issb test preparation PAF courses

Helful tips for Gto outdoor tasks

There are four outdoor GTO Tasks :

  • progressive group task
  • half group task
  • command task
  • Final Group Task

1) For the PGT progressive group task and HGT Half group tasks, make sure that you listen to the instructions of GTO carefully – about the inbound, out of bound areas, etc. – and follow them meticulously. In case of a foul, inform the GTO yourself instead of waiting for him to correct your foul.

2) Make sure that you are helping the team members and are being cooperative – it is a group task after all. Do take initiative, but ensure that you are listening to the other members as well instead of just working on your own or standing on one side and doing nothing.

3)For the command task, make two plans in your mind instead of one when you are trying to figure out a path from the starring line to the finish line. This is because Plan A may seem very good in your mind but when you actually start implementing it, it may fail in the end. So instead of wasting your time, you should have a backup plan.

Please read Command task in ISSB

4) Some GTOs asked the commander to lead from the front, while others allowed them to work in the sequence they wanted. No matter where you are standing – leading from the front, middle, or back – make sure that your instructions are clear and you are implementing the plan in a step by step manner. Do take input from others, but firmly tell them to stop giving you suggestions- let the troublemakers (if any) if you need them, you will ask them yourself.

5) GTO will ask a few questions before youer command task – mostly about your personal life, your education, the things that you have written in the bio data forms. Answer them honestly and confidently. If the GTO asks about the behaviour of other group members, remain positive and don’t start saying that the girls were not cooperative, helpful, etc. even if they were – simply say that everyone was trying their best in the manner best possible. If you think you were the best in your group, tell the GTO when he asks so – don’t hesitate- as this shows that you have faith in yourself and your abilities.

Trust Allah, work hard, and give your best – you will succeed not only in ISSB, but in every sphere of life.

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