Tagged: lcc initial test
- This topic has 11 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 2 years, 7 months ago by
ISSB Mentor.
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- July 11, at 10:47 #4070
ISSB Mentor
KeymasterIn this forum, I will collect different current and past test experiences and will paste here, at one place. This place will guide you about the past papers and syllabus cover.
July 11, at 20:40 #4077ISSB Mentor
KeymasterLCC-19 (ICTO)
Intelligence test= Cleared
Academic = Cleared
Intelligence test was normal.
Non verbal was too much easy
verbal was normal.Academic was difficult.
Mostly questions were from oop and data structure. Also from C++, HTML and networking.
Make sure to clear your concepts because mostly questions were on conceptual basis.July 11, at 20:42 #4078ISSB Mentor
KeymasterAssalam o Alaikum
ICTO BS/BE Software Engineering
Alhumdulillah cleared my all testz..
my experince1-verbal portion 84 questions…easy + tough , but time consuming a lil bit…i was able to attempt 70 + questionz so be prepared all the stuff shared in this website that is enough for preparation
2-non verbal was too easy…i attempted easily in given time
3-academic was a mixture of all type concepts basic as well as advance mostly from C++ ,data structure ,hardware ,computer basic, java, history of languages , topic like array , variable declaration , protocols , osi layer etc
4. Initial medical also cleared they checked height, weight and eyesight.
Best of luck all remaining candidates 👌😊July 11, at 20:44 #4079ISSB Mentor
KeymasterICTO LCC19
Academic & intelligence: Cleared
Initial medical: Not cleared due to height difference of 2 inches.Intelligence questions: too many age, speed distance, relationship, alphabets, series questions.
Academic questions:
Rastor, vector, scaler data in GIS
Tags and test written in code but are not displayed in output.
a. Body b. Head c. Footer d. Title e. HTML
Which one is not a type internet protocol
a. TCP b. HTML c. HTTP d. IP (HTML)
Mac is an OS developed by
Which data structure used for mapping path by Breadth first search in a graph
a. Tree b. Queue c. Stack (Tree)
Recursive functions are stored in
a. Stack 2. Queue (stack because LIFO)
Compiler is a
a. System software b. Application software
OSI model has 7 layers
TCP/IP model has 4 layers
Command to delete a relation in rdbms
a. Drop table b. Delete c. Remove
Which language uses classes but has no implementation of polymorphism
a. C++ b. Java c. Python (there were two other options, names of new languages)
Which feature is implemented by encapsulation
a. Abstraction b. Polymorphism c. Wrapper
Which feature gives functionality without knowledge of details implemented
a. Abstraction b. Encapsulation
Which one is least important while working on access control systems
a. Annual loss(right answer since all other options are most important while making access control systems) but do check on internet b. Threat c. Risk d. Vulnerability
Tangible output predicted in project plan
a. Documentation b. Deliverable (there were other options but I believe answer was any one of these two)
Which one is not an edge device in a network
a. Smart phones b. PC c. Switch d. Router
Device that connects LANs
a. Switch b. Bridge (right answer I believe) c. Router
Which network uses internet
a. MAN b. LAN c. WAN d. Wifi e. All mentioned( right answer since all these networks provide access to internet)
Software testing practice (don’t exactly remember the statement)
a. Unit testing b. Integration testing c. Penetration testing d. System testingWhat increases performance of a software
a. Software testing b. Access control c. Query optimization d. All mentioned (right answer I believe, testing, access control, query optimization all improve performance of software)July 11, at 20:47 #4080ISSB Mentor
KeymasterKindly Click on Below Page Number to see more Tests.
Branch ICTOS
Note:CS/IT/SE are eligible for the test..
Initial Test Experience, ICTO.A- Verbal Portion
Almost 80% MCQ’s was from this website. Kindly attempt PMA Verbal Test on this website.
B- Academic Portion
Most of the questions was from Data structure, OOP, OS and Database. No coding at all. Beginner to Intermediate Level Questions.
1- Polymorphism, abstraction, aggregation, Inheritance.
2- HTML tags.
3- Software testing like white box, grey box, black box.
4- GUI, HTTP Stands for.
5- Database rows known as, Relationship between tables, primary key, composite key, ER diagram, Schema.
6- Queue and Stack.
7- MS Excel ( sheets ).
8- Doubly, singly linked List. Binary Tree.
9- Shortest Job First Algo.
10- Round Robin.Do revise syntax and purpose of built in functions, also better to have concepts,
July 11, at 20:48 #4081ISSB Mentor
KeymasterKindly Click on Below Page Number to see more Tests.
Branch ICTOS
Note:CS/IT/SE are eligible for the test..
Initial Test Experience, ICTO.A- Verbal Portion
Almost 80% MCQ’s was from this website. Kindly attempt PMA Verbal Test on this website.
B- Academic Portion
Most of the questions was from Data structure, OOP, OS and Database. No coding at all. Beginner to Intermediate Level Questions.
1- Polymorphism, abstraction, aggregation, Inheritance.
2- HTML tags.
3- Software testing like white box, grey box, black box.
4- GUI, HTTP Stands for.
5- Database rows known as, Relationship between tables, primary key, composite key, ER diagram, Schema.
6- Queue and Stack.
7- MS Excel ( sheets ).
8- Doubly, singly linked List. Binary Tree.
9- Shortest Job First Algo.
10- Round Robin.Do revise syntax and purpose of built in functions, also better to have concepts,
July 11, at 20:49 #4082ISSB Mentor
KeymasterICTO COMPUTER SCIENCE experience
initial most of them were repeated from this website
Academic mai OOP, reverse engineering, unit testing done by , support phase,
Performance depends on ,
Mainly OOP, software engineering testing doxumentation ,1 AI se tha 4gl language was unix shelll
Result clearedJuly 11, at 20:49 #4083ISSB Mentor
KeymasterLcc 19(ICTO)
Intelligence :- cleared
Verbal m tricky questions thy
Mirror, age, speed , days , association waly, series waly zada tha.
Non verbal bot easy bacho wali shaopes thi..Academic :- cleared
Almost sbhi subject ko cover kia wa tha1-Ftp , URL stands for
2-Normalization ki types
Option 1NF 2NF 3NF xNF all mentioned above(correct)
3-Purily oop language
Smaltalk (correct)
4-Which language does not support 4 types of inheritance
C++ java vb FORTAN kotlin
5-Testing in which coding involved
White box (correct)
6-Which is programing language
Html Hpmtl Ms office baqi option ni yad
7,8-Language of 4GL
Unix shell (correct option)
Ye mcqz do bar aya tha
9-Which is not os
Unix Linux MS-office(correct) windows
10-Which is not layer of osi
Device layer (correct)
11-Banker’s algo is used for
Detect deadlock
Correct deadlock
Prevent deadlock(correct)
12- compiler is
System software
Application software
Correct option ka ni pta mjhy.
13- GUI m small pictures ko kya kehty
14- which is not the attribute of SQA
15- Unauthorized access relates to
16- rows are called
Tuple (correct)
17- attributes are.
20-Time latency ki definition thi ik option m
Option Exactly yad ni rha.
21-Language that are easily understandable by the computer
High level language
Low level language(correct)
Machine language
22- function of Transport layer
End to end delivery
Packets bnana
Node to node deliver
23- which is not a hard device
Ms-word (correct)
25- Output devices used to
View and print data.
26- not a network edge device
Switch (correct)
27- small piece of information is controlled by
Control panel (correct)
28- which is not come under file processing
29- firewall is used for
30- decision tree reaches to its destination using
Single test
Two test
Sequence of test (correct)
An algorithm is said a complete algorithm if
It end with a solution(correct)
It begin with a solution
It contains loop
32,33- after applying conditional probability, to a given problem. We get.
100 % result
Estimated result (correct)
Wrong value34- A hybrid Bayesian network consist.
Discrete Variable only.
Discontinues value ony
Both A&B (correct option)
35- the search algorithm which is similar to minimax search, but removes the branches that don’t affect the final output is known.
Alpha- beta pruning (correct)
36- Which agent deal with thi happy and unhappy state
Utility bsed (correct)
Model based
Goal based
Learning agenct
37- ik UML test case ka option tha yad ni ara abJuly 11, at 20:50 #4084ISSB Mentor
KeymasterICTO 23 dec 2021
Verbal , non-verbal ( clear)
Mostly from links shared in the groupAcadmy portion was bit tricky.
IP adress
RAD abbreviation
Abbreviations questions
Mostly from networking
MS word
Static ,class, object
RegardsJuly 12, at 06:38 #4088ISSB Mentor
Keymaster🔴LCC ICTO Experience 23/12/2021🔴
Intelligence ki meri practice thi to easily ho gy thy
Aur academic mein OSI model,java (java version ka bhi 1question tha )oop,computer basics,data structure,html(question head tag k bary mein tha) asp ,computer generations.â•Experience#2
Verbal non verbal pass
Academic fail
Verbal easy tha series thi, speed, distance wala questions tha odd one out, dictionary relation wala kafi tha. Which day is on 28 of 2 is sunday is tarha ka kafi tha overall easy tha but time boht kam tha rough work allow nahi tha.
Verbal kuch boht easy tha kuch boht difficult
Academic ma zeyada oops sa ai tha linked list ka kafi tha question constructors hardware ka bara ma bhe tha academics boht ajeeb sa tha like kuch questions toh asa tha jis ka kabhi suna bhe nahi tha java script ka bhe tha question.â•Experience#3
Centre: Peshawar
Status: cleared alhumdulilah
Verbal include age mirror image percentage series alphabetical order, dictionary order etc. Time management is key to success. If u skip the questions that was very time consuming then u can clear it. Verbal were very easy.
Academic was not that much difficult. I complete it 10 mints early. It includes database questions like which is use for making relations in table, what we use in rdms, networking related questions like TCP/IP protocol total layers etc. Other questions are Min and max ms word size, some questions are from java, Oop and c++ as well.â•Experience#4
ASRC FaisalabadInitial test :
84 mcqs
Bhout easy tha mostly mirror waly , alphabetical waly, last& first word, months waly, age waly thy, relation etc
(Time management)Nonverbal
64 mcqs
Bhout he zada easy thy
Puzzles, directions
50 mcqs
Computer basic,Generation ,HTML ,Java ,Web development,Software engineering ,Operating system , Networking
or b thy per yad ni hi
Pata ni kh kha sa mcqs nikaly thy in logo na
Academic Wala part ni hua mujy sa. - AuthorPosts
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