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  • #2437

    Salam Everyone!
    My name is Naveed and my centre was Abbottabad!
    Alhamdulillah I have cleared my PAF initial test GD(P) 152 on 26 Aug 2021!
    My experience was quite good Alhamdulillah…First of All there was a eyesight test bcz they check your eyesight first if you have applied for GD(P)…Then Documents verification took a long time…But you have to be patient!
    Here are some imp ques that i have remembered ๐Ÿ”ป
    Alhamdulillah it was a easiest test for me bcz there were 5, 6 Mcqs of series and some ques related to odd one out:e.g:Choose odd one out Options were (Islamabad, Quetta, Peshawar, Multan), i choosed Islamabad cuz it’s our Capital …and then non verbal was quite easy too!Insha Allah if you will practice more then it will be easier for you!
    ๐Ÿ‘‰ Physics:
    Alhamdulillah most fav of mine!..I think I’ll surely get 90% marks in Physics Insha Allah i solved physics portion in just 20 minutes Alhamdulillah! some mcqs sharing with you that i have asked there!
    *Dimensions of velocity(LT-1)
    *Impulse is the product of Force and (time)!
    *Transformer works on the principle of(Mutual Induction)
    *Drag force is described by (Stoke’s Law)!
    *If an object is of 200g mass what is it weight(i solved this ques by this formula :W=mg)
    *Which has the same dimensions(opt: Work, Energy, Torque)
    *In volatage and current proportionality the constant is(Resistance R)
    There were more but mostly from 2nd year book! Insha Allah if you’ll clear your concepts nothing will be difficult for you๐Ÿ’•
    My English portion was little tough!
    Bcz there were 80%of mcqs about Conditional sentences & Sentence Completion and 20% Mcqs of Prepostions..
    But Alhamdulillah wo b ache se hogya๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿคฒ๐Ÿป mcq was Active into passive.
    Now i have given a date that is 31 Aug for further procedures (Interview & Medical)plz duaa kijiye ga๐Ÿคฒ๐Ÿป!
    Akhir ma ak advise sb k liy k agr ap sb mhnt krienge to Insha Allah Allah apko ajar dega!..Hame bs chezien msuhkil lgti hn but wo hti nhi..ap jayein apna best dein ar documents zroor le kr jayein which are compulsory!
    It’s all about your hardwork that you have done for this oppertunity so wish you all best of luck๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป And plz mere liy b duaa kijiye ga๐Ÿคฒ๐Ÿป…
    Jazak Allah๐Ÿ’•


    Salam Everyone!
    My name is awais and my centre was Multan!
    Alhamdulillah I have cleared my PAF initial test GD(P) 152 on 25 Aug 2021!
    My experience was quite good Alhamdulillah…First of All there was a eyesight test bcz they check your eyesight first if you have applied for GD(P)…Then Documents verification took a long time…But you have to be patient!
    Here are some imp ques that i have remembered ๐Ÿ”ป
    Alhamdulillah it was a easiest test for me bcz there were 5, 6 Mcqs of series and some ques related to odd one out:e.g:Choose odd one out Options were (Islamabad, Quetta, Peshawar, Multan), i choosed Islamabad cuz it’s our Capital …and then non verbal was quite easy too!Insha Allah if you will practice more then it will be easier for you!
    ๐Ÿ‘‰ Physics:
    Alhamdulillah most fav of mine!..I think I’ll surely get 90% marks in Physics Insha Allah i solved physics portion in just 20 minutes Alhamdulillah! some mcqs sharing with you that i have asked there!
    *Dimensions of velocity(LT-1)
    *Impulse is the product of Force and (time)!
    *Transformer works on the principle of(Mutual Induction)
    *Drag force is described by (Stoke’s Law)!
    *If an object is of 200g mass what is it weight(i solved this ques by this formula :W=mg)
    *Which has the same dimensions(opt: Work, Energy, Torque)
    *In volatage and current proportionality the constant is(Resistance R)
    There were more but mostly from 2nd year book! Insha Allah if you’ll clear your concepts nothing will be difficult for you๐Ÿ’•
    My English portion was little tough!
    Bcz there were 80%of mcqs about Conditional sentences & Sentence Completion and 20% Mcqs of Prepostions..
    But Alhamdulillah wo b ache se hogya๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿคฒ๐Ÿป mcq was Active into passive.
    Now i have given a date that is 31 Aug for further procedures
    Akhir ma ak advise sb k liy k agr ap sb mhnt krienge to Insha Allah Allah apko ajar dega!..Hame bs chezien msuhkil lgti hn but wo hti nhi..ap jayein apna best dein ar documents zroor le kr jayein which are compulsory!
    It’s all about your hardwork that you have done for this oppertunity so wish you all best of luck๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป And plz mere liy b duaa kijiye ga๐Ÿคฒ๐Ÿป…
    Jazak Allah๐Ÿ’• copied


    Center Peshawar
    Status Cleared
    Sub se pehla ap ne gabrana nahi ha ๐Ÿ˜….
    Test was very easy group me jo question the sare ke sare wahi tha. Phy wala to pora ka pora group wala tha muja sub ke Answers yad tha is lia mene phy 12 mint me kar lia tha ๐Ÿ˜…๐Ÿ˜Ž.Phy me mostly formulas units and dimensions tha aur 2 3 numericals tha jis ke ans muja pehla sa yad tha q ek din pehla wahi wale numericals solve kia tha ๐Ÿ˜…. Intelligence portion be buht easy tha wo be 10 mint pehla kia tha buht asan asan questions tha. English tough nahi tha but sentences buht lengthy tha ek ek sentence me 3 3 blanks hota tha mostly preposition tha aur sentence complition. Lakin pir be i managed to complete it before time ๐Ÿ˜Ž. Dont be afraid be confident.
    (Aspire to inspire before we expire) regards thanks to Adminโค๏ธ


    Allahamdullaillah Test Cleared…
    Status :- 152GDP
    Test Centre:- Peshawar
    Intelligence was so easy If u ever practice on intellegent u can easily clear that yeah but try to do fast as u can ..
    First try solve that question which is sample and u know the Answer directly than later solve the tough and time consuming question..
    Physics was so much easy I clear before 10 mints it was 95% from the question which were shared by admin Thanku So much..
    English was quite tough ..
    Tenses were mostly included..
    Do more practise on that and also some prepositions..


    Assalam o Alaikum
    Name … Adnan Haider
    152 GD(P)
    Status … Cleared ….Alhamdulillah
    1 Intelligence
    Very easy … If U will practice on verbal and non verbal just one hour U can easily clear this portion
    2 Physics
    Mostly repeated questions … 70% questions were those which the Admin send in this group … So read these questions … InshaAllah U will easily clear Physics portion …
    3 English
    A little bit tough ๐Ÿ˜
    In my test there were 20% prepositions and 80% sentence completion … So practice on English portion …. InshaAllah U will easily clear initial test .. God Bless All of U. ..๐Ÿ˜‡


    Assalam o Alaikum
    152 GD(P)
    Initial interview Experience
    First of all you will submit your orignal test slip and they will give you two forms for filling .After filling they will check your documents and will take your form and will call you one by one according to the list .
    So on your turn you have to go the room where psychologist will conduct your test .
    Be confident dont loose your confidence if you dont know answer of the question asked by psychologist then dont tell him wrong answer just tell him only when you know answer otherwise say sorry to him.Pay attention to your body language your dressing and your confidence.Here answer of the question doesn’t matters the only thing matters here is your confidence your manners and your behaviour.
    Dont be panic and don’t loose your confidence and prepare your intro strongly.
    May Allah bless our admin with everything .


    Assalam o alikum
    Brach GDP 152
    Today my initial test ican not pass the test
    First of all intelligence were quite easy most of the question are those ,which was shared in the group
    And second phy test
    Most of the question repeated like dimensions of velocity etc
    And finally english test
    Which is difficult amd i csn not clear this
    There were only one
    Active passive and 5 to 10 preposition
    And remaining are sentences compilation
    I advise all of you to prepare your english test


    Assalam o Alaikum
    GDP(152) Experience
    Rwp centre
    It was not so tough but time consuming so practice for it.There were questions about odd one out , series ,time and work. ,and one age problem so practice gor it and dont consume time on any question .
    If you think that you cannot answer this question then dont leave it do that question and mark that question for review .
    90% questions were same so dont forget to prepare questions from group ..
    That portion was little bit tough but dont be panic Grammer Tenses and preposition were there so prepare it well
    May Allah bless our Admins with everything they want. Pray for me


    Alhumdullilah aj mera initial test tha gdp ka rawalpindi centre ma jo k clear ho gya sub sy phly intellegnce ma test tha 35 min ma 100 karny thy is ma time mamage karna zaroori hai baki easy tha itna masla nai
    Pr next physics ka tha most repeated question specially jo notes group ma share kiy gay thy un ma sy 70% tak tha is ma 35 min ma 75 karny thy is ma kafi time mill.jata hai karny k liy mery 23 min bach gay thy or is k baad wala test sub sy long tha 40 min ma 100 karny thy english k is ma sub sy ziyada sentence completion k thy prepostions kam thi but statements bohat lambi thi jis waja sy is ma time bohat waste hota hai isi liy time manage kary
    Documents sary ly k jay sath or jin k pass marksheet ho or sanad na ho unko bhi wapis bhaj dety hai is liy tamam document poory kar k ly k jay jo jo likhy hai slip py.Thankyou

    ISSB Mentor

    *Experience no# 5*

    Branch: GDP
    Centre: Faislabaad
    Status: Passed

    Intelligence test was super easy boht easy simple questions thy boht km thy jo time consuming thy


    Physics unhi 1st And 2nd year k mcqs k pdf main sy aya tha jo ap ney send kiye thy


    And Math to me was a bit difficult wahan
    Kuch derivatives waly thy
    Functions waly
    Trigonometry formulas thy


    English is baar pta ni kyaa hi thi ๐Ÿ™‚ Shyed hi koi hoga jo pehle mcqs main aya ho tooo long statements or grammatical thin boht zada
    Jahan mein 40 main sy 15 mint main English krti thii aj 35 mints main kiyaa boht slow slow
    Boht mushkil history or tenses ko mix kiya hua thaa
    So be prepared for it too
    ALLAH kamyab krey sbko ๐Ÿ˜‡ Ameen

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