Welcome to the topic 3 of ISSB test preparation and 3rd day step by step Guide
Rise in the morning
After, Morning prayer and Breakfast you will wait in your Room for the 3rd day call. You will not be alone in your room. There are three or four other candidates in each room. Chacha will come and call you into the Same big hall.
● Briefing
You will be briefed about the 3rd day tasks. Some time the briefing is done by the Chacha, The Chacha is so trained that he can brief you step by step. 3rd Day is called GTO day. GTO is the abbreviation of Group testing officer. GTO will evaluate you, How you perform in groups while the Psychologist evaluate you for individual performance.
Wait is over, The GTOs start to arrive
One by One, GTO will come into the Hall. GTO will announce 8 to 12 random chest numbers. The chest number holder will raise from their seat.
There are 8 to 12 candidates in each group. Every group have a symbol like A, B, Group, C group…. Upto Z group.
let suppose, your GTO Group Name is “F”.
New chest number will be allotted to the candidates from 1 to 9.
GTO will take you into a room, where Indoor task will be held.
Group Testing Officer will brief you for the selection procedure related to GTO. GTO Can ask some question like
Make a word from letter F (Depending to which group you belong)
You might be asked about brief introduction. Like my name is Falan, belong to falan city and why I Join the armed forces.
● Indoor Tasks
There will be indoor tasks which will be conducted in rooms and out door activities conducted in open air.
Group Discussion
GTO will give you a topic to discuss. After GTO say start, Group participants will start discussion. Try to initiate the group discussion. Try to give positive points on topic. Give chance to speak to other candidates.
Read Instructions for Group Discussion in ISSB and 120 Most repeated ISSB Group Discussions and Lecture topics for more details
After the conduct of Group discussion, There will be activity of lecturate. Each candidate will be given a topic and he or she will go outside for 02 minutes to think about his/her topic. After 2 minute of time, the candidate will enter the room and give lecture about the topic facing his group. You have to speak for 02 minutes. Try to be specific in speaking. You will give the lecture at standing, so practice it. Focus on your posture. Stand erect on your feet and do not move shifting from one leg to another. Both content and your style are important, please focus on both.
Military Planning
After the process of lecturate, Military Planning task will be conducted. In the military planning, an ambiguous situation is given, and each candidate to give his or her solution. The briefing will be given while a displaying a Map, showing different structure. Be specific in your solutions.
After the conduct of Indoor tasks, Following out door tasks will be conducted.
● Outdoor Tasks
Progressive Group Task (PGT)
Half Group Task (HGT)
● Interviews
There are interviews on 3rd and 4th Day. Only some candidate will have Psych Interview on 3rd Day, Then Deputy President interview will held on 4th day. While other group might have Deputy President Interview first and then psych interview on the other day. Sequence might be changed. (Note: The psych interview is conducted of a few candidates, shortlisted by psychologist)
You can prepare yourself for the the Interview by reading posts about the interview. Please read our Interview Guide.
Test yourself by a psychologist for ISSB test preparation

Hi, Are you preparing for ISSB? or you want to know why you were not recommended by ISSB? or do you want to know about your leadership qualities? If YES, You are at the right place. We have a bunch of psychologists, who can evaluate your personality for ISSB test preparation and leadership Qualities. You can then improve your weaknesses highlighted in the psych assessment.
This is a golden opportunity for you to assess your personality and leadership Abilities.
Following is the appointment process.
- Contact us through our Whatsapp number
- We will send some psychological tests and you will fill it in your time.
- You will return your written psych tests for the assessment
- After the written psychological assessment, your interview will be held on WhatsApp call, for some cross questioning.
- Your detailed result will be shared in the form of a PDF report highlighting your strengths and weaknesses, Your leadership qualities, ISSB qualities, suggestions for improvements, and recommendation chances.
- The Normal fee for a psych assessment is 1,000 Rupees, Only. However, if you are a student, then We know your financial challenges. We will do your personality assessment for 500 rupees only. If you are unable to pay the fee due to your financial background, then don’t worry, We will make sure that your financial background doesn’t hinder your growth and we will do your assessment through other options. For contact please click on the WhatsApp button.
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plx explain PGT and HGT