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  • #1061
    ISSB Mentor



    *Study of blood = #haematology

    *Study of liver= #Hepatology

    Study of fungi = #Mycology

    Study of Algae= #Phycology

    Study of virus= #Virology*

    Study of Kidney= *#Nephrology*

    Study of Cancers = *#Oncology*

    Study of Universe= *#Cosmology*

    Study of Fruits= *#Pomology*

    Study of birds= *#Ornithology*

    Study of bones= *#Osteology*

    Study of Egg= *#Oology*

    Study of Dream= *#Oneirology*

    Study of Hair= *#Trichology*

    Study of Eyes= *#Opthalmology*

    Study of Soil= *#Pedology*

    Study of Languages= *#Philology*

    Study of brain= *#Encephlology*

    Study of Nails= *#Cosmetology*

    Study of Air= *#Aerology*

    Study of Earth= *#Geology*

    Study of fish =

    Study of insects = *#Entomology*

    Study of Heart= #Cardiology

    Study of Skin= *#Dermatology*


    (1)👈 Which city of Pakistan held the OIC Conference in 1997?
    ( Islamabad ✅ )

    2)👈 In which year was OIC founded?
    ( 1969 ✅ )

    3)👈 Length of Pakistan and Afghanistan border?
    ( 2252 Km ✅ )

    4)👈 Length of Pakistan and India border?
    ( 1610 Km ✅ )

    5)👈 Length of Pakistan and Iran border?
    ( 805 Km ✅ )

    6)👈 Length of Pakistan and China border?
    ( 595 Km ✅ )

    7)👈 What is the length of Pakistan coastline?
    ( 1046 Km ✅ )

    8)👈 What is the name of the border between Pakistan and Afghanistan?
    ( Durand Line ✅ )

    9)👈 When was the border established between Pakistan and Afghanistan?
    ( 1893 ✅ )

    10)👈 What is the name of the border between Pakistan and India?
    ( Radcliffe Line ✅ )

    11)👈 When was the border established between Pakistan and India?
    ( 1947 ✅ )

    12)👈 What is the name of the border between Pakistan and Iran?
    ( Pakistan-Iran Barrier ✅ )

    13)👈 When was the border established between Pakistan and Iran?
    ( 1957 ✅ )

    14)👈 What is the name of the border between Pakistan and China?
    ( Sino Line ✅ )

    15)👈 When was the border established between Pakistan and China?
    ( 1963 ✅ )

    16)👈 In wich year Pakistan and China joint Venture of JF7 Thunder Aircraft started?
    ( 2003 ✅ )

    17)👈 The Kargil incident happened in?
    ( 1999 ✅ )

    18)👈 Which country assisted Pakistan in the construction of Sandak Project?
    ( China ✅ )

    19)👈 When was Liaquat Nehru Pact between India and Pakistan signed?
    ( 1950 ✅ )

    20)👈 Mirpur is a famous city of?
    ( Azad Kashmir ✅ )

    21)👈 What is the total area of Balochistan Province?
    ( 347,190 sq Km ✅ )

    22)👈 What is the total area of Sindh Province?
    ( 140,914 sq Km ✅ )

    23)👈 What is the total area of KPK Province?
    ( 74,521 sq Km )

    24)👈 What is the total area of Punjab Province?
    ( 205,344 ✅ )

    25)👈 What is the total area of Pakistan?
    ( 796,096 sq Km ✅ )

    26)👈 What is the total area of ICT?
    ( 906 sq Km ✅ )

    27)👈 Diamer-Bhasha Dam has situated on the river of ?
    ( Indus River ✅ )

    28)👈 Dasu Dam is located in?
    ( KPK ✅ )

    29)👈 Salt Mine, Khewra is located in which district?
    ( Jhelum ✅ )

    30)👈 The Headquarter of Navy is located in?
    ( Islamabad ✅ )

    31)👈 The Headquarter of Pak Air Force located in?
    ( Islamabad ✅ )

    32)👈 The Headquarter of Pak Army is located in?
    ( Rawalpindi ✅ )

    33)👈 The Headquarter of Pak ISI is located in?
    ( Islamabad ✅ )

    34)👈 The Headquarter of NAB is located in?
    ( Islamabad ✅ )

    35)👈 The Headquarter of FBR is located in?
    ( Islamabad ✅ )

    36)👈 The Headquarter of PIA is located in?
    ( Karachi ✅ )

    37)👈 The Headquarter of Pakistan Railways in ?
    ( Lahore ✅ )

    38)👈 ” Faiz Mahal ” is located in which district?
    ( Khairpur ✅ )

    39)👈 ” Noor Mahal ” is located in which district?
    ( Bahawalpur ✅ )

    40)👈 Shahi Qila is located in which city?
    ( Lahore ✅ )

    41)👈 Who built Shahi Qila lahore?
    ( Shah Jahan ✅ )

    42)👈 Shalimar Bagh located in which city ?
    ( Lahore ✅ )

    43)👈 Who built the Shalimar Bagh?
    ( Shah Jahan ✅ )

    44)👈 Where is located “Taj Mahal”?
    ( Agra, India ✅ )

    45)👈 Who built the ” Taj Mahal “?
    ( Shah Jahan ✅ )

    46)👈 Where is the tomb of Mughal Emperor Shah Jahan?
    ( Agra, India ✅ )

    47)👈 The first Constitution of Pakistan was enforced in?
    ( 23 murch 1956 ✅ )

    48)👈 The second Constitution of Pakistan was enforced in?
    ( 8 June 1962 ✅ )

    49)👈 The Third Constitution of Pakistan was enforced in?
    ( 14 August 1973 ✅ )

    50)👈 In which Constitution did Pakistan became Islamic Republic?
    ( 1956 ✅

    51)👈 Which is the largest source of electricity in Pakistan?
    ( Thermal ✅ )

    52)👈 Which is the Biggest thermal power station in Pakistan?
    ( Kot Adu ✅ )

    53)👈 Which is the biggest nuclear power station in Pakistan?
    ( Karachi Nuclear Power Station ✅ )

    54)👈 Which sector is the biggest consumer of Pakistan petroleum?
    ( Transport ✅ )

    55)👈 Which dam has the largest electricity generating potential in Pakistan?
    ( Tarbela Dam ✅ )

    56)👈 Which Natural gas was discovered in Pakistan?
    ( Sui ✅ )

    57)👈 In which Province Natural gas was discovered first in Pakistan?
    ( Balochistan ✅ )

    58)👈 In Which year natural gas was discovered in Pakistan?
    ( 1952 ✅ )

    59)👈 Which dam was built first in Pakistan?
    ( Mangla Dam ✅ )

    60)👈 When was Mangla dam Constructed?
    ( 1967 ✅ )

    61)👈 When was tarbela Dam Constructed?
    ( 1976 ✅ )

    62)👈 Largest Dam of Pakistan is?
    ( Tarbela Dam ✅ )

    63)👈 Highest Dam of Pakistan is?
    ( Mangla Dam ✅ )

    64)👈 Smallest Dam of Pakistan is?
    ( Warsak Dam ✅ )

    65)👈 Tarbela Dam is situated on which river?
    ( Indus River ✅ )

    66)👈 Mangla Dam is situated on which river?
    ( Jhelum River ✅ )

    67)👈 Warsak Dam is situated on which river?
    ( Kabul River ✅ )

    68)👈 Mirani Dam is situated on which river?
    ( Dasht River ✅ )

    69)👈 Hub Dam is situated on which river?
    ( Hub River ✅ )

    70)👈 In which city Tarbela Dam is located?
    ( Haripur district, KPK ✅ )

    71)👈 In which city Mangla Dam is located?
    ( Mirpur, Azad Kashmir ✅ )

    72)👈 In which city Warsak Dam is located?
    ( Peshawar, KPK ✅ )

    73)👈 In which district Mirani Dam is located?
    ( Kech district, Balochistan ✅ )

    74)👈 In which district Hub Dam is located?
    ( Lasbela district, Balochistan ✅ )

    75)👈 Dar-ul-Uloom Deoband was founded by?
    ( Muhammad Qasim Nanautavi ✅ )

    76)👈 When was Dar-ul-Uloom Deoband established?
    ( 1866 ✅ )

    77)👈 where is located Dar-ul-Uloom Deoband?
    ( India ✅ )

    78)👈 Who was the founder of Sindh Madrasa-tul-Islam?
    ( Hassan Ali Afandi ✅ )

    79)👈 When was Sindh Madrasa-tul-Islam established?
    ( 1885 ✅ )

    80)👈 In which city located Sindh Madrasa-tul-Islam?
    ( Karachi ✅ )

    81)👈 Muhammad bin Qasim entered Sindh in?
    ( 712 (A.D) ✅ )

    82)👈 The Objective Resolution of Pakistan was passed on?
    ( 12 Murch 1949 ✅ )

    83)👈 Muhammad Ali Bogra’s formula was presented to the constituent assembly on?
    ( 7 October 1953 ✅ )

    84)👈 The Constitution of 1973 was come into effect on?
    ( 14 August ✅ )

    85)👈 Who made Constitution of Pakistan 1973?
    ( Zulfikar Ali Bhutto ✅ )

    86)👈 Who made Constitution of Pakistan 1962?
    ( Genral Ayub Khan ✅ )

    87)👈 Pakistan’s first law was made in the presence of which Prime Minister?
    ( Chaudhry Muhammad Ali ✅ )

    88)👈 When the first Provincial election in Pakistan was held?
    ( 1951 ✅ )

    89)👈 When was the first Presidential election in Pakistan was held?
    ( 1965 ✅ )

    90)👈 When the first general election in Pakistan was held?
    ( 1970 ✅ )

    91)👈 When was the second general election held in Pakistan?
    ( 1977 ✅ )

    92)👈 Shah Faisal Mosque was built by an?
    ( Turkish architect ✅ )

    93)👈 Who chose the name of Pakistan?
    ( Choudhry Rahmat Ali ✅ )

    94)👈 Pakistan purchased Gawader from which country?
    ( Oman ✅ )

    95)👈 In which year did Pakistan buy Gawader from Oman?
    ( 1958 ✅ )

    96)👈 Who Serves as the acting Prime Minister in the absence of Prime Minister?
    ( Speaker National Assembly ✅ )

    97)👈 The first Pakistani to walk Mount Everest?
    ( Nazir Sabir ✅ )

    98)👈 The first Pakistani woman to walk Mount Everest?
    ( Samina Baig ✅ )

    99)👈 Gomal Zam Dam is located in?
    ( South Waziristan, KPK ✅ )

    100)👈 Which Country is located in the East of Pakistan?
    ( India ✅ )

    101)👈 Which Country is located in the West of Pakistan?
    ( Afghanistan ✅ )

    102)👈 Which Country is located in the Southwest of Pakistan?
    ( Iran ✅ )

    103)👈 Which Country is located in the Northeast of Pakistan?
    ( China ✅ )

    104)👈 Which country has largest border with Pakistan?
    ( Afghanistan ✅ )

    105)👈 Which country has shortest border with Pakistan?
    ( China ✅ )

    106)👈 With how many countries pakistan shares his boders?
    ( Four 4 ✅ )

    107)👈 What part of the world is Pakistan in?
    ( South Asia ✅ )

    108)👈 The total number of Agencies in FATA are?
    ( 7 Agencies ✅ )

    109)👈 Who was the first Muslim personality to be awarded the Nobel Prize?
    ( Dr. Abdul Salam ✅ )

    110)👈 In which year Dr. Abdul Salam got Noble Prize?
    ( 1979 ✅ )

    111)👈 In which field Dr.Abdul Salam got Noble Prize?
    ( Physics ✅ )

    102)👈 The deadly Earthquake striked Balochistan on?
    ( 24 Sep 2013 ✅ )

    113)👈 Who was the writer of Urdu Book” Pakistan Naguzeer tha”?
    ( Syed Hasan Riaz ✅ )

    114)👈 how many articles in 1956 constitution of Pakistan?
    ( 234 articles ✅ )

    115)👈 how many articles in 1962 constitution of Pakistan?
    ( 250 articles ✅ )

    116)👈 how many articles in 1973 constitution of Pakistan?
    ( 280 article
    s ✅



    ➡ Samara was built by_________?

    A. Muta’sam‍✔

    ➡ Al-Beruni died in the year__________?

    A. 1048✔

    ➡ Grand Mosque at Damascus was built by______________?

    A. Walid bin Abdul Malik✔

    ➡ How many Countries Are the Members Of NATO?

    A. 30✔

    ➡ Reuters News Agency belongs to which country?

    A. UK✔

    ➡ Paristan Lake is in district?

    A. Skardu✔

    ➡ Maiden Tower is in_________?

    A. Azerbaijan✔

    ➡ The tallest man of Pakistan is__________?

    A. Zia Rasheed✔

    ➡ The Currency of Maldives is___________?

    A. Rufiyaa✔

    ➡ Park Güell is in__________?

    A. Spain✔

    ➡ Federal Investigation Agency (FIA) founded in___________?

    A. 1975✔

    ➡ The oldest Intelligence agency of Pakistan is_____________?

    A. IB✔

    ➡ Eden of Sindh is called_________?

    A. Larkana✔

    ➡ Twelve Apostles are in___________?

    A. Australia✔

    ➡ Minaret of Jam is in_______________?

    A. Afghanistan✔

    ➡ Lake Ness is freshwater lake in________?

    A. Scotland✔

    ➡ Abu Simbel Temples is in_____________?

    A. Egypt✔

    ➡ Tilicho Lake is in__________?

    A. Nepal✔

    ➡ Millau Bridge is in__________?

    A. France✔

    ➡ Mount Eden Crater is in________?

    A. New Zealand✔

    ➡ Hagia Sophia Museum is in___________?

    A. Turkey✔

    ➡ Leaning Tower of Pisa is in_________?

    A. Italy✔

    ➡ Financial Action Task Force (FATF) was founded in which year?

    A. 1989✔

    ➡ The “Tiger of Mysore” is called____________?

    A. Tipu Sultan✔

    ➡ In Indus Valley “Alluvial Soil” was used for making?
    A. Brick



    1. ANATOMY:The science dealing with the structure of animals, plants or human body.
    2. BACTERIOLOGY: The study of bacteria.
    3. CHEMOTHERAPY:The treatment of disease by using chemical substances.
    4. DACTYLOGRAPHY:The study of fingerprints for the purpose of identification.
    5. ENTOMOLOGY:The study of insects.
    6. FLORICULTURE: Study of flower yeilding plants.
    7. GEOLOGY:The science that deals with the physical history of the earth.
    8. HISTOLOGY:The study of tissues.
    9. IMMUNOLOGY:Science which deals with the study of resistance of organisms against infection.
    10. JURISPRUDENCE: The science of law.
    11. KALOLOGY: Study of human beauty.
    12. LEXICOGRAPHY: The writing or compiling of dictionaries.
    13. METROLOGY:The scientific study of weights and measures.
    14. NEUROLOGY:The study of the nervous system,
    its functions and its disorders.
    15. ORNITHOLOGY: The study of birds.
    16. PATHOLOGY:The study of diseases.
    17. RADIOLOGY:The study of X- rays and radioactivity.
    18. SELENOLOGY:The scientific study of moon, its nature, origin, movements, etc.
    19. TAXICOLOGY:The study of poisons.
    20. VIROLOGY:The study of viruses.
    21. ZOOLOGY:The study of animal life. * .

    1. ANATOMY:The science dealing with the structure of animals, plants or human body.
    2. BACTERIOLOGY: The study of bacteria.
    3. CHEMOTHERAPY:The treatment of disease by using chemical substances.
    4. DACTYLOGRAPHY:The study of fingerprints for the purpose of identification.
    5. ENTOMOLOGY:The study of insects.
    6. FLORICULTURE: Study of flower yeilding plants.
    7. GEOLOGY:The science that deals with the physical history of the earth.
    8. HISTOLOGY:The study of tissues.
    9. IMMUNOLOGY:Science which deals with the study of resistance of organisms against infection.
    10. JURISPRUDENCE: The science of law.
    11. KALOLOGY: Study of human beauty.
    12. LEXICOGRAPHY: The writing or compiling of dictionaries.
    13. METROLOGY:The scientific study of weights and measures.
    14. NEUROLOGY:The study of the nervous system,
    its functions and its disorders.
    15. ORNITHOLOGY: The study of birds.
    16. PATHOLOGY:The study of diseases.
    17. RADIOLOGY:The study of X- rays and radioactivity.
    18. SELENOLOGY:The scientific study of the moon, its nature, origin, movements, etc.
    19. TAXICOLOGY:The study of poisons.
    20. VIROLOGY:The study of viruses.
    21. ZOOLOGY:The study of animal life.*

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