Your deputy president interviews mostly depend on the ISSB Bio-data form filling, which is done on the first day. Read to this post to prepare better for interview 22 Most Important Questions Related To ISSB Bio Data Form.
In this post, you will be able to know:
- ISSB Bio-data form
- Filling Procedure
- Focused areas of bio-data form
- Preparing questions related to bio-data form
Here is step by step guide;
Personal Data:
Personal data include
- your name
- Parent and sibling names
- Address / home town
- Your own date of birth, Your brother/sister DOB, Parents date of birth
- Qualifications, Marks, grades and Roll numbers (Remember the roll numbers, often we forget roll numbers)
- Your Qualifications, Passing year, Name of institutions
- Occupations: Your own, Parents and siblings
- Religion and sect
- Mother tongue
- Your achievements, if any
- Your previous attempts in ISSB? Course-Batch and chest No
- Do you live or move abroad? Country and stay of duration
- Any Training in Armed forces
Also read; Recomended Candidate Experience: 147 PMA Long Course
Guidance related to personal Data:
You have just to remember. There is no hard question from this section. You need to remember this information, Therefore you will require this for ISSB bio-data form filling.
Interest and hobbies
Guidance: Hobbies are what you do in your spare time. In Urdu we call it Mashghala. You must know about your Hobbies. If you write Book reading as a hobby, then you must prepare their question.
- Last book you read
- Your favourite writer
- Your favourite books
- Theme of books, you read
You can prepare questions related to Photography, News Paper reading, Gardening, and Travelling whatever you write. Remember, there is always a question hidden in your own answer. You should know that. For example, if I say, I am a cricket batsman, then I should be ready for the questions related to Cricket Batsman.
Games and Sports
Guidance: If you write any game or sport you play, you must have good knowledge of it. Like if you write football in sports, you must have knowledge about Player numbers, International Football events, top players, positions to play football, etc etc.
Social Activities during college and school
If you have done any, then write this. If you do not perform any social activities in school or colleges like debate, dramatics, singing or any other, then there is no need to write here.
Your friend qualities
Who are your friends? Your friends are basically your own personality. Your friend qualities are actually your own qualities. So you must know qualities about your friends and your own. Do not write exact words about qualities of friends as your merits. Use separate words for merits and separate for your qualities of friends.
Military courses if any
If you are a uniform person and working in any armed forces department, air force, navy, or army, then this portion is for you. If you have done any course with armed forces as a civilian, you should also write that. Leave this Blank or Mark Not applicable (N/A).
What career do you intend to adopt if not selected? Why?
Prepare these questions well. There could be many possibilities. ISSB not recommendation is natural, do not get emotional. Like, No sir, me ne to koi aor job karni he nai. No sir, me to sirf army me he jaonga. These are childish answers. Please, think about this question and prepare the best answer.
Also read; 8 Qualities ISSB try to find in a Recommended Candidate: Personal Qualities of a Good Leader
Medical History (If you have any disease in the Past)
If you had any major diseases in the past, then please write that. Do not hide it. If they come to know at a later stage, it will be shameful for you.
Merits and de-merits
Take a paper and a pencil. Think about your own self. Ask friends about yourself. Ask from brother and sisters. Write down it any. Be straightforward here, do not hide anything. They will judge you completely in the 4 days, so you can’t hide anything. It is better to write the true merits and de-merits. It will build trust.
Also, read; Merits and demerits explained: Write your own easily
Your Recent dream
It does not mean, you sleep and you saw a dream. Dream banda jagtay hwe dekhta hay. Please, write about it. For me, I have a recent dream to Join PMA.
Your favorite personality
You should write the name of a persona, who you know more than you. It is the person you want to become like him or her. If you write about your father or mother, then you should remember your father or mother’s qualities. If you write a person other than that, you must know complete knowledge about him or her.
Many candidates get emotional and they write Our Great prophet (Peace be upon him). It is ok, we all have faith in our Holy Prophet (PBUH), but if we come to the truth, Many of us have not read any book related to SEERAT. Matlab, Ap favourite personality Hazrat Muhammad (SAWW) likh do, aor psych test me likh do, k aap se namazi choot jaati hen, ya aap itnay mazhabi admi nai ho. Then it mean, actually, you write your personality name un-consciously. That means you don’t have a favorite personality in real.
Point: Do Your Homework about your favorite personality.
If you have any questions, Ask in the comments below. Please share our post on Facebook, so maximum people have knowledge about ISSB Bio-data form. Please like our facebook page to get the latest posts, news and updates about Armed forces jobs if you don’t like them before.
Test yourself by a psychologist for ISSB test preparation

Hi, Are you preparing for ISSB? or you want to know why you were not recommended by ISSB? or do you want to know about your leadership qualities? If YES, You are at the right place. We have a bunch of psychologists, who can evaluate your personality for ISSB test preparation and leadership Qualities. You can then improve your weaknesses highlighted in the psych assessment.
This is a golden opportunity for you to assess your personality and leadership Abilities.
Following is the appointment process.
- Contact us through our Whatsapp number
- We will send some psychological tests and you will fill it in your time.
- You will return your written psych tests for the assessment
- After the written psychological assessment, your interview will be held on WhatsApp call, for some cross questioning.
- Your detailed result will be shared in the form of a PDF report highlighting your strengths and weaknesses, Your leadership qualities, ISSB qualities, suggestions for improvements, and recommendation chances.
- The Normal fee for a psych assessment is 1,000 Rupees, Only. However, if you are a student, then We know your financial challenges. We will do your personality assessment for 500 rupees only. If you are unable to pay the fee due to your financial background, then don’t worry, We will make sure that your financial background doesn’t hinder your growth and we will do your assessment through other options. For contact please click on the WhatsApp button.
If you find this content interesting, kindly share it with your friends who are preparing for careers in the armed forces or ISSB. Feel free to use the WhatsApp icon or click the relevant button below to share this post on Facebook.
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Mild scoliosis Cobbs angel is less than 10 degree fit or unfit for Pak army
Sir kindly inform me # 18 what we will write in educational institution attended block
Educational Institution mean School / College / Board / University from Where you get your degrees
And sir what we will write in from and To block
Let’s suppose you attended Punjab College and Completed your Fsc in 2019 to 2021. It means you completed your Degree From: 2019 To: 2021.
Thnku soo mch sir u solved my big issue
Sir kindly guide me who will fill # 30 certificate by OC unit
Sir what does GC’s number or name stands for
Gc stands for Gentleman cadet.
Sir AFNS interview k lye form fill krty waqt ak portion ata he” Pol Affl ” iska kia mtlb kindly guide me hurry
Dear Saqib, “Pol affl” means Political affiliation. This is needed when you are filling relatives data, If your Relative doesn’t hold any Seat / aapointment in a political party… Leave it Blank or write “Non”
Sir ISSB SSC ka form fill krtey wqt PMDC/PMC ke jagah kya likhna haj
Ye doctor or medical degree holders k lye option hay.
The best guide I had to have in this site Thnk u 😅
Dear Deeba Rukhsaba, Thank you for the appreciation. This comment means alot to us. Thanks
nice work,great information. Thank you soo much
Thank you for your appreciation. We hope, we will provide the best guidance and preparation materials for the issb test preparation, In sha Allah. Keep reading our website, Thanks.
Thank you so much sir for this information
You’re welcome, Shanza Manzoor.
Date of birth kese lkhni hai jahn 3 dates k blocks han