
Am gonna upload the other interview experience as well ,check that out too-
This reply was modified 3 years, 2 months ago by
ISSB Mentor.
December 22, at 05:06 #402ISSB Mentor
KeymasterBy the Grace of Almighty Allah I Cleared Initial Interview at AS&RC Peshawer and Ğot ISSB Form
It is only the Efforts and Guidence of Sir ZAKKI UR REHMAN .
Interview Date 08 Dec 2020
My Interview is With Captian Adnan .
My Cheśt number is 36 .
I Entered the řoom .
C – Captian
M – Me
Me : Asslam Alykum
C : Walaikum Salam
Have a Seat
Me : Thank you Sir .
C : Kase ho ?
Me : Teek taak Sir Alhamdullah
C : Kaha sa ho ?
Me : Sakhakot District Malakand
C : Largest River of The World ?
Me : Told ( But Wrong )
C : Area wise Smallest Province of Pakistan ?
Me : Told
C : Old Name of Kpk ?
Me :Told
C : Length of Pak China Border ?
Me : Țold ( But Wrong )
C : Length of Pak India Border ?
Me : Told ( but Wrong )
C : Where is Pakistan Situated in South Asia ?
Me : Told
C : Length of Pak Iran Border ?
Me : Told
C : Length of Päk Afghan Border ?
Me : Țold ( but Wròng )
C : NATO Stands For ?
Me : Told
C: Height of K2
Me : Told
C : Height of Mount Everst ?
Me : Told
This reply was modified 3 years, 2 months ago by
ISSB Mentor.
December 22, at 05:09 #403ISSB Mentor
KeymasterMy experience about today’s initial interview….
There were three persons….
1) major ( psychologist)
2 ) bregadior
3) krrrnnnllll
I knocked the door and asked for the permission to enter …..
They allowed me to enter ….
Then one of them said plz sit down and introduce ur self….
I introduced my self…..
Then they started to ask me questions about my personal life like what do u do when u are alone..???
What are ur other activities ( they changed the word hobby to other activities ) but I told them those things which I mentioned in bio data form as my hobbies like cricket and watching t.v…..
They asked me the same question through different angles to confuse me so that I change my hobby to some other thing….but I remained normal and revolved my discussion around my hobbies which I mentioned in bio data form…..they asked me what do u do when u are alone …..I replied that I usually watch TV….they asked what do u do when u are sad…..I replied I watch funny programs on TV to make my mood fresh…….then they asked about my village activities and I told them that I play cricket in my spare time in my village……they asked about girl friend and marriage.. I replied honestly…….at last they asked me about 12 general knowledge questions I answered 6 of them and said sorry! Sir for the next 6……but I didn’t lost my confidence level…..I maintained smile on my face…….
Inshort guys! They only check ur honesty ,face impressions and way of speaking……. through the whole process a psychologist checks ur impression and way of speaking……..just be natural and honest…..reply honestly…..no one of us is just innocent like a baby child….. just tell them the truth what do u do and did in past if they ask about it……..
I was recommended in my interview…….and reason is just that I remained honest about my personal data with confidence and smile on face.
Remember me in prayers onlY-
This reply was modified 3 years, 2 months ago by
ISSB Mentor.
December 22, at 05:10 #404ISSB Mentor
KeymasterPMA 147 L/C initial interview experience
first of all written test before interview
1. if i was a billionare
2. Hardwork doesnot need shortcut
after this they call 35 to 70 candidates for interview with LT COL
and 1 to 34 to captian
my serial number was 51 so my interview was with colonel
my interview was in urdu
me . darwaza kola our knocking ke bagher enter howa aur chair ke left side pe kara hogaya side per table bhi tha or salam kia
col.W/S please sit down table ke side se q agaye?
me. sir interview rules hai.
col.kis ne kaha?
me.sir internet se dekha hai.
col.internet per yeh sab kuch hota hai?
me.yes sir (smile ke sath).
col.acha or kia kia hota hai net per?
me.sir sab kuch.
col.acha jo candidates rcmnd ya nt rcmnd hote hai apne experience share karte hai?
me.yes sir.
col.or kis cheez pe share karte hai?
me.sir different social media apps per yani facebook youtube. etc
col.ok acha yeh batao TCC 32 me q not recmnd howe the?
col.accha issb me app ka lecturate topic kia tha?
me.5 to 6 seconds sochne ke baad yaad agaya or bataya pakistan me khelon ka otrao charao
col.acha iss per 2mnt english me baat karoo.
me . shuru kia or i think 90 seconds tak bolta raha or darmayan me stop karwaya.
col. ok salman.
col .app ACCA karrahe ho?
me .yes sir .
col.maths to bohot acha hoga?
( bio data form ma mene favourite subject mathematics likha tha )
me.sir maths stronge hone ki wajah se to main acca mai aya hon magar acca mai mathematics biilkul nahi hai except add, sub,mult and div . magar per bhi sir acca ke papers me high achiever hon Alhamdullillah.
Col. Apne card number kesath apni age plus karo?
Me. 70 sir (my card no 51 and age 19 i answerd with in a sexonds)
Col. divide by 2?
Me. 35.
Col. Multiply by 3?
Col. 64 ka root?
Me .8 ( i answerd all question with in a seconds without thinking )
col.(little bit smile )acha yeh batao caspian sea kahan hai?
me.sorry sir (time leker).
col.Azerbaijan capital?
me.sorry sir.
col.acha yeh batao Hayatabad mai rehten ho?
me.yes sir .
col.Hayatabad kis ke name per hai?
me.Hayat Muhammad Khan Sherpao.
col.acha Peshawar ko Peshawar q bolten hain?
me.q k sir yahan per pehlen pehawarana log hote the or yahan per tijarat bohot hoti thi.
col.ok salman best of luck
me.thank u so much sir
smile on my face and Lt colonel as well or slowly door band kia
result (Recomended)-
This reply was modified 3 years, 2 months ago by
ISSB Mentor.
December 22, at 05:10 #405ISSB Mentor
KeymasterI am writing this since a lot of people have misconceptions regarding the initial interview. What they don’t know is that the interview is being conducted to test your tolerance and confidence, not your intelligence.
DATE : 10th Dec 2020
Me : May I come in sir? (In a firm tone)
Colonel : Yes please beta come in
Me : As Salam Alaikum Sir
Captain : Sit down, remove your mask and start introducing yourself
Me : Did as I was told and started giving the introduction
Me : My name is Talha Sultan sir and I’m 20 years old. I am currently studying BS artificial intelligence at GIKI…..
Captain : Oh bhaee ye university hai kahan pe?! (Angrily)
Me : Sir Topi, Swabi mai hai (confidentally)
Captain : Tuo poora bola kro na kya drama lagaya wa hai?! (Angrily)
Me : Ok sir I’ll be careful next time
Me : Completed my remaining introduction
Colonel : Why do you want to join Pakistan army beta?
Me : Gave my reasons
Colonel : Who was Sallahuddin Ayoobi
Me : I’m sorry sir I do not know
Colonel : Who was Mahmood Ghaznavi
Me : I’m sorry sir I do not know
Colonel : Where is Dead Sea?
Me : It’s near Israel if I’m not wrong sir
Colonel : Yes
Colonel : Where is Caspian Sea
Me : I’m sorry sir I do not know
Colonel : Oh bhaee kidhar aaye hoo? Tyari wghera nahi ki koee? Asi lag rha tha interview clear karloge? Tum tuo fail hoo bachoo mai bta rha hoon
Me : Sir I prepared a little bit, the rest is the will of Allah.
Colonel : Ok gentleman thank you (with a smile)
Conclusion : It was a 3 minute interview, I kept my body language firm and maintained eye contact with a slight smile on my face. I did not lose confidence even when they shouted at me and kept answering them with courage. That is all they want in a interview. Nothing more. That’s it. Don’t be worried about general knowledge, I answered 1 question only and still got recommended. Just be calm and relaxed. Focus on what you are being asked and answer accordingly.
Thank you so much. Please pray for my ISSB.-
This reply was modified 3 years, 2 months ago by
ISSB Mentor.
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