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  • #3316
    Nida Saleh

    Here, We will post different test experiences collected from different whatsapp groups. Please Join our whats-app group for test preparation.


    Status: pass
    Center :Lahore
    Paper date:11.1.22
    1:Unit of Current=Ampere
    2:Definition of Resistance
    3:Sound waves are=Transverse
    4:Water waves are=Longitudinal
    5:Proton is heavier than electron=1836 times
    6:Categories of waves=2
    7:Human ear cannot hear less than=20Hz
    8:Silent whistle is used to call dogs whose frequency lies between=15000to18000hz
    9:When mass of bob increases by 3 times its T =remains same
    10:When a ray of light enters from denser to rare medium=It bends away from normal
    11:Which is bad conductor=Water
    12:Astronaut uses radios in space because=Sound has low frequency
    13:Which rays have high penetrating power:Gamma rays
    14:Which rays have more ionization energy=Aplha rays
    15:Rate of flow of charges=Current
    16:To measure current Ammeter is connected = in parallel
    17:Value of K in air=9*10^9
    18:In coloumb law size of charges is=very small
    19:One Complete round trip of simple pendulum=Vibration
    20:Time taken to complete one round trip=Time period
    21:Light enter into eye through=Cornea

    5:Equalteral triangle
    6:Equal Matrix
    9:a:b=4:8 a,b,4,8 are exponents
    10:b^2+4ac<0 then 4×2+2x+6 are imaginary
    11:Angle between 90&180 lies in 2nd quadrant
    12:2 pie = 360
    13:Triangle definition
    14:Vertical lines in matrix are column

    2:One of my brothers—a doctor=is
    3:She do not reads only—–write=but also
    4:Shoes is foot as glove is to—–=hand
    5:——for a shover=Go
    6:You have—-fotball=watched
    7:——you give me a cup of tea=Will
    8:Tourists came—-boat=by
    9;He enters—-room=into
    10:She—–to school=goes
    11:She—- both German & Italian=speaks
    14:In a storm two trees —-down=were blown
    15:Angrily is=Adverb
    16:He and I are working. And is —–=Conjunction
    17:Ali&I are—-=going
    18:He is as tall as —-=I
    19;Opposite of Slow=Fast
    20:Opposite of young=Old
    21:Opposite of expensive=cheap
    22:She—-a uniform=wears
    23:He is a man — I know you can trust completely=whom
    24:Farmer use tractor—in the field=to plough
    25:All the money —-I gave her has been spent=which
    26:A figure —-four sides are equal is a square=whose
    27:He & I do our lesson—-=Ourselves
    28:—–crossing a road I saw an accident=While
    29:This is the reason —- his suicide=of
    30:I agree —- you=with
    31:He goes for a trip —holiday=on
    32:He knows—–=swimming
    33:Deny means refuse
    34:He reached Kohat—-bus=by
    35:Justice opposite injustice
    36:He sat next —- me=to
    37:If you had worked hard you—– had passed=would
    38:My house is —- him=beside
    39:He drink water when he was thirsty=compound sentence

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 10 months ago by ISSB Mentor.

    *Test Airmen*
    *Date 11:01:2021*

    53,53 54,54,27,
    TV is watched as newspaper is…
    Find odd out length kilometers yard…
    Foot is to shoes as watch is…
    Find odd out hen cow horse mare donkey

    Sum of right triangle,
    A:b=Antecednt or consequent
    Pi /3radian =60
    A+b(ac+bc) (a+b)comntattive

    Potential difference ki unit
    Electric wise produce which field(Magnetic field)
    Energy unit (joule)

    Composed opposite
    Artificial opposite
    Variable opposite
    Inflexible opposite
    Bs abi yahi yadd ha


    đź‘ŤAerotrade testđź‘Ť
    Airman test experience
    sb sy pehly airman English test ka btata ho.jitny yad hn wo btaonga baqi Yad hoyy to sir ko bej donga.
    1.– weather is clear we will go to picnic (if)
    2The woman – i saw last night (who)
    3. He is working on this project _____ 2 decades,
    For main advise donga sir zaki Rehman jo papers parhaty hn.wo lazmi pary qky mery lay English ka bht asan ta sir jo daily papers krwaty hn my brothers and sisters.
    4. The woman voice – talk to me was very cool (who)
    5. I love animals – are friendly (which)
    6. You reach – Sunday (on)
    7.This is the girl – gave Me car (who)
    8. The clerk was talking to women he was talking to ___(them)
    9. He is ___ efficient.
    10.She ____to read my face (whats)
    11.Opposite of artificial
    12– come you could do for shopping (as soon as)
    13. He – happy with family.(is)
    14– you have any problem you can call me (if)
    15 – you have any problem you can call me (if)
    16. – we find planet then we will be intelligent( if)
    17. You are the first person – get up early in the morning give me a glass of juice (who)
    Physics Ksi ka mushkil be araha ta
    1 newton k laws kab discovered hoye
    2 body KO original state men tabdeeli k khilaf miazahamt KO ( Intercia).
    3 potential energy definition
    4. Kinetic energy definition
    5 potential energy formula (MGH)
    6.Energy stored in Dam.( P.E)
    7. Kelvin is unit of
    8.displacement is ___ quantity.
    9.m=50 h=30 P.E=?
    10. Pascle is equal to (Na^-1)
    11. Power unit
    12.atomic physics defination
    13. Very high heat capacity (water)
    14.mechanical energy KO kinds.
    15.gravity of moon
    (1/6 Earth)
    16. Mechanics defination
    17.1 Mega =(10^9)
    18.power definition
    19. Who gave idea of gravity ( Newton)
    20.1 Horse Power = (746 Watt)
    21. Unit of Light
    22.current pass through solids NY (conduction)
    Baqi yad nai zayada easy thy na zyada mushkil bs 🤭
    Aap log is website se Achi tyari kar sakty ho. Online test b available hen.


    Please click on Page Number to see more test experiences

    _Airmen Test Experience_*

    *Center : Lahore selection center
    Date : 07-01-2022

    The grace of Allah Almighty!
    I have #passed test aerotrade .
    Verbal was very easy non verbal was little bit tough but focus zarori ha . English ki total Grammer se the correct spelling conjunction or mainly correct form of verbs and tenses .then physics k questions Jo mujhe yad ha share kr deta hn.
    Sound waves is which type of waves . Gamma rays
    Which rays has high ionization power.
    Current ka unit .
    Current ki definition ka mcqs tha 1.
    Resistance ki definition ka mcqs tha 1.
    Is k bad math ka total mcqs factorization, circle, triangle, matrix and logarithms se related the .
    Is k ilawa cos sin or tan k inverse ki 4 mcqs aye the.

    Don’t worry test itna mushkil nahi hota AP ne tension nahi lene just basic easily test pass kar sakta ha.
    Jo mara sath test ko tha iun sub ko ma na kha tha easily apna apna test karna ha har kis ka bad ko focas mad karo to ap test pass kar sakta ha bohut na mara bad na sona vo sub test filed keya.
    Test ka Dora apna easy ho ka karna ha.
    Jin koy koy bee problem ha jis qasim kay bee vo muja personal message kar iun koy ma gide karta ha.

    đź’« Best of luck All of you!đź’«

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 10 months ago by ISSB Mentor.

    Airman English test Experience and preparation
    English ma zayada forms of verb , preposition, or correct tense Sirf 1 sentence that
    No direct indirect, active voice passive voice, no synonym antynom

    1. Cleanliness is next to
    Health ,house
    Or 2 option yad nhi

    2. ………. a shower

    3. ……. You give me a cup of tea?
    Can ,may ,could ,should

    4. Opposite word of hot and easy

    5. Conjunction ki definition or iska 1 sentence aya hova tha

    6. You have …… Football on TV.
    Watch , see , watched, watching

    7. 1 coronavirus ka aya hova lkn uska sentence yad nhi

    8. Terrorist reach …… boat.
    by,at ,on,in

    9. 1 “into” vala bhi tha
    Sentence yad nhi


    Airman Physics test Questions
    *Rate of doing work called*

    *Quantity of matter of body called*

    *Flow of electron called*
    Current âś…

    *Unit of capitance called*

    *Charge of neutron=*
    No charge âś…

    *One horse power*=
    746 wattâś…

    *Speed of sound in air at zero centigrade* =


    *_Airmen Test cleared_*

    *_center miawali_*

    *_1: Intelligence_*
    which one is odd ?
    (1)22 …23…..26..46…?
    (2)come next …48..45..40…33….24?
    (3)comnext….1.1/3….4/3 ….1.1/6. ?
    not remember
    5… shirt is to dress mango is to (Fruit)
    5 40%of 40
    6.which is different
    Foot,Length, (Length)
    7…90%of 90
    8.wag is to dullard as idiot is to …..?
    (9)lawyer:court as …….?
    10)TV is to watch newspaper is to….?

    *_2: Non verbal to much easy_*

    *_3: English_*
    1)preposition.conjunction article direct no pasive.
    Relative pronoun
    1)_____do you support?
    whom .which .when
    2)_____a man he is?
    what which who’s
    3)he had been going to school ____morning?
    since …for….at…..on…
    (4) Move the book _____ the shelf?
    into …onto….in ….off.
    coorct the spelling …language

    *_4: physics_*
    newton first law.?
    newton 2nd law.?
    lenses…….convex …complex….
    1 horse power…
    atto I equal to ___?

    *_5: maths_*
    natural numbr…. diameter
    empty set.
    1 Mega is equal to .
    10^9A set have one element (singleton set)
    If added on both side of equation value? (Absolute value)
    4. Sum of angles is 90 (complimentary)
    .sum of angles 180 (suplimemtery)
    A line pass through center of circle ___?
    angle of elevation.?
    matrices do not obey law (inverse law)
    .power set definition
    natural numbers
    Daimeter definition

    *Remember me in your prayers*


    *_Airmen Test Experience_*

    *Center : D I Khan Date : 06-01-2022*

    Assalamualaikum by the grace of Allah Almighty I have passed my initial test of aerotrade . Verbal was very easy non verbal was little bit tough but focus zarori ha . English ki total Grammer se the correct spelling conjunction or mainly correct form of verbs and tenses .then physics k questions Jo mujhe yad ha share kr deta hn.
    Sound waves is which type of waves .
    Water waves is which type of waves.
    Which rays has high penetrating power . Gamma rays
    Which rays has high ionization power.
    Current ka unit .
    Current ki definition ka mcqs tha 1.
    Resistance ki definition ka mcqs tha 1.
    Is k bad math ka total mcqs factorization, circle, triangle, matrix and logarithms se related the .
    Is k ilawa cos sin or tan k inverse ki 4 mcqs aye the.
    DI Khan center.
    So best of luck for your test.


    Airman Mathematics test questions

    1.sin0=? 1/cosec0

    2.cosec0=? 1/cos0

    3.cot0=? 1/tan0

    4.triangle in ehich at least one angle is 90=? )Right triangle(

    5. Matrix that contain equal nbr of rows and column=? (Row matrix)

    6. A figure that have two paralell and equal sides are called? (Parallelogram)

    7. Part of circumference of circle????

    8.triangle which all sides are equal=? ( Isosales not comform)

    9. Who invents matrix law?????

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