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  • #1983
    ISSB Mentor

    We have shared 147 and 148 PMA long course initial Interview experiences, When 149 PMA long course will be started we will shared the data with you. If you are preparing yourself in advance, that’s good. Please read 147 and 148 pma initial interviews.

    • This topic was modified 3 years, 8 months ago by ISSB Mentor.
    • This topic was modified 3 years, 8 months ago by ISSB Mentor.
    ISSB Mentor


    • This reply was modified 3 years, 8 months ago by ISSB Mentor.
    • This reply was modified 5 months ago by ISSB Mentor.

    Initial interview experience

    ( Note: ignore spelling mistakes please due to hurry)

    Pma 149 course
    Date : 19 nov 2021
    Center: pano aqil cantt

    Results: 3 recommended out of 27 ( mee too)

    Dress : dark blue dress pant + cream white shirt+ black belt+ black oxford shoes( louis pastor)

    Knock knock knock

    Me; may i coming sir loudly.

    Col. Yes
    Me. Stand right of chair said salam confidently
    Col+ cap. Judged my dress and face 3 times up to down

    Col. Please sit.
    Me. Sitted as manners
    Col. How will you introduce yourself

    Me . Told my name, father, adress, matric school, fsc college ( aps)
    Col. Father profession
    Col. About father work
    Me. Told
    Cold. Asked about father g*c
    Me. Told
    Col. G*c name?
    Me. Sorry sir
    Col. Very good you must not have to know it
    Me. Thank you sir

    Note: from here interview started in urdu.
    Col . Father ki demerits
    Col. In anger bilal you told your father don’t like technology then why you are YouTubers.
    Me. Told
    Col. About my stay.
    Me . Told.
    Col . Why not you choose Lahore center against of pano aqil because you are living in Gujranwala. ( In anger way)
    Me. Told
    Col. About uncle
    Me . Told
    Col. Uncle property
    Me. Told
    Col. Uncle income
    Me. Told
    Col. About brothers
    Me. Told
    Col . About sisters me told.
    Col . About best friend
    Me. Told
    Col. His demerits.
    Me. Told

    Suddenly colonel in very angry mood and loud voice

    Col. Why you got bad marks in fsc and good in matric.
    Me . Told reason( more confidentiality.
    Col. No you are not telling truth.
    Me. No sir , again same reasons confidentiality

    ( More questions on it)

    Col. About my college
    Me . Told
    Col. Who is college toper
    Me. My best friend ( keeping name secret)

    Again in anger in loud

    Col. Then why you got less marks then you friend.
    Me. Told( confidentiality)

    Now he started asking questions like free fire one after one

    Col. Forgein minster
    Me. Told
    Col. Air cheif
    Me. told
    Col. Naval cheif?
    Me. Told
    Col. Sindh cm?
    Me . Told
    Col. British pm?
    Me. Told

    Then asked history questions because of my hobby

    Col. Current ruler of khairpur state?( Due to my democile)
    Me. Talpur family asked sorry for specific ruler name.

    Col. When khairpur srate joined Pakistan.
    Me. Told
    Col. One unit formula?
    Me . Told
    Col. Quaid-e-azam 14 points?
    Me . Told just 3 basic
    Col. Round table conferences?
    Me. Told
    Col. Very good
    Me . Thank you.

    Than started asking current affairs questions.

    Col. Taliban government
    Me. Sir interm government at the moment not permanent
    Col. Appreciated
    Col. Indian china conflict is at which place other than ladakh
    Me. Urnachal pardesh
    Col. Good smile
    Col. About tamil tigers
    Me. Told little bit relevant
    Col. Little wait looking at my file

    After some time watching at my file

    Col. You wrote reading in your hobbies tell last book you read.
    Me. told totally right
    Col. About my hobby photography
    Me. Told

    Now colonel sir asked someone physiological questions

    Col. When you last buy your own phone ?
    Me. Told( little bit surprised)
    Col. Phone model
    Me . Told.
    Col. Price
    Me. Told
    Col. Which social media apps installed in it?
    Me. Told YouTube, Facebook, Instagram( forget to told Whatsapp but thanks dont noticed.)

    Col. You wrote on form you spent you pocket money in college and on bicycle
    Me. Yes sir.
    Col. Which bicycle you have ?
    Me . Mountain 🚲 bike
    Col. How old
    Me. Two years.

    ( He was checking i wrote truth or not)

    Col. Kuch aci demerits btao gis sa app ka father world most ideal and best father ho.
    Me.. sir no one is ideal in world everyone have some demrits but sir still i think my father must have to be less angry. ( Literally this was most tricky question of interview)

    Col. Due have girl friend

    Me. No sir ( keep in mind to react normally with no impressions on face.

    Col. With magnificent smile 😃 goood
    Me . Thank you sir
    Col. Latest tank of Pakistan
    Me. Vt4
    Col. Made in?
    Me. Sir china
    Col. About air force jets…..

    Me. Just start telling

    (But Suddenly)

    Col. Ok good bye( a physiological trick to check my impressions)

    Me. Stand left of chair said thank you sir allah hafiz sir ( loudly, confidentiality)( closed door slightly )

    In whole interview capt was sitting on side of colnel table and notcing me and noting down something .

    One thing more in whole i interview sometimes capt shake his face like no no no when i ask correct answers that were mostly, but whenever i give little bit wrong answers capt started shaking his head yess yess yess ( may be it is too distrat candidate or something else ) but literally in whole interview i Even not looked at him a while clearly i observed him blurry because he was sitting on side of colnel tabe.

    Time;;; interview was very long of mine about 32 mins and others too.

    Final tips

    1 . Confidence
    2 . Mind alertness
    3 . Truth
    4. Dress
    5 . Be real
    6. Luckiness
    7. Respect
    8. Manners.

    Best of 🤞 luck


    My Initial Interview Experience!
    Me waiting for My number in-front of interview room.
    Bell Rung and i entered in room.
    Me: May I Come In Sir?
    Brig: Yes Come In
    Me: Assalamu Alaikum Sir.
    Brig: W salam Have A Seat.
    Me: Seated
    Brig: Introduce Your self.
    Me: Told
    Brig: Why You Want to join paki army?
    Me: it is my dream.
    Brig: Brigadier stoped me here where were you for two years you have done your FSC in 2018 and you have also done your DIT in 2019 if this was your dream why did you not apply earlier.
    Me: With confidence sir i was trying to develope the abilities which pak army need but i was unable to find them. When i found that now i am able to join this i tried.
    Brig: Speak on pak Army.
    Me: Told
    Brig: Make five sentence on this bottle. Bottle was placed on table filled with water.
    Me: Told
    Brig: Ok Beta You may leave now.
    No general knowledge no current affairs are asked.

    Seriously they just need confidence. I just spoke with confidence and kept my eye contact with interviewer. My english was so weak. I told whatever came in my mind but told with confidently.
    Allhamdulillah Recommended For ISSB.

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