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- February 18, at 14:12 #1136
GuestSituation Reaction Test Questions (SRTs)
Also read: All about SRT Test: ISSB Situation Reaction Test
Practice Situation for Tests
◾Set 1
1) You are only one from your department to get selected for college cricket team and while at practice your senior scolds you badly at mistakes. You will…
2) You were going to the back of your apartment side and saw few people taking liquor. You will….
3) You asked a person to do plumbing work in your apartment and suddenly the man loses his balance and falls from first floor. He will…
4) On the week end highway trip, you are running the car at high speed which hits a small child playing near the road. You will…
5) The meteorological department warns your district that big storm is going to hit, you will….
6) Your sister is preparing for her exams and light suddenly switch off in your apartment. You will…
7) On the way to give money for your friend’s father who is at hospital for surgery, you found your bag with money is missing. You will…
◾Set 2
1) During the final round of project submission, his leader got a call about his father’s heart attack. You are requested to make the project demo to client… You will
2) While evening study, guests arrived at home and his mother orders to buy some snacks, on the way back it started raining heavily and water flooded the streets and guests are waiting in home, he will….
3) After the September passing out parade from PMA Kakul, you are requested to report at Siachin in December where your father has heart operation on the same reporting day, you will…
4) After reporting to your Commanding Officer you come to know that he is tough to talk, you feel so many things to change in the unit and you will…
5) Your Commanding Officer never gives your permission to implement your ideas, but on the winter morning, your bunker gets heavy shelling from western side, you will…
6) You are a fresh graduate of MBA taking in charge of your father’s business and after your leading there is a sudden fall in business profits and you will…
◾Set 3
1) His captain was injured before a crucial match, he was asked to lead the team? He. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2) He was on his way to home and suddenly it started raining heavily? He. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3) You are an officer posted at the border & suddenly shelling happens from the other side, you. . . . . . . . . . . . .
4) You are at unknown city and lost your purse. You need money. As a stranger how will u manage? . . . . . . . . . . . . .
5) Your brother wants to get admission in a medical college but his marks falls short by 1% for admission. u
6) You have to go to a city with cash for work but the way is dangerous as dacoits…… how will u manage to go?
7) He was travelling by a train & suddenly a person snatches purse from lady & jumps out of train. . . .
8) You are going to sign a contract suddenly u got news that one of your friend who had helped you once met anaccident and is in ICU. you. . . . . . . . . .
9) He had boarded a wrong train and came to know only when he was asked to pay money to TT. He……
10) He saw his sister walking with another person on his way. He…
◾Set 4
1) He was on his way to railway station to catch a train; suddenly a car passes by and throws a person out ofthe running car. He………………..
2) He was driving the bike without helmet and the traffic police caught him. He……….
3) He was asked to organize the farewell party. He…..
4) He was ironing his clothes when suddenly he received an electric shock and he noticed the wire burning.
5) He was in charge of wireless board in a sailing ship which lost its communication with the coast. He. . . . .
6) In a discussion with your colleagues, you find your losing ground, you…….
7) He was to appear for an exam and all of a sudden the cur few was imposed in that area, he………
8) He went for the picnic with his friends and on the way he had hot arguments with them. He…..
9) There is a person who sells smuggled goods. You too, like many others, have purchased a wristwatch from him. But it doesn’t work. You……..
10)Just two days before the semi‐finals of the bridge tournament, his partner was called by his parents and had to goout of station for an urgent work. He……..
◾Set 5
1) He was walking on a dark street with his sister thensuddenly 10 armed people came & started harassing his sister the next police station was 10km away……
2) His friend was always quarrelling with him and thepapers were near. He…..
3) His boss gives a piece of work and orders him to followhis instructions to complete the work, but the work isdifficult to finish within time. He…………
4) He see a snake moving near to the bed where hisyounger brother is sleeping, when he enters his room.
5) If some of your friend cracks a joke on you in presenceof your wife, what will you do…
6) You received an urgent order from your commander.But you feel that order passed on to you is wrong. You…..
7) You opposed strike in college and you are beaten upby strikers (your colleagues). You…….
8) You had a hot discussion with your friend on certainpoint. Later u found that your friend was correct.
9) Your joke was well meant but still your friend becameangry. You…….
◾Set 6
1) He had exams the next day & the road to his schoolwas flooded with continuous rain for last two days.
2) While in discussion, his friend shouted at him, that hedon’t know anything. He…….
3) While passing by he found two people sneaking at a house from the window. He………….
4) You are driving a car on highway at full speed suddenly brakes fail. You…..
5) Light in your colony suddenly goes off due to rain n storm. You……….
6) You are in train & lost your purse with money. You……
7) You are travelling by bus engine catches fire. You…..
8) Mr. X doesn’t agree with points put forward by you. You
9) Your friend dies in a drowning tragedy. You…….
10) In The Company of strangers you feel…………
◾Set 7
1) His friend was copying from book in examination hall.
2) During a trekking trip, he was left alone in the jungle. He………………
3) He was weak in studies, and knew that he could not do well in his education. He………….
4) He was going for the ISSB and on the way he saw a person seriously injured and nobody was there to helphim .He……..
5) Your brother is facing charges for the murder which he really committed. You………
6) He was crossing a flooded nala in his boat and suddenly lost his control. He……
7) He was travelling to his ISSB centre, and just before reaching the station, he found that his suitcase is lost.
8) He……………..
9) He was all set for SSB but unfortunately there was a
sad demise of his family member. He….
10) He was playing out door and his brother got seriouslyinjured and it started to rain heavily. He……..
◾Set 8
1) He was rather young when his father was killed in thewar and later mother kidnapped by the rival group. Hehad no other relative. He………….
2) You are on the way to your home suddenly yourbicycle got punctured. You…..
3) He urgently needed of money. He…
4) During d exams his teacher threatened him to fail inexamination. He…….
5) You are getting late in reaching meeting. You would…
6) You find your hostel roommate not very friendly withyou. You…..
7) Your mom is seriously ill and your boss doesn’t grantu leave. You………
8) He was wondering why most of the Politician in Pakistanwere corrupt and he………
9) He was trying long jump, in school sports day, andinjured his ankle. He…………….
10) He was to marry a rich girl chosen by his father but hedid not like her. He………..-
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