Frequently Asked Questions

Read the most Frequently Asked Questions and queries related to ISSB test requirements for a better understanding of ISSB.

What is the Duration of ISSB Tests?

Including arrival and departure days, it took 05 Days. If includes reporting and departure days, then It is 5 days in total. First is reporting day, 2nd is psychologist day, 3rd and 4th are GTO days and 5th is departure day.

How many ISSB centers are in Pakistan?

04 ISSB centers in Pakistan are

  • Malir, Karachi
  • Kohat, Kpk
  • Gujranwala, Punjab
  • Quetta, Balochistan

Read for details All information about ISSB centers in Pakistan

How to fill ISSB form?

We have published step wise procedure for filling out the ISSB bio-data form. Please visit the following.

Step by step Guide to ISSB Bio Data Form Filling
22 Most Important Questions Related To ISSB Bio-Data Form

How to Pass the ISSB?

ISSB exam is a personality examination. For a personality examination, you cannot prepare by only reading books and relevant material. You have to act on the suggestions and bring positive changes in your behavior and personality, which are valued by the ISSB. Please read 8 Qualities ISSB try to find in a Recommended Candidate: Personal Qualities of a Good Leader

ISSB Test Schedule

ISSB tests are held throughout the whole year. Once you pass your initial test, medical, and interview, you will appear at the ISSB. ISSB evaluates all the candidates for the Navy, army, and air force; therefore, the ISSB test is a continuous process.

What about the ISSB Result Announcement Date?

ISSB results are announced within a week. They do not take too much time to publish the result. You will receive a recommendation letter from ISSB in case of recommendation OR a Non-recommendation letter with all original documents in case of non-recommendation.

when is ISSB admission open?

There is No admission for ISSB. This is a too awkward question, Please read the whole page to understand the whole ISSB process.

Is Female ISSB different from the Male candidates?

No, ISSB is the same for both males and females and all three armed forces. There are few changes only in individual obstacles. please read the following for better understanding;

What does ISSB stand for? and what is ISSB’s full form?

ISSB is the abbreviation of the Inter Services Selection Board. The ISSB has the primary responsibility to select army officers for the three forces. i.e. Army, Navy, and Air Force.

What is the three-dimensional approach in ISSB?

Candidates are evaluated from three dimensions.
1. Psychology (Psychologist)
2. Practical (GTO)
3. Interview (Deputy President)

How many Candidates are selected for ISSB?

ISSB has standard criteria for evaluating candidates. If you meet their criteria, You will be recommended.
Let’s explain this through an example. The army wants to hire 200 officers for PMA long course. 10 thousand candidates applied. 01 thousand clear the Initials and reached ISSB. ISSB will evaluate all the 01 thousand candidates. 500 candidates out of 01 thousand met their criteria and ISSB test requirements, so they will recommend All 500.
Respected Headquarters Will shortlist 200 Candidates among 500 recommended candidates.

What are the Criteria for Final Selection?

Final merit depends upon the following things:
Matriculation Marks
FA/FSc Marks
Initial test results
ISSB Recommendation
Final Medical

If recommended by ISSB, Will I be selected and Join the Academy?

In most cases, If you get a recommendation, you will be selected. The final merit list is made by the concerned Headquarters and they shortlist candidates. However, if the Recommended candidates are greater than the required number then some candidates will be unable to join.

Who can Apply for ISSB?

One cannot apply directly for ISSB. You have to Pass the Initial Tests for the advertisement of Army, Navy, and PAF officers. After Clearing Initial Tests, Medical, and Interviews you can appear for ISSB.

Is there any difference in the ISSB Procedure for the Pak Army, Navy, and Air Force?

No, there is no difference in the ISSB procedure of the three sister forces. There is a difference in standards for different posts. Among them, GDP is the highest Standard. If you are recommended for GDP, It means you are recommended for any force.

Is ISSB difficult?

This is an ambiguous question. ISSB might be difficult for some candidates. It might be easy for some Candidates. Candidates from rural areas may face difficulty as they are educated from Govt Schools, where there is less focus on personality development. Those candidates who get their education from Prestigious institutions might find ISSB very easy.

How many attempts are there in ISSB?

There are 02 attempts for the candidates. The first attempt is called Fresh Candidates. 2nd Attempters are called repeaters. You can apply for the 3rd time for ISSB, by Improving your Educational qualification and earning a BS, MA, or MSc Degree in a short service commission.

How can I check my ISSB Call Letter?

You can check your call letter either by visiting the Official website or you can click the following button.
ISSB Call Letter

Is there any concession for Female candidates in ISSB?

There are concessions for females in checking Physical endurance. There is relaxation in Individual obstacles and GTO tasks for females.

How Much percentage is required in ISSB?

Candidates having 1st division in FA/FSc, DAE, can apply for Different armed forces commissioning.

What happened if you get injured or become seriously sick during ISSB?

You will be admitted to a nearby CMH in case of injury.

How can you impress ISSB Psychologist, GTO, or Interviewer?

You can impress them with your natural performance. If you do overreact to impress the staff, Your chance of being recommended will be low.

Is this ISSB’s Official website?

No, This is not the ISSB official website. We are a bunch of Psychologists, who evaluate ISSB aspirants for their test preparation.

Are our results valid?

Our Psychologists evaluate candidate responses based on psychological principles and their expertise. There are stronger chance that candidates will be not recommended with this preparation. Our Psychologists keep in mind the requirements of military leadership and grade recommendations accordingly.

If my responses were graded non-recommended. What to do?

Please do work hard. If your responses are graded as non-recommended by our Psychologists. Non-recommendation means you have to improve your thinking and personality for ISSB. Take some actions to mold your personality. Reading Books can not change your Personality.

What to do, If our website graded you Recommended?

You are lucky, and you have chances to perform well in real ISSB. Please do hard work. Perform GTO tasks if possible practically. Practice for Interviews regularly and check your own mistakes.

Tell me about PMA Initial test Passing Marks.

Although PMA initial test Passing Marks is 50%. However, it includes negative marking. Each Wrong answer deducts half Marks attributed to a question. So you should be careful while attempting your initial tests. Negative Marking minimizes the chances of THUKKA.

These were all Frequently asked questions related to ISSB test requirements.
Still have any ISSB related Questions in your mind? leave a comment below.

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150 thoughts on “Frequently Asked Questions”

  1. Asalam U Alikum Sir I Applied In Engineering Branch At PAF I Cleared My Interview But I got Refer To CMH For Vision My Vision With Glasses Was 6/6 but Without it’s -7 I Got Unfit But I don’t Know Why Because There Was Nothing Mentioned Of Vision In CAE.Will I Apply Again.

    1. ISSB Mentor

      Walekum us Salam, You were declared unfit because the limit for eyesight is -3.5. You should apply, if your eyesight improves with Treatment and within thia range.

  2. Mahnoor khalid

    Assalamualikum . i am currently doing BS english .and i have completed my FSC.Can i apply for engineering now and can i also apply in army or airforce after completing my BS english ? Please inform this and also let me know the expected dated for the tests for both. Kindly repond.

  3. Sir may 154 lc may gaya tha tu initial medical may mujhy hydrocele aur varicocele hony ki waja sy unfit kar diya tha .pir many operations karaye 4 months hoga ye hay ..ab issb k final medical may koi msala banyga? Kia mujy complete unfit kardiya jaye ga?

  4. Abdul Hannan

    Assalam-O-Alaikum Sir! Sir am a repeater candidate now i have applied for PMA 154 and my appearence status on the slip is also repeater.Sir kya meray initials dobara hongay ya recruitment center ja kr form mil jaye ga ISSB ka?Sir,please guide,because i have listened it from many that repeaters direct ISSB detay hain …is it true?

  5. aoa, sir can we apply in army if the bachelor’s is in BS-PSY and not BS-clinical psychology?

  6. sir can a female apply for army after in Computer Science. Kindly answer this question.

  7. asslamualikun sir i have undescended tactical issue but i got a operate and now i am fine is there any chance that i get selected in issb

  8. Muhammad Haris

    Salam, sir i hope you will be doing great there. I have a confusion would you please make me clear about it i will be very thankful to you. Sir as pak army ended it’s graduate course so now those candidates who are going to apply on 4 years BS basis for PMA long course what rank they will be given after training & what is the tenure of their training as on graduate course their was one year training and they were given the rank of captain. So what about now?

    1. If a candidate is applying for the long the course on the basis of graduation, They will awarded with the same rank as other and they have to undergo the same training. PMA long course is same for all its applicants.

  9. Siraj munir Abbasi

    AOA sir,
    I received my ISSB letter for PMALC 152 and PN cadet 22B but I didn’t appear due to my mid in university now I wanna apply for LC 153 and PN cadet 23A Do I have to take the preliminary exam again or can I get it directly? issb form for next course

  10. i am a fsc improver and my previous result have been canceled and i am waiting for my new result can i apply for issb because i am improving fsc again??

  11. i am improving my fsc , am i eligible to apply in the issb?? because the previous result have been canceled and result have not been announced

  12. assalam-u-alaikum sir,
    I want to know that, can a candidate apply as a psychologist in pak army after doing MPhil in clinical psychology. If yes, then what will be the eligibility requirements, are they any different from MSc and BS ones or not. Thank you

    1. W.Salam, Yes, You can apply as a psychologist. The posts have same eligibility requirements i.e. MSc or BS psychology, The MPhil or MS degree in psychology will help you in merit list, will get preference, if the selection process is cleared.

  13. A.O.A!
    I hope you are in good health.
    Sir, I want to know that my little fingures are bend by child birthday.
    Is it point out in medical test or it is refered by medical panel.

  14. assalam-u-alaikum, sir i want to know that if a person can apply in pak army after doing PsyD and what will be the maximum age requirement for it. I have read that Medical corps have an age limit of 35 till they can apply after higher studies but i still want to be sure if that statement holds any weight or not. thank you

    1. That age requirement is for specialist doctors. The psychologist are considered under the special branch, Not available for psychologists in Pakistan army. On the other hand, In Pakistan Navy, Doctrate dgree holders in different subjects including psychology can apply upto the 35 years of age.

  15. Aoa Sir, I had to ask about my situation, I got recommended for Pn CT 22b in 22oct2022 unfortunately I could not join academy and now i have applied for 152 LC in June2023 with the same recommendation so will it be valid since joining for Winter course occours in early November. Pls enlighten

  16. I want to ask about the approaching deadline for LCC 23 ,will they extend the date or not??As it happens in other cases .

  17. AoA Sir … I got recommended for 154 Gdp but final merit list sy low merit hogya and unfortunately menay Army k liay b apply be kia and dates nikl gae … r mai next course mai apply kru or Long course ke issb du to kya mery chances recommendation k zyada hugy due to my previous recommendation ya nhe?

    1. Dear haider, Your issb recommendation is valid for one year. Chances are there, you might be called for pma long course or PN cadet. Be Hopeful for your selection, GDP recommended candidates are given options for joining the other services, if they are willing.

      1. A.O.A,
        Sir Meri little fingures child birth sa thori si bend hn kia medical test ma isko point out kia jay ga or refer kia jay ga?
        Kindly guide me in this regard

  18. Aslam o Alaikum
    Respected sir Please guide me about the age limit in lady cadet course if the cadet less than 28 years( approx age 26 years ) after BS CS if she is applicable or eligible to apply

    1. yes, 28 years is the Maximum age limit. all applying candidates should have less age than 28 years of age at the time of apply. 26 years age is eligible and it falls within limit.

  19. Hamaad Asim

    Sir I applied for TCC 34th and got recommended in initials but my call letter arrived on 22 August and the call date was 2 July can I give ISSB test with the same call letter and please guide me the procedure if yes.

  20. Sir MY friend will apply in PMA 152 long course.Sir on my Friend hands 2 cuts Marks scars 5 to 6 years old. Sir iS My Friend will Fir in Pakistan Army medical iNTiAL and final test?

    1. Dear, It depends on the the nature of cuts / marks, is it self harm? is it natural? is it due to surgery? Is it by birth?? Different situations have different results.

      1. Sir if a person scored 60 percentage in
        intermediate and apply for Pma LC and
        cleared the initial test will he go to issb or it will be on merit list Like he scored less percentage than others in academic, will he go to issb or not

        and sir does academic marks matter in the Final merit list for recommendation or it will be on his excellent work during ISSB

        1. Dear shah, Your initial test performance and academic grades are important for the shortlisting of ISSB. Swection center quota is another factor in this regard. If we talk about the final merit list for joining the armed forces, is is based on your whole performance, initial test performance, academic grades and ISSB performance.

      2. Hina Farooq

        Sir I have applied for LCC and I was recommended by issb but I was unfit in final medical and not recommend in final interview. What is the procedure to apply again?

  21. Atif Aman Khan

    I am recommended in 151 long course and passed final medical too

    However i have heard that army would not consider me in final merit list as

    I am a mechanical engineer and i am of 23 years 6 months at time of joining

    Is this true sir?

    Your response will help me in planning accordingly.

    Waiting for your kind response
    Thank you

    1. Altough it is not true, Merit list is made of different factors. if you qualify that then you will be included in merit list, if unfortunately not, You can also apply for the mechanical engineer through short service commission.

  22. Aoa sir,
    sir what if a candidate clears issb & got recommended but later fails to achieve 55% in intermediate? does he will given a chance to improve his number. If like his exam are going to held in a month & result will announced in 3months? (Like if he got recommended on 10 march but fails to achieve number. Later, He appeared for improvement exam in may June & the result is announced on 31 august now is his recommended issb letter will be valid for that course.

  23. If you didn’t make into the meritt list what will happened? Are they call me for another issb?

    1. If you didn’t make into the merit list, You will be on Reserved list, and might be called in case of availability of a vacancy. The recommendation will be valid for one year and you can apply for the issb, next year. Your Chances will remain Valid, Recommendation will not loose your chance.

  24. Sir how many times can we appear in pak army initials?
    I’ve appeared in 151 lc initial (rejected) and then applied for short course but wasn’t allowed to enter because 120 days gap wasn’t filled. So does this short course initial count as my chance? (They had my reg approved but not allowed to enter the centre)

  25. AOA sir. Main ne 151 long course ke lie apply kea tha but initial me reject ho gaya. Ab mein short course de sakta hun aik month ke gap sy? 120 days zaroori hain gap ke lie ya nahi?

  26. Muhammad Abdullah Khan

    I was a cadet of 148 long course and I withdrew on my own request then for 151 I applied again and cleared initial again and gave my issb form and am waiting for the date but its not coming I gave the issb repeater form on 16th November. My question is will I be called again and can I be selected again or are there any rules against it. I did write that I was a cadet of 148 and spent 1st term there and chose to leave. please confirm it as I dont know what will happen

      1. Muhammad Abdullah Khan

        Thank you for your reply sir and I have applied and cleared initial tests of 151 and submitted my issb form. My question was will I get a date for issb and is there anyway you can help me in this situation because I have heard some cases of rejoining thank you.
        And if my issb form is rejected will I get a call to tell me that ? Is there anyway you can help?

          1. Thank you so much you don’t know how much this reply of yours means to me. Are you sure? Thank you so much sir I will pray for you because you made my day

          2. how hard is the initial and issb written exam? how much do i need to study for it on a daily basis

          3. Dear Rao, Everybody have different caliber and intelligence level.. Some might be able to prepare by only 02 Hours study on daily basis for at least 30 days, While some might need to study for 6 hours a day, in the whole month. Nothing is hard, If you have good preparation.. Use your spare time and work hard, success will be Yours.

  27. Muhammad Sarosh Sohail

    Assalamualaikum sir . I am NR in 147 LC . I have to apply in the upcoming 152 LC will i have to give initial intelligence test or interveiw again . Thankyou !

    1. W salam. You are a Repeater candidate and you will register yourself as a Repeater… You will appear in Initial Interview and medical before the next issb.

      1. Muhammad Abdullah Khan

        Thank you for your reply sir and I have applied and cleared initial tests of 151 and submitted my issb form. My question was will I get a date for issb and is there anyway you can help me in this situation because I have heard some cases of rejoining thank you.
        And if my issb form is rejected will I get a call to tell me that ? Is there anyway you can help?

  28. Sir I got two time not recommendations from PMA long course
    Now I done my BBA Hons
    Am I eligible for Navy short service commission

  29. Asslamualikum
    I had applied in LCC 21 and was recommended by all boards but they had put me on reserve on merit list. Can you please guide me what I need to do. Should I wait for next course or they will send me the call letter as soon as they will get the seat?

    1. W.salam Dear Subata Tariq, Congratulations on your Recommendation in ISSB. ISSB recommendation have validity for one year, and you should wait for their response. If you receive no response in one year then you can apply for the next course. You should not worry about the ISSB chances, as recommendation in ISSB doesn’t waste the chance, and your 02 chances for appearing in the ISSB tests are still valid.

      1. You mean to say I should wait for their call? Or I should apply for this coming course. LCC 22 registration has started for mass communication. So they will consider me the candidate of previous course or I should apply all fresh.
        And what they mean by the reserve on the merit list. Long course has different phenomenon like they keep them on waiting list. So I am also on the waiting list or I should apply again.

        I am not getting this thing.
        Kindly help

        1. Dear Subata, If you have enough time remaining in your upper age limit, then you might wait, as this will mean you have enough time to apply in coming years. If you are touching your upper age limit i.e. 28 years then you should apply in this course. You will apply as all fresh…There is no relaxation in case of LCC repeater.

          1. There is no issue in my age limit.
            Actually I was just confused with the “reserve on merit list” so wanted the clarity that I failed to meet the merit or I was selected.
            This query has led me here to take the guidance.

  30. Ataullah Afridi

    Sir any idea on when will the registration dates for the pma 152 long course start?
    Also can we still apply for Pma long course 151 or is the date overdue?

  31. Sir I was a GC of 148 long course and after 4 months I resigned. Then for PMA long course 151 I cleared the initial and gave my issb form and wrote what happened s will I be called for issb. Is it possible for me to join again. If not will they call me and tell me that my issb form has been rejected or they wont do anything?Kindly reply Thank you

    1. Your Case will be analysed and if eligible, they will update your issb call status. In case of rejection, They will simply Not update the call status. 151 pma long course issb process is not begin yet. So you have to wait for that.. You can Also inquire your status from issb or ghq about your rejection or acceptance.

  32. Shahid Khan Afridi

    Sir if someone did not appear in issb in their respective date so when he apply again in next pma long course..,is he agian do initail test,medical or he simply do issb as a repeater??

  33. If call letter is received (2nd attempt, repeater) where it is informed to report at ISSB for four days but due to some unavoidable circumstances, individual can not report & present than can he apply & eligible for next upcoming long course again?

    1. Assalam u Alaikum sir.I have applied for GDP 154 and have cleared initial test ,medical and interview .My interview was on 24 August 2022 in PAF center.Now when will i get ISSB call?plzz reply sir

      1. Dear Fizaa, Apkay Pass abhi Kaafi time hay. There is enough time for test preparation. Coz, currently pma Long course issb is in progress. After that Issb will be held for army lady cadet course. After All, PAF issb will be started, with Male batches first and Female in the Last.

      2. Syed Muhammad Jawad ul Hassan Shah

        I have been appeard in ISSB test for PAF(air defence course) recently and get not recommended letter from ISSB dated 22-11-2022 but also applied for PMA 151long course which initial test date is announced e.g 29-11-2022 . Can i apear in this test

        1. You can appear in the Initial Tests and they will allow it but You can’t appear in ISSB, before 120 days (120 days after first appearance). It is better to have good preparation for the issb in these 120 days and then apply for the commissioning.

        2. Syed Muhammad Jawad ul Hassan Shah

          I am not recommended from ISSB for PAF ( Air Defence course) recently. But i want to apply for PMA long course in army now. Can i go for ISSB as repeater with out initial test for PMA long course or initial test is required again

  34. Sir if a person is not recommend in issb 98 CAE then he applys for 100 CAE means same course course his initial is conducted again or direct issb is taken kindly reply. And after applying in how many days he get his issb test date for the repeater…

      1. Moazzam Sajjad

        Sir I want to ask If someone miss his initial test due to some reason the How many remain chances in life for test ?

  35. Faateh Nawaz

    Asalam Alikum sir! i want to know that how many chances are there in PMA initial test?

      1. Ok Sir! and kindly tell about PMA graduate course?? is it officially ended or still going??

  36. Asalam o alaikum sir as you have said we need to improve our personality sir plzz tell us how can we improve our personality in our daily routine to get recommeded?
    Waiting for your expert guidence.

  37. Arslan akram

    Sir can i submit my issb form by someone else,beacuase i have to attempt my university exams next weak

    1. Dear Arslan Akram, Yes, You can, But take a safe side. Baaz Time Staff cooperate nai karta, to Aap sath Ik application likh den, apny Signature k saath. Write the reason and Pay Thanks. Umeed hay, Koi masla Create nai karengay. In sha Allah.

      1. I am screen out two time fro issb.PMA 140 and PMA 143. Can I apply for 3rd time on intermediate. I also done ma islamyat as a private candidate.

          1. Moazzam Sajjad

            Sir I want to ask that if we have all documents except domicile then Can I eligible to appear in initial test .

  38. Ali Hassan

    Sir I heard that only 5 to 8 candidates selected out of 100 candidates in one batch in PMA long course it true

    1. Dear Ali Hassan, You heard Right that only few candidates get selected in the PMA long course. There are many reasons for it. I have already discussed it in above questions and answers. The Main thing is the Standard they are looking far. They select the highest standard without any reference or sifarish.

  39. Asslam alaikum. Sir I have submitted my ISSb form along with required documents in mid January but didn’t receive my call letter yet. New course had been announced. Should I wait for my call letter or apply again?

    1. Walekum us salam, Kiran Alam ! The ISSB for Lady cadet course 20 was conducted in March 2022. You should apply again in the Lcc-21 and Inform the Centre Staff accordingly about your last performance. It is expected k apka, medical and Physical ho, Remaining Test na Ho. Selection centre Staff will guide you better.

      1. Kiran Alam

        Actually sir there was a problem last time I did my MBA in finance and course was announced related Supply Chain Management. I have not studied even a single subject regarding supply chain in my MBA program. The centre hardly let me to appear in initial test and I’m afraid if they again do so.! Please guide

  40. SIr is euivalence certificate required for initial test? cant find it written anywhere.

    1. Dear Hassan, Equivalence certificate of what? A Levels for Pma long course ? If yes, then Not required in case of As and Bs. Equivalency requirements are always mentioned in the advertisements.

      1. Thank you for replying sir and an apology for giving incomplete details. I was asking about o level(A level result not out yet). My grades are all As and A*. Do i need equivalence certificate for o levels?


    If a person did not apply on long course and he only apply for short course then how many chances he have for ISSB. One chance or 3 chances .

  42. Alisha Syeda

    Greetings, I’m doing my BS in Applied Psychology and am presently in 3rd semester. Can i apply and if yes when (after which degree, MS/BS,etc)?

    1. Persona psychologist

      Yes, you can apply after the completion of your BS degree in Psychology.

  43. Muhammad Amir

    Dear sir
    I had been not recommended from issb in 152 GDP course. Now I want to avail my 2nd chance for GDP again so Am I clear my initial test again or not please inform me

    1. Persona psychologist

      Dear Muhammad Aamir, You have cleared your initial test for the 152 GDP course and you are now a repeater Candidate. Your initial computerized test will not be held for The GDP course 153. Register yourself as a repeater Candidate.

  44. I have been Not Recommended in GDP 149, Now I want to take a chance in Air Defence in Paf,
    Will I have to take initial exam again?

    1. Persona psychologist

      Dear Saad, You will apply after 01 years, that might be one reason to appear again in the initial test. Although the initial test for GDP and Air defence is the same.

  45. I have a question that in ICS and BSC I get 2 division am I eligible for lady cadit course

    1. Persona psychologist

      Dear, Nida Imtiaz, A candidate is not eligible for a lady cadet course if She has two 2nd divisions in her academic career. According to your query, 2nd division in both ICS and BSc is not eligible for the application of the lady cadet course.

  46. what is the requirenments for A levels..How many subjects…is their any compulsory subjects?…and grades requirenments?

  47. i had been not recomended by ISSB in first attempt on behalf of PAF course, Did i had to pass initial again for second apperence in ISSB.

  48. Muhammad Wahaj

    I got recommended in 97 CAE course of Paf but got low merit in the end. Now I am applying for PMA 149. Will I have to give issb again as it is still valid for a couple of more months or I just have to pass the initial tests of PMA 149 ?

    1. Persona psychologist

      Dear Wahaj, Recommendation is valid upto one year. You may apply and pass the initial test of 149 pma LC.

  49. I have passed both the initials for paf and pma. Will i get issb call letters for both?

    1. Persona psychologist

      Dear Hamid, You can appear once in ISSB in six months. Once you recieved call letter for PAF ISSB, You can’t attempt the ISSB for the 148 PMA long course. If you to appear in ISSB for pma long course, then you have to skip Issb for the PAF.


    Sir . I got 40% recommendation on my (WAT) by psychologist .
    Is there any chance for me to get full recommendation on clearing all the psycology tests.

    1. Persona psychologist

      Dear Fawad Ahmed Qureshi, Yes you can Improve yourself as 100 % Recommended in the ISSB tests. Please read our top post, 8 Qualities of a recommended ISSB candidate. You should start your preparation on daily basis working on these 08 Qualities. If you are able to Inculcate these qualities in your personality, then definitely, You will be recommended. Please note, it may take some time to Improve, Even a year or more.

    1. Persona psychologist

      Kindly visit the “Contact Us” page available on our website. Thank you

  51. How long does it take for your psychologists to evaluate and respond to our performance after submission?

    1. Persona psychologist

      Dear Fahad, It took 10 days or less to evaluate your Psych test responses. If you do not receive your result in 10 days, Please contact us through e-mail or leave a message on the official Facebook Page. We will ensure your results delivered.

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