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    AIR FORCE INITIAL TEST: Here, we will post-experience of different candidates in 151 Gdp, 97 CAE, and other initial tests.


    my center is karachi faisal where today with the grace of allah I have pass 151gdp initial test
    firstly verbal 40question aik bhi jumbled nhi
    odd one zyada the
    uske bad nonverbal 60
    ye dono 40min m karne the
    uske bad physics 75questions
    unit of current gain
    transistor se 4 question
    voltmeter is used for measuring voltage
    or voltmeter galvanometer ke sath series ya parallel hota h
    shm m se tha question
    or dopplers se the 4 question
    aik convex lens se
    interfernce of light se
    bunoli ka turbulent ans
    or gate k 2 question the
    ntype semiconductor

    or last m english
    jo easy aaya I think 35 to preposition honge
    or synonymous antonyms 5 5
    idoms bhi the 5
    conjunction 7
    or passive voice 6 ya 7
    direct indirect nhi the


    Alhamdullilah cleared GDP 151

    Test centre :peshawaar.

    Kuch question jo mujhe yaad hai..

    Verbel(40) +non verbal(60):
    Total 100 mcqs time 35 min.
    Very very easy mai ni thori se practice ki the but boht easy the..
    blood relation phir alpabhets order..
    Nor verbal mainly based on clock and anti clock wise direction…

    Physics(75 mcqs and 40 min)
    Easy the..
    Dimension of KE
    Work time graph give us
    Which one have different dimension
    Signagicant figure difen
    Resultant vector difention
    Product of force and velocity give:momentum
    Unit of impendence
    The orbital speed of sattalite doesn’t depend upon..
    Medium between the capictors called ….
    At 45 angle projectile motion give more range or less?…
    Equation of continuity …
    Bornaouli equation doesn’t apply to….flow(turbulent..)
    Unit of magnetic flux?(B)

    Unit if magnetic flux density is tesla..

    Unit of impendence?

    Minimum energy required for electron positron pair is 1.02 Me

    Half life of orgon 131 is 1.3 billion years then 25% remains….
    Unit of impulse.
    Momentum depend upon both mass and velocity..
    Aor yaad ajye to bata donga…

    English(100 mcqs and 40 min)
    Very very difficult
    No preposition,no voice changes,no narrations no parts of speech

    Boht lenthy sentences hoti hai aor two blanks hai..tenses hoty hai but boht zyada strong vocublary use howa hai…mainly english pr focus kro baqi easy hoga inshallah


    Please share your experience about admin and special duties


    Aslamualikum Fellows!
    Today by the grace of ALLAH Almighty and with prayers of my parenst, I have sucessfully paseed (107 Air defnce) written test
    My experience is as follow
    1)Verification of documents takes alot of time.Be patient!
    Ny verification of documents took 3hrs
    2)Intelligence test seems to be difficult in begining but u get over it as ur mind starts processing(purany yamhy ki traha hheheh)
    3)Some physics Question that I remember:
    1)SI units of velocity
    2)SI units of which of followings are same/difference
    3)The x component of force is this and y this find resultant vector
    4)If the dot product of vector is this find anle between them
    5)the voltage in depletion region of pn junction
    6)the collector of transitor has dash current from base
    7)a forward biased pn junction is a dash switch
    8)impedence si units
    9)wave nature of light is proved by diffraction defelection rarefraction?
    10)elements havin same Z different A are called as
    English portion mein apni vocabluary straong rakhein jin k pass time hai eng mein preposition synonym antonym bus yeh he tha

    ISSB Mentor

    My experience in PAF inital online test for AD 107:
    1- Intelligence test- Verbal & Non verbal
    The test started with intelligence test questions and it was very easy except few which were a bit time-consuming and tough. I’d suggest you to practice it from any specific website and challenge yourself by limiting the time. 100 MCQS were to be attempted in 30 minutes
    2- Academics- Physics & English
    The academics portion was very tough. The Physics portion was conceptual, not ratta based but you’ll have to clear all your basic concept from your FSC textbook. Out of 75 questions, 10 were numerical based. 75 MCQs were to be accomplished in 40 Minutes. 60% passing criteria. Next came English and it was very very very difficult and hard. It was almost of PhD level English with hurdles. It constituted not just grammar but also mind reading questions. I’d say, before going to test you must seek teaching from a good English teacher you know who can teach you basic grammar and vocabulary. 100 questions in English were to be attempted in 35 minutes. 60% passing criteria.
    (I passed my AD 107 initial Alhamdulilah)

    ISSB Mentor

    And I could not qualify the first test that was of Intelligence 😒😒…
    Questions were 100 and time was 30 mins…
    I wanna share some experience that all the questions were some easy but about 20% of them were new which I haven’t read before…
    And the main thing for which I have failed is TIME…
    So guys I advise you to practice more more and more…
    It was so little time and all questions were time-consuming…
    As much as I know I tried my best to tackle it but couldn’t although I knew all questions but the time was up…as I was solving so fast but I just attempted 70 questions…

    3 were of synonyms and I think two were antonyms and some was GK..
    1. Which of the following is most bounded county with Srilanka.. the options were a) India… b) America and two were other options

    • This reply was modified 4 months, 1 week ago by ISSB Mentor.
    ISSB Mentor

    For initial test preparation, you can attempt a live Quiz to know your intelligence and check your test preparation. We request you to please click this link Initial test preparation

    • This reply was modified 9 months, 3 weeks ago by ISSB Mentor.

    Aoa, Read All type of tests experience under this link JOIN PAF: INITIAL TEST EXPERIENCE


    Copied from social Media

    Assalam u Alaikum everyone. Alhamdulillah I cleared my Initial e-test, medical and interview for Admin & Special Duties. Following is my experience

    INTELLIGENCE (100 Q’s in 35mins)
    Intelligence was a little tough in start but dont get afraid as i left around 7-8 in start because they were lengthy and required calculation but as i moved on, the Mcqs became easier. I left 9-10 questions in total and attempted total 95 questions.
    Most questions were of missing piece in a photo, diagrams with sequence(Non-verbal) and series question. They are easy but require full focus

    GK (100 Q’s in 90mins)
    *Abbasynia is old name of
    *Hejaz is old name of
    *Armenia capital
    *Uae currency
    *Turkey currency
    *Sweden currency
    *Oic Hq
    *Opec Hq
    *Dammam is in ??
    *Largest peninsula
    *Highest population density in which country
    *Lowest population density
    *Number 1 country acc to World Happiness Index
    *Famous indian politician jailed in 2018 for 37Billion corruption
    *Which Islamic countries head didnt visit Pakistan after Imran Khan became PM ?? (Options were given)
    *Which muslim countries were not in 2018 Football WC ?? (Options were given)
    *Preposition (To, from, about, with etc) mcqs were TOO MUCH
    *Synonyms and antonyms 20-25
    *Eloquent means
    *Delinquent means
    *Odyssey means
    *Synagogue means

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