This post will help you understand all the information about ISSB and its purpose and many things more.
What is ISSB?
The Inter Services Selection Board (ISSB) is a selection board that selects personnel for commissioning in the Pakistan Army, navy, and Air Force. The board evaluates a huge number of candidates after clearing their initial tests throughout the year. If you want to apply for ISSB, You have to appear for an initial test first. After clearing initial tests for any selected course of any armed force, you will be then shortlisted for ISSB.
What is the Purpose of ISSB?
Firstly, the Inter Services Selection Board (ISSB) checks the abilities and personality profiles of the shortlisted candidates whether they can perform an officer’s role or not if they get hired. The ISSB aims to identify the hidden abilities of candidates. These hidden abilities are teamwork performance, thinking skills, physical fitness, psychological fitness, commitment, courage, and others.
How Does ISSB Function?
The ISSB is a 3-dimensional evaluation of a candidate who wants to be part of Pakistan’s armed forces as a commissioned officer. The Three dimensions of the ISSB are under:
- Psychologist dimension
- GTO or Group testing Dimension
- Interviewer or Deputy President dimension
The Psychologist Dimension
The Psychologist evaluates candidates through means of psychological tests and this dimension covers the Inner part of the candidates. A human is not what we see and can be different from what we see outside. That’s why the psychological dimension is very important. The Psychologist evaluates a candidate for past experiences and future thinking through psychological tests. If one can get the vote of a psychologist, Greater chances are the candidate will perform better in the other two dimensions as well.
The GTO or Practical Dimension
This is the Practical dimension of evaluating a candidate. How a candidate performs in front and presence of others. How a candidate performs as a team member and how he acts as a leader if given a chance. That’s why all of the candidates perform the Command tasks one by one.
The Interviewer or Deputy President of Dimension
The deputy president at ISSB evaluates a candidate through group discussion and Interviews. Through this, he evaluates a candidate, how he expresses himself, and what are his plans.
The Inter Services Selection Board is an axial source to select future officers for the armed forces of Pakistan. Its purpose is to identify the potential capabilities and physical fitness of individuals.
Is the ISSB test easy or difficult?
The ISSB (Interservice Selection Board) test is a personality examination that is carried out in approximately 04 days. In this post, I will discuss ISSB, is it easy or difficult?
It depends on your personality
ISSB is the examination of your personality. In simple terms, Your personality is the sum of your habits (traits). Habits/traits do not build in a single day, it takes time. Accordingly, Personality can not be modified or developed in a short time, and it involves your childhood upbringing and hints at the childhood environment where you became a teen. We all are grown up in different environments, so we all have different personalities.
ISSB is easy if you have an impressive personality
You might heard a lot of that …….Mostly, The children of the army officers get recommended in ISSB. The children of army officers indeed have a higher recommended rate than normal civilian children, but this is not due to any reference / Sifarish but it is due to their strong and impressive personality. Following are some of the aspects of a good and impressive personality.
- Can communicate well and able to express himself or herself.
- They have confidence in their abilities.
- There is No fear of failure.
- They have a constructive and positive approach
Please read this, to explore leadership qualities 8 Qualities ISSB tries to find in a Recommended Candidate: Personal Qualities of a Good Leader
ISSB is difficult if you are struggling with different situations when your personality doesn’t support you.
If a person is not able to express himself in front of others, or if he has fears and does not believe in his abilities, then there are no chances for a person to be recommended in ISSB. Then ISSB will be difficult.
So if you are preparing for the ISSB tests, Then I will advise you to please focus on your personality traits, Improve your interpersonal skills, and Improve your knowledge.
You might want to read;
If you have good personality traits/ qualities i.e. also known as leadership qualities, then ISSB is the easiest method to get a commission in Pakistan’s armed forces.
What do you say about your own? did you require little preparation to polish your abilities? Are you struggling while expressing your confidence…… Is ISSB easy or difficult for you, please leave your answers in the comments below.

When the ISSB result be announced?
ISSB result is announced just within one week, after appearing in ISSB. Sometimes it less than two days, while sometimes it might take longer. You can check your result status online through the official website. You can also check your ISSB result through the following link.
You have to enter Your CNIC and Your Batch ID (allotted during ISSB), as shown in the following screenshot.

Although Everyone is informed through online status through the official website, few signs will give an idea about ISSB recommendations and not recommendations.
What are the signs of recommended candidates?
These might be the indication, but not happen always.
1. Re-Interview
Generally, a Re-interview is conducted with recommended candidates, although it doesn’t happen always and a few candidates might get not recommended even after appearing in the ISSB re-interview. Another sign is a Re-obstacle or Re-command task.
If a candidate is all good in other tasks however he fails to clear a certain number of obstacles, they are given the chance of re obstacles. If the psychologist and deputy president are sure of the candidate’s abilities and the GTO has a doubt, then the Re-command task is taken. In that all the judges are present, ie. the psychologist, GTO, and deputy president.
Indication by the Judges
Sometimes, the deputy president gives different signs of ISSB recommendations to the recommended candidate. They can also directly convey the message of recommendation. In case of non-recommendations, they do not leave any cue
Sign of Mail / Post
Non-recommended candidate receive their original documents while the recommended candidate only receive the recommendation letter. Their documents are held with ISSB. The size of the Envelope will tell you about a recommendation or non-recommendation.

There are How many chances of ISSB?
Generally, There is 02 chance for ISSB to appear in tests. This means that if one has appeared in ISSB Two times and both times were not recommended (failed), then there is no more chance to appear for any commissioned force to apply with the same qualification. 02 Chances are counted only if you are not recommended. If someone gets a Recommendation from ISSB and doesn’t fall on the merit list, his or her chance is not wasted. He still has 02 chances to appear in ISSB if the age limit permits (age limit not exceeded).
You might be interested to read What to do? After Getting Non recommendation from ISSB for 2 times..
02 Chances are counted for all commissioning jobs in the armed forces
ISSB two chances are counted combined for all commissioning courses. For example, if you applied for the GDP course of PAF and were not recommended 02 times, then it means you can not apply for the PMA long course, PN cadet course, or any other course as your chances of ISSB to appear are ended.
Please read this post, it might be helpful for you PAF ISSB: Recommended candidate experience
Is there any third chance in ISSB?
Yes, there is a third chance in ISSB tests, if you are not recommended on an FSc Basis (i.e. for the long courses) then you can appear one more time after completing your graduation (16 years of Education) in certain degrees. For example, a candidate applied two times for a PMA long course and was not recommended 02 times. Then He improved his education and got a BS (04 year degree ) or MSc in Computer sciences, then he could apply for the ICTO post, and appear in ISSB for the 3rd time.
Does ISSB the same for All courses?
Yes, the ISSB process is the same for all courses, including PAF GDP, PMA long course, PN cadet course, or for all short service commissions in Pakistan armed forces. ISSB chances are counted once you appear in any course.
Is there any ISSB physical test?
Many candidates ask me the question about the ISSB physical test. They are curious because they have to prepare for it. So, I will explain here about the ISSB physical test in very detail.
Among the 14 ISSB profile qualities, there is one quality that is related to physical tests i.e. Physical endurance. Candidates in ISSB are tested for physical endurance. Physical endurance is checked through outdoor activities by the GTO.
Note: These tests are not the part of Initial test process, and if you are preparing for the initial tests, then ignore these tests until you qualify for the ISSB tests.
What happens after clearing ISSB?
When you appear in ISSB tests for any commissioning post, You will either be recommended or Not recommended. If Fortunately, You get recommended, it means you have all the abilities required for a Leader. This post will explain what happens next when you get a recommendation from ISSB.
If you get recommended, Your Original Documents are held by the ISSB and they will inform you about your Recommendation through a letter. You are just two steps away from Joining the Academy.
1. Final Medical Examination by the Respective medical boards
When you get a recommendation from ISSB, You will be called for a detailed Medical examination by the respective headquarters (GHQ.AHQ or NHQ). This medical examination is very different and thorough than the Initial medical exam. You have to report to the designated medical board center on the given dates. We will publish another detailed post about the Final medical examination to have a clear understanding of it.
You might be interested to read this: All Queries answered related to Medical in armed forces
2. Interview by the Respective Headquarters for Short Service Commission Candidates
If you have applied for the Short Service Commission in the three armed forces, Then a Final Interview will be taken by the respective Headquarters. The panel will consist of Very high-rank Dignitaries (Colonel and above). Although a Maximum candidates pass this interview, as they have confidence in themselves already clearing the tough ISSB, Some candidates might get rejected in this Interview.
You might want to read Cracking the ISSB Deputy President Interview
3. Display Of Merit List
Those candidates who clear the ISSB and final medical Process, are shortlisted for the Joining of the respective academy. If your name is not included in the Final merit list, You should wait patiently and you might get joining instructions or an offer from a sister armed force to join their service. The Merit list is not displayed on a print, but If you did not receive any Joining Instructions, You should approach to the respective headquarters.
When I can apply for ISSB? After matric or FSc?
ISSB tests are mandatory tests to become an officer in Pakistan’s armed forces, i.e. Army, Navy and Air Force. This post will explain, who can apply for the ISSB tests. If you have less knowledge about the ISSB, then it is advised to please read the whole process first and then start preparation.
Read All queries related to ISSB tests, please clik on this links
Frequently Asked Questions about ISSB
All Queries and Questions about Pakistan army commissioning
Can I apply for the ISSB after Matric?
No, one can not apply for the ISSB Tests after Matric. The basic qualification to appear in ISSB is at least FA/FSc. Read different advertisements to understand the ISSB requirements.
One can’t apply directly for the ISSB tests.
To appear in the ISSB tests, You have to qualify for the Initial tests, for different courses. For example, if you want to apply to the Pakistan army as a commissioned officer and you have an FA or FSc qualification with 60% marks then you will register online for the initial tests. After clearing the initial tests, including Initial medical and Interview, then you are eligible to appear in ISSB. Due to a large number of candidates, Nowadays, shortlisting is carried out to appear in ISSB.
What is the minimum qualification to become a commissioned officer in the Armed forces?
The minimum education qualification to become an officer in Pakistan’s armed forces is Intermediate education. i.e. FA/ Fsc (12th Grade qualification or equivalent). Posts for the commissioning in the short courses are also offered after completing graduation (16-year education in different required subjects).
Read these posts to have a clear understanding of the ISSB.
Is there any separate Physical test in ISSB?
The physical test in ISSB is called Individual obstacles.. We have published a detailed post on individual obstacles to have a clear about it while preparing. Please read this post: 9 GTO Individual Obstacles in ISSB: Step by Step Guide
09 Individual obstacles are designed in such a way, that it not only checks the physical endurance of the candidate but might also help in identifying psychological problems. For example, if someone has a Height Phobia, he will try to not perform the Zig Zag run which is 5 feet high, or the monkey bridge which involves climbing, walking, and jumping from a height.
If you are a female candidate and are going to appear in the ISSB tests please read this post for your physical test Individual Obstacles for Females in ISSB
Apart from the Individual obstacles, GTO outdoor tasks also involve physical tests
The outdoor tasks of the GTO, involve command tasks, half group tasks, Group tasks, and final group tasks. These tasks also involve physical testing and one has to jump or climb in certain tests. These tests involve practical intelligence.
How to prepare for the Physical test at your Home?
Yes, you can prepare for the ISSB physical tests (i.e. Individual obstacles at your home). The main thing is the Stamina and you have to perform maximum obstacles in two minutes to earn a high rating. So what you should do?
1. Keep Running: Practice running daily, this will establish your stamina. Tasks are easier but to reach them sharply and in less time is very important. So keep running daily at your home yard or nearest lawn / Park.
2. Keep Jumping and Climbing: You can practice short and long jumping at your home and it does not need any specific equipment. Similarly, you can climb through a Rope or practice swinging at your home.
Do you have any questions related to physical tests in ISSB? If you have any, then please, do not keep it in mind and share them with us, We will reply to you, as soon as possible.

All information about ISSB centers in Pakistan
There are a total of 04 ISSB test centers in Pakistan. They are located in Karachi, Gujranwala, Kohat and Quetta. Kohat is the headquarters or the main office of the ISSB centers.
If there is only a single batch of ISSB for any course, then The ISSB will be conducted in Kohat. Currently, it is happening in the case of Lady cadet courses. They form a single batch and the candidates are called to ISSB Kohat (Khyber Pakhtunkhwa).
The ISSB Kohat is located inside Kohat Cantonment. If you want to contact the ISSB Kohat, then you can do at the following address.
Telephone: 0922- 9260085
How to reach ISSB Kohat on Public transport?
We are giving the arrival and route information Only for Kohat, as it is the main Headquarters and Mostly people go for the ISSB test to this centre. There are Three Routes, to arrive in ISSB Kohat, for different regions.
- Reaching Kohat, through Peshawar: If you belong to Northern areas like Gilgit Baltistan, Chitral, etc, and for you Peshawar is nearest to Rawalpindi, Then you should reach Kohat through Peshawar. Book your seat for Peshawar and reach the main Lari Adda which is Called Haji Camp. From Haji camp, You can go to KOHAT through Local Hiace Service. They might drop you at three different locations in KOHAT, then you have to book a Rikshaw to reach the ISSB center located inside the KOHAT cantonment.
- Reaching Kohat, Through Rawalpindi: If you are a resident of Eastern (Lahore, FSD, NRWL, SKT) and Central Punjab ( SGD, KHSHAB, etc), and your ISSB is scheduled at KOHAT then the best way to reach KOhat is from Rawalpindi via M-2 Motorway. If you belong to SINDH / KARACHI, Then you should also visit Rawalpindi first and then book a seat for Kohat from Mandi Mor or Daewoo Bus Service.
- Reaching Kohat through Southern Route: If you belong to Southern Punjab, i,e. DG Khan, Rajan Pur, Muzaffar Garh, or DI khan (KPK), Then you should come to Kohat through National Highway (Often called GT road).
ISSB Malir (Karachi)
The ISSB Malir is located in Malir Cantt Karachi. If you want any correspondence with ISSB Malir, you can do through the following address and numbers.
GSO-2 (Selection),
ISSB Malir
Phone: 021 – 4953810 or 021 – 9247748
ISSB Gujranwala (Punjab)
If your ISSB is scheduled in Gujranwala, generally for a large number of candidates, the ISSB is scheduled in the nearest center, then you can contact through the following address;
GSO-2 (Selection),
ISSB Gujranwala
055 – 269-3814, 055 – 3866036
ISSB Quetta (Baluchistan)
Those are appearing in ISSB for the Baluchistan region, the following address might help you in correspondence.
GSO-2 (Selection), ISSB Quetta
Phone: 081-2300636
Do you have any questions or queries in your mind about the ISSB chances? if yes, then please leave your reply in the form of a comment below.
Sir ap ka experience ka mutabik
Marks role play karth hain ya nahee
Oor mara abhi 75%marks hain FSC mai
Ap koi suggestion deina chahey gha
Marks ka Role Merit List me aata hay, However it have no role in initial test, or ISSB.
Sir Mai 2 dafa PMA Long course sai not recommended hun, graduation Karne k baad Mai PMA long course day sakta hun as a 3rd chance
No, Yoh can’t apply in PMA long course, However you are eligible for short service commission if meeting other eligibility requirements
Sir Mai 2 dafa PMA Long course sai not recommended hun , graduation Karne k baad Mai PMA long course day sakta hun as 3rd chance
Sir i have been called by issb but i am having the university final exams..i have wroted the recall application but have not got any response yet …kindly guide me
Call them in working hours.
Hello sir, I’ve asked a question before regarding third chance of issb, I’m not recommended by issb twice on the basis of FSC now I’ve completed my graduation and i want to avail my third chance to join PAK NAVY ( Operation branch) SSG n marines. am i eligible or not for it, is it possible or not please guide me about it. Thanks
You can apply for the short service commission and eligible for 3rd time in the graduate courses.
Dear sir, I’ve a question related to third chance of ISSB, I’m not recommended two time from ISSB, but now i completed my graduation and i want to avail my third chance for Pak Navy SSG N (special operation brach). Am i eligible to apply for this course. Is it possible or not?
Assalamu alaikum. Sir I applied in PN Cadet once after completing Fsc and Once recently after Graduation. Was Not Recommended both times. Do I still have another chance of applying? Need Guidance..
THank you
Walekum us Salam, No, You don’t have any chance left. 3rd chance is given once you are twice not recommended on the basis of Fsc.
Sir, main ny do dafa air force aur aik dafa army main initial test dia ha lakin clear nahi howa kia ap mujy bata sakty ho kha main dobara army main kitni dafa apply kr dakta hn yah kasi bi pakistan forces main main kitni dafa apply kr sakta hn?
In PAF there are only three Chances for Failure cases, While for Amry and Navy you can Apply as much times as your age is within limits.
Sir I am twice not recommended in ISSB for pma long course or mene 2no attempt BBA honors pr diye, ab mene airforce men logistic branch k lye apply kia hy to kia mujhe 3rd ISSB chance milega ?
Kia apky BBA Hons ki degree k peechay ISSB k 2 stamps lagay hwe hen? If yes, Then you can not appear again.
Sir I am rejected by ISSB twice( fsc base).
Now I have completed Electrical Engineer(4 years)
Is there any chance for 3rd ISSB?
Yes, You can apply for the 3rd time. You can apply for the electrical engineers posts published by army, PAF and Navy separately.
Sir non Muslims ke koi specific seats Hoti hy ya ni jasay dosray idaro ma non Muslims ke Alag seats Hoti hy
No, There is No Quota System as like other departments. No preference on the basis of Religion or Sect.. Nor specific seats..
Sir PN cadet ki age limit ma relaxation hoti ha 4 5 months ki ?
3 Months tak Ho jaati hay, Age relaxation.
I applied once on FSc basic and got not recommended. Now, I did my graduation. So, I wanna ask how many chances I have one or two?
Sir kisi student ne agr issb test engeering subject k sath Dena hoo lekin us ne Fsc medical k sath ki ho to kya wo engineering subject k sath De skta h test
Dear Nadeem asghar, Basic eligibility is mandatory. Unfortunately you don’t meet the basic eligibility requirements as you described.
Sir agar aap initials ko clear nhi kr pate tu kya ye b chance waste hu ga?? OR issb me apear hone ke 2 chances hai lkn initials me appear hone ke kitne chances hote hai??
Dear, There are three chances in Initial tests if you are unable to clear. If one clear the initial test, his or her initial test chances remain valid. However, Pakistan air force have a little different criteria than Pak Navy and Army. If a candidate failed initial test 03 times (Any initial tests of any armed force, they can not apply in PAF). for example, A candidate have appeared 02 times in Pak army and get failed and then appeared in PAF and get failed then he or she have no more chances in Pakistan air force. This rule does not apply to PAK army and Navy.
Thank you