Many people ask about PF and DI meaning, PF & DI stands for Physical Fitness and Drill instructor. Are you interested to apply in PF and DI branch of airman in air force. This post will help you in understanding about PF and DI.
What is the job of PF and DI?
As the name suggests, PF & DIs are the instructors who teach drill to cadets and trainees. Along with Drill classes in the morning, They teach different exercises to relax and maintain physical health. Accordingly, PF & DIs own physical health remain exemplary for others as they do participate regularly in Drills and exercises.
PF & DI rank
Upon successful completion of training, they are awarded the rank of corporal technician (Army Equivalent rank: Naik). There next promotion is similiar as other airman.
PF and DI salary
PF and DIs have a payscale of “C”, slightly lower than other airmen. For Ranks and salaries, please read this post for more details. PAF Airman Salary and Ranks: Complete Information
PF and DI privileges
PF & DIs receive the same perks and privileges as other airman of Pakistan air force. For details, Kindly read this post What Facilities and Services are provided for Airmen in the Pakistan Air Force?
PF and DI total Service
There are different engagement of service and they are changing from time to time. Primay service duration is 19 year and can be extended to 30 years.
Eligibility criteria
Following is the eligibility criteria for PF & DIs.
Matric science with 60% marks
PF and DI test Preparation
You can prepare yourself online for the tests. Please visit this link for test preparation.
PAF test Preparation for All posts
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