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    TCC  Initial tests of 33
    29 March 2021
    Abdur Rehman
    Verbal InielligenceTest
    Really easy and all are reapting questions
    90% of 90
    Quater of one tenth of 120
    1/3 of one tenth of 90
    1500 and 1200 percentage
    500 and 340 percentage
    20 and 30 percentage
    Days questions
    Age questions
    Words on mirror questions
    Profit loss questions
    Fuel travel questions
    Speed problems
    Series questions
    Manage time bc time is really short
    Non Verbal
    Really easy and time is also sufficient
    Really tough
    40 questions in 30 minutes
    Newspapers can be recycled how many times
    Rosey Nicel is an alloy of
    Grignard reagent is reactive due to
    Branched chain hydrocarbons have high boiling point than straight or not
    Hydrogenation of fats have catalyst
    English ki prepositions thi sirf 1 or question tha general
    Physics ka zyada numerical thy
    Speed is a scaler or vector
    The legal speed is called
    x^2/a^2 – y^2/b^2 = 1
    If b^2 – 4ac = 0 then roots are
    If point x,y has a number 2 on x axis then
    Derivative ka aik question thaa
    Math Questions not Remembered

    ALHAMDULLILAH # clear ho gyaa
    Physical and medical on 1st April

    Keep visiting Issb psychologist website for more data related to TCC initial tests.

    for Most repeated questions online tests please click on PMA verbal Test

    • This topic was modified 3 years, 8 months ago by ISSB Mentor.
    • This topic was modified 3 years, 8 months ago by ISSB Mentor.
    • This topic was modified 2 years, 10 months ago by ISSB Mentor.
    • This topic was modified 1 year, 11 months ago by ISSB Mentor.
    • This topic was modified 1 year, 10 months ago by ISSB Mentor.

    for TCC COURSE

    Rank of pakistan in world countries area wise #34th

    Capital of egypt #cairo

    Muhammad bin qasim full name #imad ud din muhammad bin qasim bun yusuf al thakifi

    Zulnorain is title of #Jazrat Usman RA

    Quad e azam spent his last days in #ziarat residency

    First women to accept islam #hazrat Khadija RA

    Largest province are wise #Balochistan

    MOST populated city of KPK #peshawar

    Capital of ghana #accra

    Baltic coutries #Latvia . Lithuania. Estonia

    Percentage of world deserts #33%

    Scycrapper means #very tall building

    Averag height of himalya #8848 m #29028ft

    Archaduke Franz was assasinated in which city #serajevo . BOSNIA

    Tallest building of Pakistan #bahria icon tower #273m #895ft

    First islamia uni is established in this city #bahawalpur

    Sulah hudaybia date #dulQi’dah 6hijri #march 628ad

    OIC is established in #25sep 1969

    Kenya capital #Neirobi

    Yangzte river is in #china length #6300km

    First sajda in Quran #surah al’araf parah9

    Ghazwa e tabook leader #Prophet pbuh

    PIMS is in #islamabad

    Who was umm e kulsoom #prophet’s SAW daughter

    Darling is #river in Autrailia

    Kazakhstan capital #Nur sultan

    Pak navy and Air force hq is in#islamabad

    Pak army hq is in#rawalpindi

    Bolan pass conmects #quetta with afghanistan #sibbi with jacobabad

    A.rational fraction types #3

    Twiiter is launched on #15 july 2006

    Rivers in kpk #9

    How many aunts of prophet #6

    Uncles of prophet #10

    River indus other names #darya e sindh/attock/skardu/mehran and abasin

    Mangla dam is in #Mirpur azad kashmir

    Total rivers in Pak #25

    Soorahs in 30th parah #37

    Norway capital #Oslo

    Turkey capital #Ankara

    Allama iqbal did phd from #munich university Germany

    Largest producer of uranium #Canada

    Congress established in #1885

    Lucknow pact#1916

    Sir syed ahmed khan died in #1898

    Suez canal is in #Egypt length is#164 km. 102 mil

    Havaldar lalak jan shaheed belongs to #Yaseen valley Gilgit #Martyred in Kargil


    TCC Test Pattern.
    1.Verbal 84 Qs in 30 min.
    2.Non Verbal 64 Qs in 30 min.
    3.Academic 50 Qs in 30 min.

    *Academic:* This portion will include Physics,Maths,Chem,Eng and Computer Science for CS Students.


    You can Prepare for the Technical cadet course Test preparation through our website. Please visit the Home Page for More Information related to.
    1. Online verbal and nonverbal intelligence tests
    2. Academic questions
    3. Physics and English Tests
    4 Medical Test Information
    5. Initial interview Guidelines


    Click on the Page Numbers Below to Read more Current and Past Papers


    Tcc 34th initial test
    Muhammad Abbas ASRC Pano Aaqil Verbal and non verbal are very easy and repeated plzzzzz make sure that you manage your time for intelligent test Experiences Why parents send their childrens school ? Out of 1500 students 1200 students are present find the percentage of absent student ? Third last letter of the word Meaningfull? Find odd one out Karachi Lahore Peshawar Rawalpindi quetta ? How many vovels in a series of alphabets ? Hamad is 5 years old and his sister is 3 times when his sister 22 what was the a ge of Hamad? Third last letter of Daughter? 90percent of 90? Integer of following +, – ,multiplication ? Bs Bhai yahi yaad the duaon me yaad rakhen is Mubarak month me


    Army Selection Centre Lahore
    1st Test Intelligence tha… Usko further 2 category m divide kya hoa tha..
    Verbal 84 mcqs 30 minutes
    Non Verbal 64
    Verbal m Miror view of Alphabet k 4 mcqs thy. Baki normally wohi thy series coding analogy etc..
    Academic 40 mcqs..
    Physics : vector, scalar, quantity, dimensions, Si units most imp..
    Math : conic section parabola hyperbole… Inscribed.. Escribed circles etc…. Angles triangle.. Parallelogram… Odd even function etc
    Computer science : CPU… SQL language… Storage device.. Html language… Password.. Text editor etc..
    Intelligence thora typical tha academic bht hi asaan tha


    Alhamdulilah cleared initial intelligence in TCC 34 multan centre
    Verbal : 84
    Non verbal : 64
    Academic : 40
    Verbal and non verbal were tough
    Verbals mostly had a combined question of English alphabets and numbers
    Example : S3 , P7 , L12 ….
    Non verbals were difficult but they were only 64 so had a time to choose the correct one , some of them were complicated so don’t waste time on them just skip them
    Academic were 40 and mostly portion was from English Grammer like
    Both sadia and sidra ……. Went to park
    )And Imran
    )As well as Imran
    )And also Imran
    That portion was easy
    Some repeated intelligence questions like
    Parants send their children to school because……
    Mathematic questions repeated like
    Physics and chemistry portion was easiest
    But I forgot because I solved this portion in 5 mins max
    Some of them are
    Which matel is not extracted by reacting matelic oxide with coke
    Alkenes usually show reactions …….
    Work is max at angle
    Magnetic B of a current carrying conductor is proportional to ……
    Note: If you have grip on Grammer than you can easily pass academic
    Thanks and pray for me


    As salam o alaikum!
    Today(11/April/2022, Monday) was my initial test of TCC at ASRC Peshawar
    Status الحمداللہ success ✅

    Ye tyr krlo. 70% intelligence es m s ayega.
    Baqi academic ka kch ni keh skta.
    Mery lye zyada tr chemistry k bonds reactions or English k prepositions or active passive.
    Maths physics k kch kch aye ty 5 10, permutations combinations series or conducting insulation وغیرہ.

    And physical k tyari kr k jye qk medical physical usi din hota h

    Remember me in your prayers 😇 🤲🏻


    Aslam-O- alikum
    Name:Muhammad shehzad
    status:Alhamdulilah pass
    With the name of allah who is most marcyfull more banificial I have clear my intial as well as medical with the prayers my parents
    Experience —>
    Verbal r nonverbal is so easy etny easy k myri bilkul teari ni thi but kuch consept tha r jo group mn aty thy verbal r nonverbal wohi bht he kam kia group waly verbal r nonverbal kr lo inshAllah test clear ho jy ga.
    Rahi baat acadmic ki tu acadmic mn ziada tar phy thi r myari inter mn ICS thi es wjha sy koi 10 question computer k thy r baqi almost phy thi 25 sy 30 question phy mn transfarmar ka consapt conductor, insulater,semicondutar,
    resistance ka unit , coulm law, scaler r vector Mean 2nd year ki phy k important topic kr lo r baqi bhaii hakeem ka thnks jin ki ik kawish sy myra test pass hoa good luck every one remember me in your pryers thnk u
    Allah kamyab kry mary bhaiion ko

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