verbal and nonverbal intelligence test

How to Pass Verbal and Nonverbal Intelligence test?

Before answering the question, how to pass the verbal and Nonverbal intelligence test, let me first tell you that;

What is verbal and Nonverbal intelligence test?

Verbal Reasoning reveals how a person perceives and processes new information in the mind by measuring their ability to engage with the language. On the other hand, there is no reading and language in the Non-Verbal intelligence. It involves the spatial ability of an individual. Verbal reasoning test is Thinking with words. This measures that how one thinks and processes abstract concepts.

Following are the few tips to Pass verbal and nonverbal intelligence tests.

1. Read and re-read

Read the question at least twice. These questions are tricky and your mind may not process the question in the first attempt. Once you double read a question, You will understand this question. Understanding the question is half the answer. So you must read each question very carefully.

2. Solve the Easy questions first.

When you attempt the easiest question first, it will help you in three ways. 1. It will save you time.
2. You will gain the confidence to solve the test.
3. Your mind will come to running mode, working fast.

3. Do not take too much time on difficult questions.

Although You need to read the question twice, however, you should not waste your time. If your Hard question reading is taking too much time, you will miss other questions that will be relatively easy.

Are Intelligence tests Hard?

No, not really for everyone. If you are bad at Mathematics, then it might be difficult for you. However, you should practice more before applying for a job, which requires an intelligence test as a prerequisite.

How to Improve Verbal reasoning?

You can Improve your verbal intelligence by following a few tips.
1. Practice solving verbal reasoning question
2. Practice the different formats
3. Improve your English vocabulary
4. Learn from your own Mistakes when solving different problems.
5. Practice on daily basis.

Is it Free?

You can attempt free verbal and nonverbal reasoning/ intelligence tests on our site. It is totally free, without any cost.

Please click INITIAL TEST PREPARATION for attempting different verbal and nonverbal intelligence tests.

If you are preparing for the interview, then please visit our ISSB Interview Guide

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8 thoughts on “How to Pass Verbal and Nonverbal Intelligence test?”

  1. Iqra Akbar.

    Assalam O Alaikum sir, I hope you are doing well. Sir, if you remember my name, I am Iqra. Last year I cleared my initial for LCC 2023 by getting help from your website. I was physically fit and cleared my medical and physical as well but didn’t shortlisted for ISSB. So this year I wanna reappear in test again, but one of my sir told me that as once I had cleared my initial so there is no need to reappear in initial again, they will directly proceed me towards ISSB. Is that true, sir??

    1. No that’s Not true. You will appear again in all the initial tests. Unfortunately, There is No exemption for Initial tests in case of Lady cadet course Repeater.

      1. Sir previous year I have cleared initial Test for PAF and I was not recommended in ISSB
        this time I have applied for pma lc and previous record of test in form in repeater portion but when I appeared for initial test they told me that you are fresh candidate and not repeater and give me next date. why this happened.

        1. You are repeater candidate for issb, but fresh candidate for PMA long course. As you were not appeared in PMA initial tests before.

  2. For biology post of Army education corps(LCC) , from where we should prepare verbal and non-verbal intelligence . what would be the difficulty level of initial exam . Do share preparation source for initial.

    1. For Initial tests, You can Prepare Verbal and Non-verbal from our website. For Biology please revise the FSc and BSc course syllabus.

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