ISSB Mentor

I am a personality psychologist and I hold an M.Phil Degree in Psychology. I have assessed more than 1500 candidates and have good experience in analyzing personality. Read more articles to know about me.

non-recommendation in ISSB tests

Topic 6: The No.1 Reason Why Mostly candidates get Not-recommended

ISSB Evaluate more than 20 thousand candidates for the three services. Among these candidates less than 2 to 5 % of candidates get recommendations. What does it mean? Is it because our armed forces hire a very little number of officers? The answer is No. We will explain the main reason behind non-recommendation in ISSB

Topic 6: The No.1 Reason Why Mostly candidates get Not-recommended Read More »

issb tests help from not recommended

Topic 5: Should I seek help from Non-recommended Candidates? If No, then why?

The answer is simply “No”. I will request all of you especially the fresh candidates who have never applied to ISSB before. Please avoid taking help from Non-recommended candidates. You can get help from them for Initial Preparation and interview. However, I will strongly not recommend help from the Non-recommended candidates. If you want full

Topic 5: Should I seek help from Non-recommended Candidates? If No, then why? Read More »

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