PAF verbal intelligence Test No. 4

Test No. 4 includes 20 repeated questions. It has the same time limit as the previous one. Attempt the test and if see any improvements please inform us in the comments.



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Sorry, Try again. You have Failed the Test. Please, We have uploaded 18 intelligence tests. Try them all for the best preparation. Click on the Page Numbers below to attempt more tests.

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#1. A is the father of B, but B is not A’s son. what is the relationship of B to A?

#2. Essence is to flower as ………….. is to Oven

#3. My Mother is sister of your brother. what relation am I to you?

#4. Which one is out of list

#5. what will come next? If 16 , 12 , 28 then 8, 4 , ?

#6. what will be the next number? 62, 31, 34, 17, 20 ?

#7. Travel is to 451936 as Later is to …………..?

#8. If the following numbers are arranaged from smallest to largest? then what will be the middle number? 7 9 11 13 15

#9. Prevent means the same meaning as

#10. What is different from the others?

#11. What letter comes in the following series? A B F G K ?

#12. Fish is to SWIM as Bird is to

#13. Which Number comes next? 1 2 4 5 7 …….

#14. which one in the following is different from the rest?

#15. find the odd man out:

#16. Find the odd-man out

#17. Bird is to nest then Horse is to?

#18. There was atmosphere of ___________ in the meeting.

#19. Electrician wear rubber-soled shoes because?

#20. What is which occurs once in February, twice in January, but never in June?


These were just a few verbal intelligence tests that comprised repeated questions. For Full Pledge of Intelligence test preparation, Please visit our Verbal and Non-verbal Intelligence pages.

  1. Verbal Intelligence Tests

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20 thoughts on “PAF Verbal Intelligence”

  1. SSC Education Branch PAF
    Flying Officer rank k liay intelligence and subject related test hoga…but intelligence mein kia ho skta hai ????

      1. Salam sir I’ve applied for a and sd csc ssc and got a syllabus on registration slip on which only Intelligence is written..can you please confirm that there will be no G.k , academic or any English ?

  2. Abdul Basit

    Sir AOA, I want to join PAF as an airman, so can you guide me something plz, It will be yours kindness

  3. Respected Sir!First of all i would like to appreciate the work that u have done!! Thankyou so much.
    I also want to know about any specific book that i can use for more practice of Paf Cae mcqs.

        1. Math test is Mcqs based. Just review the mota mota syllabus, In sha Allah, Test clear ho jayega

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