Initial interview guidelines for the PMA long course

PMA army initial interview

The Initial interview for the PMA long course Involves two segments. One is Essay writing and the other is Interview. This post will help you by providing guidelines for both. Let’s start with the guidelines for Essay writing.

Guidelines for Essay Writing

You will be given clean pages. They will give you two topics to write an essay on.  One in English and the 2nd in Urdu.
10 minutes are given for each essay.

write the Essay while keeping in mind the following points.

1: Introduction of topic:
Give an introduction about the given topic. Because if you don’t know about the topic what is the meaning of this topic then u can’t write further about it.
2: A main body paragraph of the topic:
Write your views about that topic. Be realistic, natural, logical, and authentic in your information.
You can write the main body of the essay in 2 or 3 paragraphs.
3: Conclusion:
At the end of the essay, write down the conclusion or summary which you write in the above paragraph.
It may be short. You can give your recommendation too if you are an expert in that area or you know about the topic very well.

It might be up to 250 words (Making 2 or 3 pages).

Practice writing at home. Practice creativity, collect knowledge, and be aware of current affairs, Because an essay can make your interview easy.

Last but important
Essay writing should be intellectual, logical, and authentic.

Please read this for further guidelines: Essay writing topics in Initial Interview: PMA long course

Tips for the initial interview

  1. Proper haircut
  2. If you shave then proper shave,
  3. if you have a beard then it should be proper.
  4. Never be a liar.
  5. Don’t answer any guesses about general knowledge because they can ask counter-questions.
  6. Whatever you wrote in Bio-data Form always remember those points.
  7. Some of the questions you should write on the page and practice with a friend or in front of a mirror are given below.
Proper Introduction
Reason for joining the army?
If Not Recommended then?
Reason for fewer marks in Fsc than matric.
Favorite personality and why?
Merits and demerits.
If we select you as a soldier then?
If we don’t give salary to you then?

Past Experiences of Initial Interviews

All current and previous Initial interviews

Read 147 PMA long course Initial interviews in the form of Candidate experience.


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