medical test army and paf

What is The process of Medical tests in the Armed Forces?

This post will guide you through the process of medical tests and examinations in the three armed forces, i.e. including the Army medical tests, PAF, and Navy medical examination. These guidelines are equally applicable to all recruitment processes including Initial medical for commissioning and medical check-ups for Soldiers, PAF airmen, and civilians in any armed force.

You might be interested to Read the following;

Things to do before a medical test in the army and PAF, Navy

You should do the following 04 things before appearing for the Medical Examination

1. Cleaning of ears

Before appearing in the medical test or examination, Clean your ears with a local doctor, You should do this at least 3 to 4 days before. Not everybody requires cleaning, but if you had a problem with Ear WAX in the past, then you must do it. If there is a WAX in your ears, You will be treated as Temporarily medically Unfit unless Cleaning at a nearby Military hospital. Cleaning at a Military hospital will cost you more, so it is better to check your Ears for WAX by a local doctor.

2. Cleaning of Teeth

If your teeth are too dirty, Clean them first before appearing in the medical tests. Filling is not mandatory, You can do it later. But your Teeth should be clean for a good impression.

3. Cleaning of Your Nose

Check your Nose for DNS issues. DNS (Deviated nasal septum) is defined as the deviation of the nasal septum from the normal/center of the nasal cavity. The nasal septum consists of bone and cartilage which divides the nasal cavity into two halves.

What is a DNS operation for the nose?

During a typical septoplasty, the nasal septum is straightened and repositioned in the center of the nose. This may require the surgeon to cut and remove parts of the septum before reinserting them in the proper position. The level of improvement you can expect with surgery depends on the severity of your deviation.

4. Full body Cleaning

Take a good Bath before appearing in the medical and Rinse your body properly. Remove unnecessary hair under the armpits and around the testicles. Removing hair applies to Male candidates only. Female candidates do not undergo any private inspection.

Parts of the Body to be checked during the Initial medical check-up and examination

Medical Issues, Generally referred to nearest Military Hospitals

a. Knock Knees
b. Carrying Angle
c. DNS
d. Varicose Veins
e. Eyesight
f. Flat Feet
g. Dental Issues
h. Ear wax

In case of the above abnormalities, you will be referred to a Military hospital. (Your nearest one) . You will get a medical referral form and will visit a military hospital for expert opinion by a specialist doctor. The specialist doctor will decide about your FIT or UNFIT status.

Medical Issues in which candidates are given time for recovery

  • a. More than required body weight
  • b. Under Weight
  • c. In the case of Surgery like DNS, Min 7 to 10 days

This was all about the medical tests in the Army, PAF, and Navy. If you have any questions, then ask in the comments.

queries related to medical tests?

Read all medical queries in this post. All Queries answered related to Medical in armed forces

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345 thoughts on “What is The process of Medical tests in the Armed Forces?”

  1. Assalam o Alaikum sir danto may kis terha kay msail ko to hum medical test may reject ho saktay hay means
    1) kitnay danth totay ho
    2)kitni cavity ho
    3)kitnay tayray ho mens meray nichay valay danth tayray hay

  2. Aoa sir I have mild pectus excavatum and a little overbite in teeth also I have a bent toe in little extent am I eligible for pma

  3. Mubashir Zahoor

    mere fareyesight 1.75 weak hai kya mai technicadet software engineering mai apply kar sakta houn

      1. If i have braces, will i have the options to complete my braces treatment at air force academy? Becos braces ka to monthly checkup hota hai

          1. Nosher ali

            Sir I have alopecia on my due due which there become some scars …will I be ineligible for final medical???

      2. Muhsin khan

        Aslamulakm sir
        Sir fainl medical ky Tim mra wight thk ta 67 lakin abi trying py jaingy tu mara wait zada hogya ha 75 ha tu Kai abi temporary unfit karingy or ktina Tim daingy wight loss Karny kaily . fubery ma medical Howa ha or abi thk wait zida hogya ha place guid mee……..

  4. Sir, what is the exact requirement for eyesight in CAE with or without glasses,
    I have 2.5 in one eye and 3.0 in other eye.

      1. haroonmahmoodi605

        sir agar koe ghalat kaam yane boy to boy sexual relation bana chuka ho us ki selection hothe hain

      2. Muhsin Khan

        Hello sir
        Sir many abi 1month phly varicocele ki open surgery ki ha tu agr abi madical kaily jawnga tu unfit tu nahe karingy

  5. Aoa Sir Mera braces Wala treatment chal rha hai CMH mein,usme 2 teeth extract huye hain mujje unfit tw nahi kreinge?

  6. Aoa sir,I am undergoing braces treatment for my teeth in CMH,they’ve extracted 2 teeth….I am I illegible for ISSB?

  7. Daniyal dani

    Assalam walikum sir!
    Mein Pak navy technical me apply Kiya hai. 8 Saal phele Mera accident Huwa tha jisme paaun ki Hadi broken ho Gaya tha. To rod lagwaya tha. surgery Ka Nishan mere paaun par hai. Chalne me koi problem nhi hai. Mein medical test se phele rod niklwane Ka Soch rha hun. Kia ise koi problem hogi medical me. Please guide Kar dye.

  8. Asalamualaikum Sir,
    sir i have little scar on my my arm,when i was a kid my arm stuck in broken window and i got a little scare of glass from that window on my Arm…Sir is it ok for initial medical or not—

  9. Aoa sir…. sir agr teeth mae gap ho lkin koi koi cross bite na ho teeth proper bnd hotay ho bs gap ka masla ho to kya hota kindly bta sktay hain aap plz…😓

    1. Aoa! Sir I have a cavity in daarh and it cannot fill. The only solution is its replacement with the artificial one. Will I declare unfit for AFNs Final medical test.

  10. Sir I have thalassemia minor due to which my blood HB level stays in the range of 12 to 13. The normal range for men is 13-17, although this doesn’t cause any issue in my fitness, but will it cause my disqualification in the final medical?

  11. Areeba Nayab

    Aoa, sir what if I give the application of branch changing and the commanding officer tells me that we will call you after two days. And it’s the third day. Will they really call me. And if they call, the days for girls’ tests are not there. Can they call me after boys selection days??

  12. Sir plz .tell Me that My lower teeth are not well aligned. Just only one. It is not aligned. So will I get unfit? If unfit than after braces should I can join PNA or I have to wait for braces to be opened and than again try for navy

          1. Airmen me GC k lie 5/6 eyesight chal jae gi? or aero trade me selection k bad further branches me selection kis base pay hoti Hy?

  13. Hamid Isl

    Assalamualaikum Sir, I am colour blind (CP3) can I apply for Pakistan Army as pma long

  14. Amna Msutafa

    Assalam u alikum I am preparing for GDP vacancies will be open in week or two. I wanted to ask i have issue of knocking knees I’m going to gym for correcting it. Can you tell me when is medical held so i could speed up the process.

  15. Shanza Ansari

    Assalam o Alaikum… I wanted to ask k initials test mn passing criteria kia hota hy or I do have few crooked teeths or lower k do molar teeth nhe hn only black sfuff hy to what should I do for my dental issues? Kia possibility hy k unfit nhe krain gy
    I’ll apply for LCC (Psychology field) in Dec…..

    1. Walekum us Salam, Passing criteria is you should tick more than 60% as correct. Generally, Issues related to teeth are curable and can be cured through implants. Unfortunately, Female psychologists have very few vacancies in the army and it is not sure, When they will announce it.

      1. Naufal zeeshan

        Sir I broke my right leg when I was 11 and had surgery and implants in my leg.the implants were removed 2 years later and now my leg is totally fine with no loss of function and only a scar of stiches so can I clear the medical test

  16. Dileep Singh

    Sir I have chest deformity pectus excatavum .can I eligible for PMA Lc.

    1. There are stronger chances that your will get rejected in the medical examination. The reason is that this condition will likely to interfere with physical exertion in military training and performance of duties.

          1. haroonmahmoodi605

            es masla ka koe hal nahi hain kia ? kia aak baar karna wala bhi reject hotha hain ?

  17. Sir Assalam-O-Alaikum!
    Mujai six months sai piles ka problem hai
    Tuo mujai permanent rejection milgi ya temporary rejection?

  18. sir, actually my eyesight have some issue its not that much serious i can see with my eye normally but sometimes it gets a little bit blur , but with glasses i can see normally 6/6 will it create any issue

  19. AoA
    Sir can someone simultaneously apply against 2 posts for Army Corps of Education in LCC?

    Waiting for your response.

  20. Assalam-o-Alaikum sir…hope you are doing well
    Firstly, I heartly appreciate your platform & the ways you are giving guidance 🙂
    Sir I’m applying for LCC (Army Corps of Education). But I’m confused with some questions regarding the medical checkups. My questions are:
    1- My leg bone got fractured when I was about 10 years old. I DIDN’T have any surgery for that. Now, it’s been completely recovered & fully functional. Can these issues pose a problem to be unfit or not?
    2- One of my molars is decaying with caries and the other one is displaced. Would it cause any medical fitness issue?
    Kindly guide me thoroughly, I’m much confused with these.
    Eagerly waiting for your response.
    Thank you.

    1. W.Salam, Thank you Dua for the appreciation. Following are the replies of your queries.
      1. They will check the angulation, if the angle is OK, There is No issue.
      2. If Treatable, then there is No issue.

      1. I have extracted one premolar and one molar , mean I don’t have these two teeth . Will I declare fit or unfit in final medical . Please guide

      2. Mithalchchar

        Asslam o alaikum
        I am preparing for ISSB test,
        Sir I have issue of tooth means I have not one tooth can I pass medical examination

  21. Aoa sir could you please tell me that in how much time knock knee issue can be resolve as i have knock knee issue i checked my both knees collide a bit while running so please let me know through exercise how much time will it take to get ris of knock knee? Awaiting for your response

    1. It will be better to apply in for the lady cadet course / the course your are going to apply. Many times candidates considers themselves, with knock knee condition. If the condition is worrying, they will refer you to respective specialist for expert opinion. You can also consult that specialist doctor for your treatment, in case it is recoverable.

  22. Ubaid Ullah

    Aoa Sir, I had an issue with my chest size, even though, I have increased it from 75 cm to 77cm in almost 7 days, I only have three days, left to increase it to 80 cm, could it be possible, if they allow me to appear in further tests, or if i appeal in appeal medical board. I really want to give the test this time. Please advice me in this regard.

    1. This is a Small issue and don’t require any appeal in the medical board. In this case You might be declared Temporary unfit.. But This issue can be solved by handwork, regular exercise. You might also got some waiver in this case.

  23. Aoa Sir,i have less chest size issue of 6cm, they have given me 10 days time to improve it. Cant i be considered temporary fit in innitial medical of pma lc. Need your sugestion plz

    1. W.salam Ubaid…. if you improve your condition the yes, they might consider you for issb. You are requested to please to Push Ups Regularly to minimise your issue.

      1. Ubaid Ullah Farooqi

        Sir, can’t I be granted temporary medical fitness, or could I get referred to cmh in this regard.

  24. Aoa sir I have 3 surgery scars 3 inch each on my bell. But I am fit now. I recently passed initial test, physical test for Pak navy but I was referred to CMH for surgery scars. If surgeon clear me fit am I able to join Pak forces.
    And please suggest me any trait in Pak Forces in which I can clear medical.

    1. Walekum us Salam Dear Sameed, If the doctor declare you FIT, Then Yes, you can Join Pakistan armed forces if you meet all the eligibility requirements.

  25. sir jab me 5 saal ka tha nose ki haddi toot gai thi leekin ab dard nhi hota ya operation hone ke baad ISSb me medical pass kr pao ga

    1. Aoa Sir
      Sir i have carrying angle issue (cubitus varus) so plz tell if this can be cured

      1. W.salam Talha, I am not sure about the Cure, as the condition is unknown for me. If your angle is within the range, then there is possibility that you will be cleared/ declared medically FIT. You will be rejected if and only if your hand fails to perform some of the actions that you’ll be asked to do in front of your doctor. Unless it impairs your hand movement drastically and also the doctors deem it fit, YOU WILL BE CLEARED.

  26. If still underweight/underchest or both after name in final merit list in PAF for airman.

    1. Jareer, Final merit list me name agya, to preshan honay ki zaroorat nai. Weight gain k liye healthy diet khayen. Weight walay din heavy meal khayen, aor Chest size increase k lye daily basis Push Up nikalen. Ye chotay motay maslay hen.. Be motivated.

  27. Rai Shoaib

    Sir, Mere do dant bilkul kharab ho chuke hain aur bahir se dekhne pe nhi dekhte .par thoroughly check Karne par zaroor Dekh hate Hain. Dentist be Kaha hai k jab wo dono bilkul toot Jain ge tab niklwa k new lagaei ge. Please sir is bare mein bat dein k mein fit Hun ya unfit?

  28. Rai Shoaib

    Sir, I have two tooth decayed and they are completely worn out. Is it unfit for medical test. How can I get declared fit with them?

  29. shahmir

    aoa sir i have sweaty palms in hands as well as in toes would i be unfit?

  30. sir jab me 5 saal ka tha nose ki haddi toot gai thi lekin ab dard nhi hota kia me eligible ho PMA me plz reply

  31. Nosheen

    Aoa, sir I wanted to ask that what weight is required to pass the medical test, as a girl and I wanted to ask what kind of over all body check will be there?

    1. The medical requirements are written in the above posts, Kindly Read them All. If I talk about weight, Then it depends on your body height. Mostly candidates fall in 40 to 60 kg Range.

  32. naeem Ali

    assalamualaikum sir Mai nai 2021 Mai army soldiers Mai apply kia tha final medical ni krwaya tha wo refer form aur tmam slips mairy pass Hain kia ab Mai medical krwa sakta hn

      1. Aslam o alikum ap bta skty hn k edu instructor k final medical mn knee knocking py rejection ho skti kia..or is mn is k elawa konsa medical hota

  33. sir me jab 5 saal ka tha tab me gir gaya tha nose the haddi tot gai thi lakin ab dard nhi hota ho kia me eligible he PMA ke liye

  34. sir meri eightsight -1.5 glasses 6 by 6 apne kaha me eligible ho sir is me reffered to nhi kare ge CMH

  35. AOA sir I’ve knee knocking but whenever I join my feet they touch, they don’t touch whenever I run or walk. is it ok or not

    1. If it is due to excessive fat, then it is fit, if this condition is due to to angular problem, then it might create problems for you.

  36. sir meri eye sight door ki (-1.5) he or glasses ke sath 6 by 6 he kia me eligible ho jao ga PMA long course ke lie. ya phir me laser treatment karwa lo

  37. Muhammad zeeshan alam

    Aoa sir…
    I am recommended from pma 150 Long course but got TUF and then i appeared in 151 medical where i got fitness ..tu kia ab final merit list main koi issue aye ga…like mere fsc or matric main 85% se above marks hain…..kindly final merit ka kuch idea dey saktey hain ap?

    1. Dear Zeeshan, Final merit list is based on overall performance, not just academic grades or initial tests. As you have mentioned, I expect your name will be included in final merit list In sha Allah. Be hopeful and start preparation for the next milestone.

      1. TUF stands for Temporary Unfit. If a candidate is suggested for surgery and undergo the process, The person will be declared TUF in first Instance. After 3 or 6 months or as advised by the specialist doctor, The candidate enters to FIT category.

  38. Assalamuallaikum sir,
    Is hallux valgus bunion creates a problem in the medical examination of PMA L/C?

    1. Dear Wajih, it might depend on the angulation. However you must try to pass the initial test and appear in the initial medical examination.

  39. Osama Shakeel

    Hi Sir,
    I’m from short service commission in ICTO. In my final medical I become unfit from ENT because I had mild sensorineural hear loss in left ear. But detection of this abnormality is only possible from audiometry machine. In normal this can’t be detected because I can hear normal voices from left ear and it very minute. I was in CMH lahore and I asked from other friends in Multan , Abbttobad they didn’t have audiometry test. Now I’m unfit. I don’t know what should I do ? If I’ll appeal in medical board my issue persist and I’m not sure they will provide relaxation to me or not.

  40. Sir i have a little large wound mark below my ankle and some loss of tissues due to this wound and there is also a layer dead tissues on it, will it make me get rejected by the way it doesnot cause me any problem in running but is really noticeable

    1. I am unsure about your medical condition, You might be either fit or UNFIT. However, as you described, there are greater chances that you will be declared medically FIT. Do apply and word hard.

  41. can i apply for gd pilot after lasik surgery,will i be considered phusically fit after that

  42. Sir,I have applied for AD branch…kindly tell me is it short service or long course..and its importance over others

    1. dear wasim, it is unclear, Read your registration slip, it will be mentioned there. Short service commission are awarded on the basis of graduation, and it you should know, which option you selected while registering online.

      1. Osama Shakeel

        Hi sir,
        I was giving my final medical and failed in audiometry test because I had mild sensorineural hear loss in my left hear. I’m from short service commission. My this abnormality can only be detected from machine. In normal it can’t be detected because I can hear normal voices upto 1000 hz. I’m from short service commission. Does hearing standards are important for me ? My fellow from Multan , abbttobad didn’t have this audiometry test. It is only available in main CMH. So what should I do now ? Appealing in medical board will help me ? Will they give me relaxation in this ? Or there is any other way ?

        1. Dear Osama Shakeel, Yes hearing standards are important for all posts in the armed forces however, certain posts have very strict requirements. This is true that it is available in large military hospital. I will advise you too book a private appointment with an ENT specialist in CMH, where audiometery tests are available. Discuss your issue with ENT specialist and then act accordingly. A military doctor can guide you better in case of recovery or appealing in the medical board.

  43. Assalamualaikum sir vacancies for accounts officer in PAF has announced but only for boys so is there any chances k girls ki bhi announce hongi?? If yes then kab tak girls k liye vacancies aye gi??

  44. AOA sir.I have been through LASIK eye surgery.In which branch of paf can I apply?

  45. Sir meri left eyesight -4.25 hy aur right -3.5
    Soo laser operation krwa kr pma lc ke.liye eligible hunga?

    1. Unfortunately, No… If it is not visible, then You may try. However, if it is visible and have effect on normal functioning, then you might get UN-FIT in the medical test and examination.

  46. Aoa,
    Plz tell about varicocele issue
    Is it permanently unfit or a one can get fit after surgery in PMA L/C

  47. Mohammad Ahmed

    kindly tell me if theres physical test like pull ups running push ups for GDMO in pak army bcs they havent mentioned anywhere in the selesction procedure

  48. Sir ma Hash(charas) use krti hon Takreeban 1 cgrt Daily iska b checkup hota ha kia….or agr hota ha to iska immediate solution kia ha…..

    1. Immediate solution yahi hy, k aap kisi Rehabilitation centre se apni treatment karwa len.. aor usky bad aap apply kar len. Ye Cheez to Forces me bilkol b Acceptable nai hay… aor apko Agar job mil b jaye aor during service, Apka pata chal gia unko, to Service se Nikal dengay.. Not Acceptable totally.

  49. Assalamualaikum sir hope you are doing well sir Mai ny PAF accounts officer k liye apply krna hy kindly ap bta Dyn k physical test Mai Kiya include Hy means running sit-ups ,pushups ,pull ups ye sary krny hoty Hain females ny bhi? And ye initial test Mai hoga ya issb Mai?

      1. Sir Srf initial Mai nai hota? Ya issb Mai bhi nai hota sir?
        Or overall issb k baqi tests similar Hain for all the post including accounts officer?

        1. Jo aap ne link share kia tha.. wo misleading hay. Uspe aap further click karty hen, to wo Army physical k baray me bataty hen. I am 100 and 10% sure k Physical test PAF Initial test me nai hota.
          Issb me individual obstacles hotay hen. ISSB sab ka same process hay, Chay wo account officer ho, pma long course ho, ya Navy ka cadet, All have the same process. For Individual obstacles please read Individual Obstacles for  Females in ISSB

  50. Or sir mere bilkul minor se eye muscles bhi weak hain kia ye bhi problem create kar sakta hay???

  51. Or sir one more question ke mera thora sa misplaced midline teeth ka bhi problem hay kia ye bhi problem bn sakta hay???

      1. Thanks sir for your response, sir aik or problem hay winter season main mere hath or paon ki fingers main swelling ho jati hay tu kia ye medical main problem bn sakta hay,kia wo unfit kar detay hain ye mere sath sirf winter main 2, ya 3 months ke liay hota hay phir meri fingers thek ho jati hain.

        1. Sir jab meri sojti hain fingers tu phir fingers red or moti si ho jati hain kindly problem ke bare main mujhay please guide kar dena

          1. Dear Wajih, Garam Juraab use karen Pairon ko Thand se bachayen… Ye Beemari nai hay.. Apna khyal rakhengay to aisa nai hoga. This happened also with me.. But I avoided through Regular socks wearing

  52. AOA sir.. how are u… Hope so u r fine.. sir today i visited my dentist and he checked my teeth gap and suggested me braces but for braces first of all i need to lose my 2 teeth which are just after molar ( darh) so my total no. Of teeth would be 28 before aqal darh after that there will be 30 but during my army medical test there would be only 28 teeth… So does it matters of losing my teeth bcz of braces and alligment in pak army medical? Kindly suggest me plz.. what to do😔😔

  53. Sir, I have a weak eyesight of about – 3.5. So can I apply for army engineering?
    Also, I did according to the above description of knocking knees and my knees were touching but I had no issue in standing or running, so do I have knocking knees or not?

  54. sir, agr bachpan me cuts lgye thy…. unka hlky nishan rehty hain… wo hain bhi purany……fir bhi unfit?……. us waqt insan na smjh hota hy sir… es ghlti kr deta…is cheez ka eefect usky future pe pary uska career kharab sir… koi choot hy isme kia?

    1. Dear ayesha, Dont worry about it. Self harm means, which is associated with psychological disorder. For example, koi junooni hy and have harmed him or herself in the past, then UNFIT karty hen, If it is old and have no effect on your physical functioning then there is no problem and you will be declared fit.

  55. No sir knees doesn’t collide with eachother while running
    Only gap is not there while standing

      1. Thank you so much sir for Ur response ☺️ sir I have another query.. my height is 5.1 according to height I am eligible but my weight is 70 kg so is there any chances to be declared as unfit in medical due to weight??

        1. Don’t worry about Weight, Extra time is given for Maintaining Weight and they will Not directly declare you as UNFIT. For Example, Your Weight is 72 Kg on Medical examination Day, You will given another date to Reduce it 65. But it is better, to have a Balance Diet plan and Maintain your weight undercheck

          1. Thank you so much sir
            And is there any WhatsApp grp for the preparation of ISSB?

  56. Sir bcz I have checked knee knocking by joining both heels my knees fully touches with eachother and I have sinus since last 3 4 years kindly guide

    1. Dear Sijal.. only your Knee are touching or your feel difficulty in running? Did your knees collide with each others while running? If not, then it is not counted as Knock Knee.

  57. Sijal nawaz

    Assalamualaikum sir I want to apply for accounts officer in PAF kindly guide I have sinus issue..will I be declared unfit as well as I have knee knocking issue what should I do for that??

    1. Walekum us salam, Sijal Nawaz, How do you know that you have knee knocking issue? Do you assumed yourself or a medical doctor told that? I’ll advise you to please a consult a Doctor before apply for both knee knocking and Sinus issue.

  58. Hi,
    I have applied in pak navy as female psychologist and previously I had 2 tooth which I got removed through bridging of my upper teeth. Will this create any issue? Can bridging be considered as unfit for armed forces?

  59. Sir I have lot of stretch marks on my tummy area but can’t harmfully for me. to Kya mje Pakistan air force m medically unfit krdengy?

  60. Assalamualikum
    I have a query regarding initial medical can someone get rejected/unfit if they have open bite (dental genetic condition).

  61. mery pao ki last ungli bari hai jabky 2nd last choti hai, but they’re not attached and also not causing any problem for me in my daily movement. is this a issue?

  62. Any doctor can helps me before applying for any test
    Means, koi doctor jo mujhe arm forces ka lia mukamal medical check up kr da takaa koi masla masail ho tou theek ho jai?
    Ya pta lag jai risk ha ya nhi apply krna

      1. Subhan Naeem

        Thanks please tell me that what is ment by eyesight 6/6 with or without glasses?????🤔

  63. Sir maray lower 2 teeth aur daarh kay elawa sb may gap ha aur 4 teeth ki alignment bhi seedhi nhi… Teeth colour bhi thora sa Yellowish ha zada nhi ha..sir abhi maray ps 2 saal hain kya kroon plz guide me.. aur ye batae agr mae aesa hi jao ga to fit consider hoon ga ya unfit… Kindly kindly bta dae plz

    1. Dear Amaan, Apnay Teeth ki treatment karen, you have sufficient time to adress your issue.. Next I don’t know, for which post are you applying… It might create less problem in Non commissioning posts… While For Commissioning posts, It does matter..

      1. Sir for gap i am trying braces treatment but for colour there is no option for me because colour treatment is very much expensive… So kindly tell me does colour matters? Light yellowish…
        And for gap i will use braces.. just clear my doubt of colour plz

      2. Sir mujhe varicocele hai grade 2 kya usa ho sakta hai ke initial me doctor usko notice na kar sake ya agar kar bhi diya to kya chance hai ke me issb ke baad karwaon surgery

  64. Asalam u alaikum sir… Sir maray lower 2 teeth kay elawa aur daarh kay elawa sb teeth mae gap ha aur 4 teeth ki alignment sedhi nhi ha thoray say taeray hain..teeth ka colour bhi thora sa Yellowish ha zada nhi ha thora sa ha… Kindly bta dain maray pass 2 saal hain bs abhi apply krnay say phlay… Kindly bta dain

  65. Sir, meri teeth allignment blkl theek hai but upper theeth thory outward hai , baat krny ya daikhny mai blkl feel nai hota , mai ny doctor sy consult kia hai , doctor ny kha hai k lower theeth ko braces ki zarorat nai hai , agr ap upper teeth ko lgwana chahty hain to lgwa lain , ab issb k initials b start hony waly hain ,agr mai abi braces lgwaon to mjy medicay unfit to nai kia jaay ga?ya aisa to nai ho ga k mjy next long course mai apply krny ka keh dain?

      1. Sir maray teeth mae gap ha aur 3 teeth thora say taeray hain.. teeth ka colour bhi thora sa Yellowish ha.. kya aap bta sktay mujhe kya krna cahea aur mae fit hoon ya nhi plz

  66. Kindly sir bta dein issb form ky rat 10 bje call aa skti hai keu ky mjhe aaj rat 10 bje call ai hai ky ap apna issb form ly jye center aa kr

    1. Dear Iqra, Lady cadet course ki issb to over ho gayi hay.. there was just once batch of Lcc-21 which was conducted on 22 to 26 September 2022.

  67. wasiq barkaat

    agar teeth men issue hon cavities k
    dant seedahy hon par cavity hon
    to temporary unfit ha ya permanent

  68. If someone recomended for issb from initial selection centre with temperary unfit objection of overweight then is it posible that call for issb come.

    1. Dear Ishaque, If ISSB forms submitted, then yes, You have equal chance as other candidates. However, you must work on your weight loss to avoid problems in future.

  69. stranger here

    i had completed my fsc from fazaia college in 2022 and i have cleared all the initials plz am very much worried about this

    1. stranger here

      its not easy for me to announce publicaly that i was raped in 2018 but i want to join PAF i had cleared my initials kya main final medical main unfit ho jaun gi

        1. stranger here

          thanks alot sir am really very thankful to you bcz to join PAF is my passion since my childhood

    1. Aap cobbler ki banai hui leather chapals, sandals ya kherian pehna karo ussay paoun k neechay paseena ayga aur charbi piglaygi aur flatfoot khatam hoga.

  70. Asslam o Alikum! aaj mera initial medical test hua and they said i am overweight but unhu ny mjheeee time nhi diyaaaa unhu ny kaha ky aapku 15 sy 20 din call ayeee gi tb aap ny dobara weight loose kr ky ana hai

  71. A.o.A.
    Sir meray pass metric ki mark sheet hy but sanad nahi hy. Toh kiya koi issue toh nahi hoga initial test sy pehlay? Woh test k liye examination hall mein behthnay dein gy?

  72. Sir if someone has cuts on arm than what should one do in this case ? Laser sa remove krlai? I mean will they reject permanently or refer case?Kya krna chyu hatawa Lai?
    Pls ans

  73. Or carrying angle pr unfit kar Kai pir dosri bar apply kr saktai h agr woh tek hojay? I mean permanently reject krtai ha ya temporary

      1. Sir…mary bazo pr scar hai…cuts maary thy q k number achy nhi aaty thy isly…iska hal hai koi..koi hal k darkuwast den ya koi halll…plz sir reply anf help me plzzzz plz…main army k binna mar jao gi

    1. Asslamualikum Sir,
      Question 1) Agar face par scars ya til hon toh medical mein koi issue hoga ya nahi?
      Question 2) initial test k baad medical test kitny time baad hota hy?


    1. Walekum us salam Dear Zimal, The required height for Female in GDP branch is 5 feet and 4 inches. For All other branches in PAF, The Minimum height requirement is 4 feet and 10 Inches. Answering the last one… Yes, ISSB have same process for All posts of All Armed forces. It is basically a Personality Examination to Check the Required standard for commissioning in the armed forces.

  75. Sir can you please tell me kai agar ham medical mai height mai fail ho jain GD pilot kai liay to ab ham kitni bar or apply kar saktay hain.
    Or ham eyes kai liay laser kar wa saktay hain?

  76. Sir can you please tell me kai agar ham medical ma height mai pass nahi hotay to ab ham GD pilot kai liay or kitni baar apply kar saktay hain
    Or laser allow hota hai for 6/6 vision?

  77. Sir , agr dant mn thora sa blackness ho to medical test mn chl jae ga ya fail kr dein g? Mera kl medical test h plz guide kr dein

      1. Sir winter season main mere hath or paon ki fingers main swelling ho jati hay tu ye mere liay final medical main problem bn sakta hay kia???

          1. Sir nose ke haddi half upper wali he neechay wali toot gai thi PMA clear ho jai ga

    1. Yes, Sammya, You can change your medical test date after Initial tests. This is Not a Big issue, Just inform the Selection centre staff and they will schedule the date accordingly.

  78. Anonymous

    AoA sir mn ne is year GDP k lie apply kia he .. Teeth’s ka problem he .my teeth’s are misplaced ..Terry hn to kia mn medically unfit hon gii

  79. Asalam o alikum sir , sir will premature gray/white hairs create any problem in medical test??
    Please reply , thank you

    1. W.salam Dear Ahmad. No Grey or White Hair will not create any problem in the medical test. This is Normal and Completely medically fit. Thanks

  80. Anonymous

    I have my braces on. Can I apply in Paf ? How it may effect my medical fitness??

  81. I have black Glaucoma and I can not see properly with 1 eye but the other one is 6/6 also I have sinus issue. So I will be declared medically UNFIT?

    1. Dear Fatima, as replied earlier, You will be declared medically unfit. For selection in armed forces, Your both eyes should work properly, with some weaknesses allowed.

  82. Anonymous

    Sir! After clearing initial test PMA L/C.Can we select issb center by our own???

    1. No Dear, You can’t select an issb centre at your own after clearing initial test. Generally speaking, Candidates from Karachi and Sindh are directed towards Malir, Balochistan’s candidates to Quetta, Southern punjab to Gujranwala, Kpk, G.B and Northern punjab are called at Kohat centre.

  83. Will the candidate be declared FIT or UNFIT if she/he had his braces removed but the glue is still stuck?

  84. Zain ahmed

    Sir what if a person has dental implants and is applying for pma long course is he fit or unfit for final medical

  85. Anonymous

    Sir, right arm tota tha and was operated aur plate dali thi when i was about 7 to 8 year old tu kiya medical test me unfit ya clear (problem koi bhi nahi and i never felt it)

    1. Sir i have applied for pma and i have 3 dental implants does it affect final medical or i am unfit for army

  86. Anonymous

    Sir I lost my three teeth, and now having artificial teeth, is there will be an issue for me in medical test in army as medical cadet

  87. Anonymous

    Sir my arms carryig angles are right18 and left it accept able or not?

  88. Fajr Naveed

    Plz tell me about teeth. Does they check thoroughly? Do I have to apply braces?

    1. Maaz hussain

      I had an accident and my big toe was broken now its coverd .i had operated it . by lil bit deform and turn to right lil bit…awill it be okay or not plz ..

  89. Ahmad jan

    Hello . Some of my frnd applied for flying officer PAF. She has a tattoo on her wrist. She cleared her initials and maybe she will be called for further tests .. will that be a problem for her, on the contrary if she goes for an surgery it will left her a scar on wrist .
    Please your opinion will be highly appreciated.

    1. Dear Ahmed Jaan, If she try to Erase it, It will create more problems, and they will consider it Self Harming. Self Harming lead to Straightforward Rejection. Go ahead as it is, and tell the truth if asked about it. This will create less problems.

  90. If a person get VDLR positive, although HIV and TPHA is negative. Will he b fit or unfit in final medical ? Please respond

  91. Syed Muhammad Adil

    Sir ,mujhe Paf gdp ke medical test me unfit kia ta varicocele problem ke waja se. Ab agar me surgery kerwao aur per 2023 me pn cadet ke test k liye appear hojao tu kia mujhe fit kia jayega ya nahe.jab mera problem tekh hojaye tu surgery per hame unfit karenge ya fit?
    I will be waiting sir plz reply as soon As possible

  92. Zarra Haseen

    Hi there.
    I have an eye condition named keratoconus along with a poor eye sight of 12. How much chance of rejection in medical is there? I am apply as a psychologist in PAF

  93. Psychology wala jino na flying officer ka liya apply kiya inital test, inital medical or interview clear kar liya ab us ka bad short list laga ge jo select ho ga issb ma traning ka liya baja jay ga likn us sa pehla Issb ma ja kr be test ho ga agr ho ga to kon sa wala ho ga? jesa abi inital ma to intelligence or academic hoa ha.

    1. Persona psychologist

      Initial test, Medical aor Interview k bad ISSB hoga, Shortlisted candidates ka. ISSB Recommendation k bad Final Medical, Then Final Interview and Then Selection in Pakistan air force after that Training Starts.

        1. Persona psychologist

          Is website me Recommended candidate ki Category hay. Us pe click karen. Us me hum ne ik Recommended Girl ki Experience post ki hwi hay. Ya Fir aap Home page se ISSB PROCEDURE pe click karen. ISSB procedure is same for All posts, and all forces. Engineer, Psychologist or Army cadet, ya Navy Cadet Jo b hay, Sab ka ISSB Process Same hay. There is No Difference

  94. If someone has a heat surgery in past and now he/she is living well and don’t have any problems regarding to his/her surgery, will he/she be declared medically unfit by the issb for Lady Cadet course

    1. Dear Minal Abid, If someone is having Heart surgery in the past, He/She might be living well in normal life but it might effect the military training of the individual. The initial medical process is not carried out in depth and you may Pass the initial medical examination. In the Final medical examination, After recommendation in ISSB, This issue might be noticed. And they will evaluate the seriousness of the problem and eventually the effect on the military training of the individual. If it does not create hindrance for the individual in the military training, There are chances the individual will be declared FIT for the job in armed forces. Hope this reply will clear your point. Regards

    1. Persona psychologist

      No it is difficult to Be fit with this Condition. The ENT specialist doctor if observed any hole in your Eardrum, You will be declared unfit for armed forces. I will suggest you to please visit a Civil ENT specialist for the treatment first, get advice from him and then Go for medical Examination in Army, Navy or Airforce as applicable.

      1. Aoa sir. I got my surgury for tympanoplasty in sep 2022 and in final medical they did temporary unfit and asked me for doing all medical nd then submitted my medical form . They will review my ear after 6 months and then they wil fit me so will they just review my operated ear or want me to do all my medical from start?

  95. Initial medical or interview test sy kitny din baad hota h …? Sb candidates Jo test pass krty hain sb ka same day hota h ….? …ik area m rhny wAly Jo hun….?..

    1. Persona psychologist

      Dear, Jab apka test pass ho jayega, to Apko New date milay gi, for Medical examination and interview. Aap ka medical and interview Same center me hoga, Jinho no initial test pass kia ho. Log b same center k hongay, Means aap k Alaqay k he candidate hongay.

  96. Psychology waly Jo flying officer k liye apply k rhy hain unki eye sight ka issue to n ho ga?

    1. Persona psychologist

      Dear Ramsha, 6/6 eyesight is required (with or without glasses) for the psychologist post in the Pakistan air force. 6/6 Eyesight means your both eyes working properly and you will stand at 6 feet distance to read some alphabets displayed on a sheet. If your eyesight is okay, You can easily read those alphabets, In case of any discrepancy, You will be referred to a worthy eye specialist doctor working in a military hospital (CMH) near Your home.

      1. Persona psychologist

        Hi Misbah Noor, If you have applied for the psychologist post in paf, then read “Introduction to Psychology” PSY101 Handouts, easily available in PDF at google. please download the book and prepare it.

        1. The book you mentioned is enough for the preparations psychology test in education dept?

          1. Persona psychologist

            The Book Mentioned is just enough for Test Clearing. If you prepare, you can easily Pass the Academic Test, However, For Good Grades in initial tests, You should consult other Books and Recent Papers.

          2. okay and how to assess past papers solely for psychology preparation. like where can we find them

          3. Persona psychologist

            Through our WhatsApp group. Where candidates share their initial test experience of both intelligence and psychology.

          4. Persona psychologist

            Join our WhatsApp guide for Psychologist. Please read our Post for details and information “Join Pakistan air force as Psychologist”. Write in the site Searchbar, You can easily find it.

        2. Muhammad Aamer

          Sir bs applied psychology or clinical psychology. Kis k baad apply krskty

          1. Dear Aamer, Yes, You can apply for the commissioning post of Psychologist in all three armed forces, i.e. Pak army, Navy or Air force. Both Applied and Clinical are eligible.

    1. Persona psychologist

      Dear Shariq, They will refer you to a worthy skin specialist doctor for further opinion. The skin specialist doctor will decide about your medical condition.

    1. NO, Pakistan Navy or Pakistan air force do not recruit the individual with the problem of Color blindness. The candidates who failed in color blind test, they are declared medically UNFIT.

  97. Midhat Khan

    agr tooth extraction hoi wi ho? and what is someone is having thyroid problem? Asking for LCC

    1. Persona psychologist

      Teeth Extraction pe Medically unfit Nai karty. If someone have Thyroid problems, He or she will be Referred for Specialist doctor opinion.

      1. I just started my orthodontic treatment 2 months ago and have braces on. I want to apply for this batch’s PAF test, will my braces (which will take about a year or two to get off) declare me unfit?

    1. Persona psychologist

      Agar carrying angle ka problem na ho, Ya other disability, Then No problem. Nishan se kuch naj hota

      1. Asslam o alaikum sir agr paf k medical m knee knocks ka issue aa jay aur accident ke wja se leg m rod ho lekin chalny pherny dorny m masla na ho to kia final medical clear kr skta ha??

          1. Agr rod niklwa lo tang m se to koi chamce bn skta ha kia m n lecturer k liey apply kia tha to kia lecturer k liey b itna e medical tuf ha jitna baqi branches k liey?

          2. Nai, Lecturer k liye Itna tough Nai hoga. Aap medical me appear Ho jayen. Rod Na Nikalwayen. Unho ne observation ki soorat me Specialist doctor ko refer karwana hay.wo apko opinion de dega.

          3. Aoa Sir Mery2 front teeths half toot gay thy to mene capping krwaai now I can eat properly kya me or skti hun apply???

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