You can Join the Pak army as GDMO (General duty medical officer) and specialist doctor in Captain and Major ranks respectively. Yes, You can Join the army as a doctor and if you are female you can become an army lady doctor. The online registration is open in January / December each year and you can register yourself for the recruitment process. This Post will help you by providing details about the selection criteria, Online preparation, and associated links
WhatsApp Group link available at the end of the post. Please read complete post before Joining the group.
Online Registration at the Official website
The online registration is open for a Month each year. The registration dates are announced through an advertisement. When You register online, Your first job is to complete your documents. Many candidates have issues with their documents on the test date, so it is better to complete your documents at the earliest.
If you are eligible for the post, then do not wait for the last date.
Where to register online?
You can register yourself for the post of GDMO (General duty medical officer), Specialist doctor, and army lady doctor through the Pakistan Army official website. Click this link to Register yourself online.
Both males and females can apply for the subject posts. However, some posts are dedicated to one gender only. Please read the advertisement available on the official website.
Marital Status
Both Married and unmarried can apply for the post. There is no restriction on Married candidates.
Height requirements
The height of the male candidate should be 5 Feet and 4 inches. Ladies applying for the post must have a minimum height of 5 Feet.
Note: There is No Height relaxation for anyone in the lower limit.
Age requirements
The upper age limit for all the GDMO and Classified specialists posts is 28 Years on the Joining date. However, there is general relaxation for up to 35 years. If you are less than 35 years before the Joining date, then you can apply.
Qualification for the GDMO
MBBS or equivalent recognized by PMC. (Both males and females can apply). See the Following Images for Details of all posts

Can Overseas National Pakistani apply in Pakistan army as a doctor / gdmo?
Yes, They’re eligible to apply.
They can apply through their Nearest consulate general in Pakistan.
Selection Procedure for GDMO and Specialist Doctors
Following is the Whole A to Z selection procedure.
- Online registration through the official website
- Intelligence test (comprised of Verbal and Non-verbal)
- Professional Test (Mcq test based on medical and related field)
- Psychological Assessment
- Screening Medical examination
- Interview by GHQ Panel
- Detail Medical examination by the Army medical boards
- Final merit list (If the candidates are more than required)
Test Format
The general format of the test is:
1. Verbal Intelligence Test Questions (approximately 84 MCQs in 30-35 mins)
2. Non-Verbal Intelligence Test Questions (approximately 64 MCQs in 30-35 mins)
3. Academic Test (approximately 50 MCQs)
4. Personality Test(More than 150 MCQ in 30mins)
After that shortlisting and Shortlisted candidates lists are displayed at respective ASRC. These candidates are called for Psychological tests.
Psychological Tests
Psychological tests include.
1. Bio data form filling
2. Psychologist Test Pattern
3 sections
a – Word association test (including 76 words which will be shown one by one and for 10 seconds by a projector and you’ll have to write sentences)
b – Sentence completion test (you’ll be given two separate sheets both will have 26 incomplete sentences which you’ll have to complete. For each sheet there are 6.5 mins)
C – Story writing (write a story from this shown vivid picture. Two pictures will be shown and for each 4 minutes will be given)
D- A topic will be given (like shocking news of life or happiest news of life ) and you’ll have to write an essay in 4 mins about the topic it must be in a positive way.
GHQ Interview
After Psychologist Test there will be a GHQ Panel Interview. This is a brief interview Panel consists 5 to 6 or maybe more and there must be a Psychologist in that panel. They will ask family-related, General Knowledge, General Question and Field related Questions.
Online Test Preparation for GDMO and Specialist Doctors
The following links can help you Prepare for the above tests. You can also Join Our WhatsApp group, created for the GDMO and specialist doctors, to share experiences.
- Verbal Intelligence Tests
- Non-Verbal Intelligence Tests
- Medical test and Examination in Armed Forces
- Initial interview guidelines for PMA long course
- Sample Psych interview Questions
WhatsApp group link for GDMOs
You can join the WhatsApp group of GDMO applicants using the following button.
GDMO Past papers and experiences
You can read Past paper Experience through the Following Links.
GDMOs Past papers and Experience
Difference between the Army Medical Cadet and M Cadet Course
Pakistan Army publishes 3 types of advertisements for the medical field. Which are
- Army Medical Cadet course
- M Cadet Scheme
- Direct short service commission as GDMOs and Specialist doctors
However, most people are confused about the Medical cadet and M cadet. This post will help you understand the basic difference between the two courses.
a. Medical Cadet Course
The basic educational requirement for this course is FSc Pre. medical. The candidates who get selected in this course, complete their MBBS degree from the Army medical colleges on the government expenses. After completing education in Medical and Dental colleges, They proceed to PMA (Pakistan Military Academy) for the military training of 06 Months where they are passed out as Direct captains.
Months of Induction: This course is advertised in May/June each year. Remember, Only Male candidates are eligible for this Course.
b. “M” Cadet Course
This course is announced for the 4th and 5th Year MBBS students to get a direct commission in the Pakistan army after completing their MBBS. When they complete their MBBS, They undergo military training at Kakul and AMC Abbottabad. They get the Rank of Captain after passing out after completing training.
Months of Induction: This Course is announced once a year in October Mostly, however, Sometimes it might be announced in July/August.
Note: A similar Course is also announced in the Pakistan Navy.
If You are Interested in the Pakistan Air Force then please read this post for details:
General duty medical officer: Join PAF as GDMO and Specialist doctor
We wish you the best of luck to join Pak army as GDMO.
If you find this content interesting, kindly share it with your friends who are preparing for careers in the armed forces or ISSB. Feel free to use the WhatsApp icon or click the relevant button below to share this post on Facebook.
Or follow our FB Page
Assalam O Alikum
Sir could you please tell me that Fsc marks matter for applying as GDDO through short comission? As i am applying but they require minimum 65 percentage in Fsc…what can i do?
Please guide me to join army for medical doctor after FSC and how many tests are required to prepare.
If the Angle is disturbed, then its mean, there will be hindrance in functionality. Yes, Might create hurdle for you.
Assalam o Alaikum
Sir I want to ask whether niqab (face covering) is allowed in Pakistan navy and army or not for.doctors ?
No, Face Covering is Not allowed, You can Do Hijab, Covering your head, however, you have to keep your face open. While dealing patients you can wear a mask, that will cover your face. However, in official meeting and training, You can not cover your face with Naqaab.
Can a GDMO or a GDDO rank higher than major if he is successful enough?
Yes, Definitely, They can raise to Colonel or above, if competent.
Sir Kya GDMO training k liye PMA hi jaty hain??
Asalamu alaikum i have cleared ny initial medical, intelligence and personality test for GDMO thru SSC in pak army and submitted my documents on 4 August 2022. Kindly tell when i will receive call from GHQ for further selection?
Dear Kaleem, It will take 4 to 7 weeks for the GHQ call.
Can a gdmo go for MCPS later on? Is he or she allowed to do MCPS
Yes, They can Go, If they want to go
can we give only one attempt of GDMO test .if it is not cleared in first attempt can we give second attempt or not
Yes, You can appear for the 3rd Chance, If you can’t cleared the first Two chances.
Can a clinical psychologist join Pak Army?
Yes, Clinical Psychologist can Join Pakistan Army. Seats for Male Psychologist are announced through Direct services commission While for the Female Psychologist, Posts are announced through lady cadet course.
Aoa Sir,
Will there be any major issue regarding some DNS for GDMO ?
Dear, Arfa, DNS is not a major issue for Gdmo or other courses. If required, surgery can be done to be declared medically Fit.
I have been rejected from PAK ARMY to join AMC as a MEDICAL CADET on Medical grounds as I had a surgery when I was 3 years old. Will there be any relaxation If I want to join ARMY later as a specialist or a GDMO?
Dear Usama, You are rejected in AMC due to your Surgery because it may cteate hinder in your military’s training. GDMos After selection Also perform military training. So It will create same problem while applying as gdmo.
Is GDMO and lady cadet course same as in PMA
No, Gdmo and lady cadet course are totally different from each other. GDMO have some relaxations if we compare to lady cadet course.
But even though there are relaxations, no relaxation for height 🙁 it’s just sad that I will have to give up on my dream simply because I’m short by 1cm. Shouldn’t your passion and physical fitness take priority? I’ve been dreaming of joining the army since I was 6 years old. Every year I watch the parade and envision myself as part of it. People dream of going abroad, when I was medical school people made fun of me for wanting to join the army. My heart is shattered that something like my height will crush my dream. I know that airforce has a lower height limit and I do plan on applying there as well, but pak army and PMA academy was the dream I had. And it’s just so disheartening.
Dear Fatima, Don’t lose hope. You are young and you can Increase your height in 6 to 8 Months by 1 cm.
How? I’m almost 27. How can increase my height? From a medical point if view we’ve been taught that it’s not possible
Consult the relevant Doctors. They will provide you Desired guidance.
You might find it hard to believe but I genuinely feel crushed that there is no height relaxation. I fought with everyone and everything to make my dream come true. I had to listen to people taunting me that I should just take usmle and leave. I always told them, watch me as I become a doctor in the armed forces. Watch me as I serve my country in the army. Eventually people realised that their taunts only make even more determined. Can you imagine how I feel now? Knowing that i have to give it up?
And why is height so important for doctors? I understand that for soldiers it important but why for doctors?
Sir I have one more question is niqab (covering face) allowed in army or navy.
I want to join after mbbs but I can’t compromise on my niqab.
Moreover as during some activities candidates have to wear trouser and shirt is there any relaxation provided for a girl who want to observe Parda .
I Know it’s difficult in other fields but medical field is quite easier .
Sir plz guide.
Dear, Covering head is allowed but Covering face (Niqab) is not allowed in armed forces. Trouser and Shirts are part of training. So when other will wear, You have to wear. Training completion k bad apko shirt trouser ki zaroorat nai parti. During service as a Doctor, You can use face Mask to cover your Face, However in training duration you will have to obey the Open face rule. Apko training me masla hoga. Buqi Training k bad Jab Commissioning service start hoti hay, Then you can use parda in shape of Face mask with patients. However meetings and officers k saath beth k you can not Do Parda.
Army job is predominantly a Male job. And you have to learn how to live with males
What if a female wants to join army as GDMO
and her age is less than 28
Is she eligible or she has to wait until she is 28?
Dear, Age Limit of 28 years mean You have to apply before reaching 28 years of age. If someone is less than 28 years, the He or she can definitely apply for the post. If a person is older than 28, then Relaxation in age limit will be needed for the candidate.
Will there be another batch inducted in June/July? For female doctors I mean. Or does this happen only once a year
The female doctors vacancies are announced on requirement basis, and It is generally announced at least one time by All three armed forces separately. It might be announced twice by a single armed force in a year as required. You should avail the chance in All three armed forces, Pakistan army, Navy and air force when announced.
Is there issb for GDMO
There is No ISSB for GDMO in the Pak army. Please read the detailed post or visit the official website.
Aoa sir, I have passed my online written test and intelligence test, initial medical test and also have submitted the required documents for GDMO in pak army, they have told me that I will get a call for personality test, kindly guide me regarding further procedure, and what will be the requirements for females in physical test if any???
Dear Hira Shahzad, If you were shortlisted then you will receive call for psychological assessment and Final Interview by GHQ Board. The psychological assessment include word association test, picture stories and sentence completion test. The Interview Board will consist of several members, including psychologists, Senior medical doctors and HR Staff. If you want a Mock practice for psychological test and assessment through psychologist, Please visit our Appointment page. You will be assessed through psychological tests and Interview. After the assessment, you will be able to know about your weakness, strengths and leadership qualities required for an Army officer.
And u have mentioned in the Verbal that total test is 16 what’s that means
Iam very sorry but iam little worried about the test hope u understand.
That means we have uploaded 16 tests on our website. Don’t worry, You have to attempt only two tests for the GDMOs test. one is intelligence test and the other is an academic test. Details are given in the above post. Regards
How many times in a year does short services regular commission induct female doctors? Will there be another advertisement in June/July?
Dear Fatima Ahmad, The female doctors vacancies are announced on requirement basis, and It is generally announced at least one time by All three armed forces. It might be announced twice by a single armed force in a year as required. You should avail the chance in All three armed forces, Pakistan army, Navy and air force when announced.
Thankyou so much for your swift and informative response. If I may, can you also tell me if there is absolutely no relaxation regarding height if it it below the lower limit by only 2cm? For example if a person is physically fit, passes the interview and tests with good marks, can they be disqualified on the basis of height alone? And if so can I be appealed?
No height matter a lot
They will give u some time to increase your height of i think 1week if your height haven’t increases u will be out
There is No relaxation in height of the candidate. Only height have the strictest rule.
And i have received the GDMO slip and the test consist of 2 hours test what will be in this 2hour test
And the verbal and Non verbal is same as the PMA
Yes, Verbal and Non-verbal will be the same as PMA’s other courses.
Wait I don’t understand, you can’t increase your height. What do you mean increase height in 1 week? That’s simply not possible. And im talking about female gdmos, not male
And in verbal, u have mentioned that their are total 16 test what’s that mean
From 16 tests, I mean, we have uploaded 16 verbal intelligence tests on this test. As you have little time to prepare, Kindly Prepare Test No 13 to 16. Those are the most repeated questions in the verbal portion in the Pakistan army intelligence test.
Hello is the Acedemic test of GDMO is same as PMA or is their any changes
And also tell me about how many numbers of MCQS in verbal non verbal and Acedemic tests. Kindly reply ASAP
Dear Sqlain Ahmed, The academic test for the posts of GDMO is totally different than the PMA long course academic test. The Academic test for GDMO posts consists of Basic concepts and terminologies that are covered in the MBBS curriculum. On the other hand, the Academic test for PMA long course is consists of General knowledge, current affairs, P.S, Islamic study, etc. If you have applied for the post of GDMO, then kindly prepare from the MBBS curriculum. However, Intelligence tests which consist of verbal and non-verbal questions, remain the same for all courses. Hope this will help you. Regards
Can a nutritionist or dietitian join Pak Army?
Yes, A Dietitian or Nutritionist can Join the Pak armed forces. The posts are announced on a requirement basis on the official website and through leading newspapers.