Age limit for Pma long course

Age Limit for PMA Courses (All courses)

Are you searching for the age limit to Join PMA (Pakistan Military Academy), If yes, this post will guide you in the right way for the age limits for all courses i.e. Age limit for Pma long course, Graduate course, short service commission, and others.

Age limit for PMA long course

Lower age limit (17 Years)

The lower age limit to Join Pakistan Army as a commissioned officer is 17 years. It is relaxable up to 3 months. This means If you have an age of 16 years and 9 months you are eligible to apply for the course.

Upper Age limit for Intermediate (FA/FSc) Pass candidates (22 Years)

The upper age limit for the Intermediate students is 22 years. The age limit is relaxable up to 03 Months. The Upper age limit is counted on the Joining date of PMA. So, If you are applying for the PMA, You should check the Joining date for the PMA long course.

Upper age limit for Graduate (BA/BSc) Pass candidates (23 Years)

If you have done a BA or BSc or have 14 years of Education, then the Upper age limit for you is extended up to 23 years. There is 03 months relaxation only.

Age limit for the Soldiers of PAF and Pak Navy (23 Years)

The upper age limit for the serving soldier to apply in the PMA long course of the Pakistan army is 23 years. It can be relaxable for 03 months only.

Upper age limit for the Graduates of 4-year degree program (04 years BS degree) (24 Years)

The upper age limit for the application of a PMA long course is 24 years. There is no Age relaxation in this case. If you have done BS or MA/MSc and have less than 24 years of age on the Joining date of the PMA long course then you are eligible to apply.

Upper age limit for the Army soldiers

If someone is serving in the Pakistan army in soldier rank, He can apply for the PMA long course up to 25 years. There is no age relaxation in this.


The age limit for the lady cadet course is 28 years on the Joining Date of PMA (start of training date).


The age limit for the direct short service commission is the same as the Lady cadet course. i.e. 28 Years on the Joining date of PMA.

Age limit for the post of GDMO and Specialist Doctors

The upper age limit for the post of GDMO is 28 years in the Pakistan army, However, it is relaxable up to 35 years. The upper age limit for the post of Specialist doctor is 32 years, which is relaxable up to 35 years.

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43 thoughts on “Age Limit for PMA Courses (All courses)”

  1. Sir is there any age relaxation in PAF as an Education Instructor like 10 days age relaxation ?????

  2. Syed Farhan Shah

    I am Syed Farhan Shah from Lahore. Sir I have done intermediate, I am BA student.
    Sir i want to ask you in which govt institutions after graduation i can do officer course and after passing i can become direct officer.

    1. Dear Farhan Shah, To become officer in any department, You have to fulfill the eligibility requirements first. After that, You apply for the specific post. once the advertisement is published. When you register yourself, After that you have to appear in a test and interview. If qualified all the tests, Then you have a chance to Join the department as officer. There is No way, that you do a course and become an officer.

  3. i am a repeater and i got my issb call in papers now if i dont go ..will my 2nd chance is saved or not?

      1. Assalamualikum Sir
        Is there any whatsapp group for guidance of GDMOS preparation. If so kindly share the link.
        Many thanks

  4. my age is 28 years , i did engineering BE 4 year program , can i apply for short course , direct captain ?

  5. Aoa
    Sir my brother is of 29 yrs now and he wants to apply in PAF recent ad. They have said that the person should be of 30 age by 20th of april 2024 but he becomes 30 yr old on 1st april……. only 20 days gap is present .. age relaxation can be acquired in this case,???

    1. Unfortunately, You are over age. On the other hand, PAF have age limit of 30 years. If you can tell more details about your qualification, We can suggest field.

  6. Haseeb Khan

    Asalaam o alikum sir
    Jinky parents army ritired hn unkylia age relaxation hti Hy y PMA long course mn
    2nd mry age 17 oct ko 24 hojaigi or registration to Nov MN shuru hn to kia mn ismn apply krskta
    Pma short course MN specific degrees waly apply krskty hn y koi bh B’s ki degree ho mny B’s anthropology ki hy
    Pma graduate course ku khtm hoa

    1. Yes, You can, if you are meeting all other eligibility requirements. The upper age limit is 30 for Short courses in PAF, for army it is 28.

  7. Abdullah cheema

    Can BBA Agribusiness student Apply for Direct short service commission….?Sir please let me know

    1. Waleed, kindly tell about your educational qualifications? If You meet the educational qualification requirements then you can apply in Pakistan air force. The maximum age limit for short service commissioning in PAF is 30 years.

  8. AOA Sir, I am serving person in army and my age is 24 years and 4 months till now. I’ll be 25 years old in this Sep.
    So can I apply for this upcoming Long Course..
    As their age limit crateria is as on 1st Nov.

    1. Persona psychologist

      Dear Raja, 03 Months of relaxation is given in the upper Limit. If you need less than 03 months of relaxation, You can easily apply.

      1. Ihsan khan Khan

        Aoa sir.
        I am ihsan from kpk
        Sir i am know 28 year 6 month and how i can get age relaxation in pak army for direct short service commission education branch

        1. W.salam, Unfortunately you are over age now for the Army. If eligible you can try in the Pakistan air force, where age limit for the short service commission is 30 years. Three months relaxation can be acquired through application to the respective selection centers.

    1. Persona psychologist

      No dear, After Matriculation, you can not apply for 2nd Lieutenant vacancies. Commissioning in Armed forces requires FA and FSc with 60% marks. If someone have Clear the Intermediate Part-1 Examination with 65% marks, He or She is also eligible on the basis of Hope certificate.

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