Test No. 25 (Random questions)
This test is comprised of random Online intelligence questions.
#1. If Box is coded as coded as CDPQYZ, how would you write COA in code?
#2. Finger is to Elbow as Toe is to_________.
#3. Fly is to Aeroplane as sail is to_______________
#4. spot out the stranger in the following :
#5. if sunday dawned three days before yesterday what day will dawn two days after tomorrow?
#6. My mother is sister of your brother.what relation am I to you?
#7. Essence is to flower as________is to oven.
#8. A is father of B but B is not A’S son,what is relationship of B to A?
#9. which one is out of list?
#10. if shoes is to foot then helmet is to ______
#11. which one is different from the list?
#12. which one is different from the rest?
Please attempt more quizzes by clicking on the next page
assalam sir, kidly tell me about aeronautical engineering test date for girl
Test date is allocated when you register yourself during Online registration. Please wait for the month of August.
Assalam O Alaikum sir kesy hein ap?? Sir if u remember my name i m Iqra Akbar last year i had passed my initial for LCC with the help of your website and commented on same page but sir unfortunately i was not shortlisted for ISSB now i wanna try again so i have to pass initial again or not? Plz guide me sir!
Yes, You will appear again.
can u plzz tell me how was the test?
Assalamualaikum… Kia LCC kliya initial procedure Kay baad shortlisted girls ko hi issb kliya call ati , ya subhi girls jinho nay clear kia hoa ho initial unhay ajati call…?
Walekum us salam, Only shortlisted girls are called for ISSB.
Sir how to prepare for medical questions in gdmo exam plz help sir plz
Guys….. What do you think? The comments on this page have crossed the 500 Number, I think, comments should be closed on this Page.
A.O.A sir I’m very passionate to join Ak Army but my subject is not announced every time. I have done bachelor degree(Bba in Finance)
W.S, You can apply in the service corps ASC which required 16 years BS/Master degree in Financial management
Okay! Sir one more question please i approach for an academy he said that i can’t apply beacuse mera bba management sciences ma ha or mny just last two semester ma specialization ki ha in finance so ma apply nh kr skti es field ma ye clear kr dy plz
Sir my application is rejected due tou wrong discipline. What its mean? I’m worried about it
Sir, Do You provide Age waiver of 1 year for Lady Cadet Course for females who already serving in Armed forces as a civilian? More pl tell i did Masters in IT but in C4I directorate they required BS-Engr . Am i eligible to appear in test.
Assalam O Alaikum sir how are you? Sir if u remember my name I am iqra Akbar last year i had cleared my initial for LCC by getting help from your website but unfortunately i was not shortlisted for ISSB. mein dobara dena chahti hun sir tou kiya mujhy initial dobara dena parega?? R sir mry comments post nhi ho rhy I don’t know why
ICTO and Lcc ka academic portion saem hota hai???
I have done bscs and wanna apply for Lcc
And kindly do inform me when will the registrations of LCC (Nov/Dec23) will be opened?
The registration will be opened in this Month (January). Male ICTO and ICTO in LCC have similar Academic Tests.
Assalam u Alikum .
Sir kindly Guide me about Academic Test
I’m eligible For PMA long course
W.Salam, Online academic tests for the PMA long course will be uploaded soon on this website. which will comprise of Most repeated questions.
sir page number 15 ka question number 1 and 19 answers is wrong please correct it
Thank you, Abdulraffay for the Comment, On page 15, Q1 right answer is 32%. According to the question, 1% students are equal to 5 then how many % will be for 160 students who are absent? divide 160 by 5: You will get the right answer. The answer of Question is 16 years. Ali have age of 5 years, Sara have 10 years, after 6 years, what will be the age of both? Ali having 11 years while Sara will be 16 years old.
Page 15
Right answer is Wednesday
Which isn’t in answers.
Sir on page#15 Q, 3,10,12 answers R wrong 1km cover ho ga 5 mints ma not 0.2 or 15 mint ma 28 km ho ga 14th day thurs ho ga plz corct and mry comts block hein sr ma separate cmnt nh kr skti rply ma hota mra?
Thank you Iman, for the highlighting, We will check it.
Sir page 3 question 12 in verbal intelligence test has wrong answer, please correct it.
C is shorter than D is the right answer.
sir kuch question ka ans glt hn plz isay right kar dyn
Yes, There are some wrong answers due to feeding error, Kindly highlight the questions and Test No, So We can easily edit. Thanks for the Comment.
Assalam o Alaikum sir
Sir can you tell me any tricks about non verbal intelligence test?
Sir intermediate pe apply hoti h to matric ki marksheet or inter ki marksheet honi chaiye na certificate to matric ka nh ayaa baki marksheet inter ki ayi h plz guide
Marks sheet dono honi chahaye, and if 2 years has been passed after completion of your Matric, You will be asked to show he Matric Certificate (Sanad) at selection center.
sir is there any exercise which can reduce my knee knocking
PAF mn ab masters walo k liye kab jobs aa re hn?and ASF ki test preparation k liye guide kr dain please
Aap ne Master degree kis subject me ki hay? ASF ki kon c post k liye?
IQ Verbal Intelligence Test for PMA Long Course – The Pakistan Military Academy (PMA) Long Course is a great opportunity for candidates to serve in the Pakistan Army. To secure a place in this program
Same type of question I have applied for logistics scs on the basis of master in chemistry from where should I prepare for subject related mcqs
Dear Awais Ali, You should prepare past papers and general knowledge. Past papers will help you, in understanding how to prepare for the academic tests.
Visit Initial and ISSB material page on this website for all type of past experiences and papers.
Sir mery msc chemistry m 59% ur bsc main 62% ha to kia m bsc ki base pa apply kar skti lcc k ley agar msc %age pa possible nai to?
Plzzzzz sir kindly guide
Unfortunately, BSc ki percentage count nai hoti, Msc Ki percentage pe apki eligibility dekhi jaati hay.
Sir please make a general knowledge based question that may help us for prep
Ok, We will add PMA long course academics in future. Thank you so much for the Suggestion.
can we use calculator in initial test of PAF or they will provide any roughsheets for rough work? cause some of the verbal question and physics question needs solution.
No but you can do it on the back of your roll no slip
Sr if female of height 164cm has weight of 40kg ,can she apply for forces??
Yes, She can Apply.
If someone having hermoids is he ir she disqualified for afns medical???
It depends on conditions, If recoverable, then No issue, If chronic, then there is problem.
Sir plz tell me k issb k 2nd chance k liye age 21 years aor 3 month sai badh jaye toh
Your question is unclear.
Asalam-u-alikum Sir!
Actually he is asking about age limit. His age is 21y/3mns. And it’s his second apply to issb. Can he apply in issb now?
Yes, He can apply.
sir i apply in afns sr mera appendix ka oppperate hva tha i year ago tu sir iss ka koii issue tu nhi h ?
If you are normal and have no issues in dail functioning, there is no issue, They might suggest an ultrasound for further checks if necessary.
do flat feet is eligible for AFNS medical?
Sir AFNS mai running krwatai hai
Yes, There is Physical test
i have flexible flat feet . am i eligible for Afns medical ?
sir mery bhi flat feet ka thora sa issue hai jo practice se thk ho gya kia mein afns medicle test clear kr skti hoo
Yes, In sha Allah, You will clear the fitness test.
sir is there any virginity test for girls applying in afns? kya wo test eale din hi hota hai?
No, There is No virginity test.
Aslam o alaikom sir
Next GD PILOT K posts lab ayegy?????I am waiting for them.
Walekum us Salam, Bus Aanay wali hen. Start your preparation accordingly.
Sir I have a question total time for intelligence test is 30 minutes or for each. Means 30 mins verbal or 30 mins non verbal
Total 30 minutes for both Verbal and Non-verbal.. There is a Single test, No separate tests for verbal and Non-verbal.
can please add academic mcqs for amc
Sir can you please tell me how to solve question no 10
For AmC academic McQs please visit this link
Medical Cadet AMC Test Preparation
I can not do pull ups except that I’m perfect can I pass AMC test
Unfortunately No
How can I improve my IQ more for my BD ISSB? i have to get 75 out of 100 in verbal IQ Test.
Dear Afrid, Verbal Intelligence need practice to improve your score and speed. But remember, IQ is used for the screening, For the BD ISSB preparation, You have to work on your communication skills, Confidence building, expression, emotional stability, directing ability and others qualities. You may read this for goal oriented preparation.
8 Qualities ISSB try to find in a Recommended Candidate: Personal Qualities of a Good Leader
Assalam o alaikum sir ! PMA L/C m girls b apply kr skti hain ???
w salam, No, Unfortunately Girls can’t apply in PMA long course.
please read this post in the following link, might be helpful for you. All Commissioning Jobs for Females in the Three Armed forces
Sir eye side -1 and -1.75 eligible h kya
Yes, Eligible.
assalam ualaikum
iam new in this website. i need verbal and non verbal mcqs according to afns test kindly help me
W.salam Ariba, These online intelligence tests will work for AFNS. Don’t worry. You can Prepare intelligence test from here and for academic test you have to review Fsc Syllabus in selective subjects.
sir i am new on this website please guide me according to timing in afns test
Your question is unclear, please ask the question in a clear way.
Sir I applied for A & SD (132 CSC ) today; holding degree BE ( Civil ). Sir kindly guide krden ke “ACADEMIC TEST” ke tyari kese krun please.
Subject/ Qualification: BE Civil
Jazak Allah
Assalamoalikum sir
In ounce;ton;stone;pound which is odd one
Stone… Remaining are measurement units.
Sir how can I prepare myself online for ISSB ? Please reply
Assalam u Alikum. Can you tell me the syllabus for the test of AMS
Assalam O Alaikum sir!..Allhamdullillah I m done with my initial test and medically i m also fit…Special Thanks to u fr this website…now plz guide me about ISSB…🙂
W.Salam, Congrats Iqra, You should start preparing from the Topic 1 and continue to the last topic.. For easy help I am sharing Links so you can start your preparation accordingly.
Assalamualaikum sir….. I’ve done my MSC in psychology. Kindly guide kr dein k kea m apply kr skti hon??? If yes to plz us se related b guide kr dein
Is it true that shortlisting in any of the armed forces is based solely on marks in the intelligence test and the rest u have to just clear
Thank u sir! Sorry i didn’t get! Which topic??
Is shortlisting for issb done solely on the basis of intelligence test score and you just have to clear the academic tests
Assalam-u-alaikum Sir
Alhamdulillah Alhamdulillah I’ve successfully cleared my initial and medical. JazzakAllah Alkheir for all the guidance. Kindly let me know how should I prepare for physical and then ISSB.
Ma sha Allah good, and best of Luck for the next process.. Physical test of lady cadet course is not hard and you can clear the test very easily. Please read this post for more guidance about Physical tests.
Query Related to Running and Dress Code in Lady cadet course Physical Test
Assalamualaikum sir , sir on 25 July my M cadet test , so please guide me how I am attempting my initial test .
A.o.A Sir My name is Dania baloch i am not clear my intial test I start preparation in corona virus and last month I also join accadmy I have done Master in English 😿😿My parents said I am not able to join LCC can you help I want to prove myself
Dear don’t be sad! Contact me personally or give me ur insta account i will guide u…
W.salam, Dania, As a English graduate you should not limit your self to Pakistan army, There are many other shining fields where you can serve the nation.
Aoa sir.I’m applying For CAE,PAF preparation plz guide me.how to prepare my self for initial test.plz help me out
Please prepare verbal and Non-verbal from this site.. Revise Fsc Syllabus or Physics, mathematics and English Grammar… Also review past experiences. You can easily clear your initial tests.
Congrats dear,
I have intial on Monday did you give me few key points related to intitial preparation so I m thankful to you…
Thank u…yeah sure! Aik 81 verbal questions hungy 30 minutes hungy agr apko Verbal ki sb types ati hein r apki practice hai then u don’t have to worry..second try to solve more than 50 mcqs of verbal test with in time….isk bd foran apka non Verbal start ho jayega 64 question with in 30 minutes…thory tricky hungy again wahi bt k practice honi chahye time management ki r apko sari types clear hun …isk bd apka academic start hoga foran jo apk apny course sy hoga 50 question hubgy 30 minutes….to be honest mri practice bht ziyda thin r mujhy verbal …non verbal ki sari types pta thin tou mny time sy pehly 3nun part cover kr liye thy jo 4 ya 5 mny skip kiye thy wo bhi at the end mny krliye thy time bach gya tha…so abhi bhi apk pass bht time gai try to practice more and more…Best of luck …!
Percentage waly question dekh k jayein…directions waly…odd man out…Alphabetical order waly…age related…ziyada tricky nhi hoty …non Verbal thory hungy but verbel waly easy hoty…90% of 90% must ata hai jumbled spellings waly bhi 3 thy i think…esy hi mix questions aty hein. Word Beauty tha aik…Paris tha…Crocodile tha aik…relax hok jayein kr lengi Ap In Sha ALLAH.
Aoa Sis Can uh share ur insta id ?I Want To Get hlp from uh
plz share ur insta id i’ll contact u there lady >.
Please share the link from where you prepared for the non verbal I’m a bit confused about those:( can you please highlight the types of non verbal.
Verbal, non-verbal ki types bata sakti hain?
Kindly tell ap ny practice kahan sy ki Mera test 19 ko Hai plz guide
You cleared your initial ?
Asslam o Allikum sir recently i completed my bachelor’s in psychology. What’s the criteria of joining Armed Forces as a female psychologist. In this year when was the recruitment date come.
The criteria for Females psychologists is 5 feet height (4.10 in paf), atleast 2.67 cgpa, having age less than 30 year. Mentally and physically Fit.
Assalam o Alaikum Sir!
I have done BS (Hons) in Languages and Literature.
Can you please provide me previous papers? And what should I focus on the most? I mean Linguists or Literature.
same question.
Same here.. Kindly guide me about this
English literature??
Can bs botany degree holders apply???any equivalent certificate required or not??
Yes, Botany degree Holders can apply.
BS Biochemistry holders can apply? ..LLC 2023
Aslam o alikum ! i hv choose wrong course..i hv select engineer corp instead of eucation
W.salam, No problem, Aap ne Jis k liye apply karna hay, Usi ki preparation karen. Test walay Din Staff ko bata den, wo correct karwa dengay.
sir from where i should prepare for Lady cadet course chemistry academic test.
Ammara, You should prepare for the LCC chemistry subject trough revising FSc and Bsc syllabus.
Sir everyone said there is no gk english islamiyat maths mcqs portion in academic test..is it true that we just have to prepare our only subject base syllabus..as i have apply on msc chemistry so only chem mcqs asked in academic?? Kindly reply 🙂
Yes, It is true that the academic test of lady cadet course comprises of specific subject questions (mcqs) Only. The GK and others are included in the PMA long course academic. Do not confuse with Pma long course academic test.
A.oa sir m applying on the basis of MSC chemistry for LLC..23 ..Kindly tell me the test criteria for initial it is based on gernal knowledge or just verbal non verbal and acedemic
W.salam, Asmara, You should prepare Intelligence test which include verbal and Non-verbal and Your academic subject which is Chemistry. No more other subjects or GK.
Hi, AMMARA You’re done with your test? How was it and you cleared you initial ?
Assalam u alaikum!! sir AFNS kay liye agar height 5ft se 1 ya 2 inch kum ho to height relaxation miljaata hai?? Kindly guide kardein
Walekum us Salam, Unfortunately, there is No relaxation in height even for a Centimeter.
Sir me ny LCC-23 k leye kl registration krwai Hy mujy kitny time badh test date ki email aa jye gi??
Abhi sab ki pending show ho rahi, apni preparation continue rakhen. In sha Allah, jald apki test date ajayegi. Is se preahan nai hona.
Aoa sir, can you please guide me a little for supply chain course. What major topics should i cover? should i do in-depth revision of my course? also can you please tell me how initial merit is calculated for issb forms and is it true that hey they dont consider candidates with bachelor’s degree
Asslam u Alikum sir, I have done Bs Physiology and I am applied in LLC_23 for biology post. Kindly please guide from which site/ book I prepare my Academic portion.
Walekum us Salam, Sana, There is No specific Book / website for Lcc Biology test preparation. Kindly Revise the Biology syllabus of FSc/ Bsc Level. In sha Allah, Your test will be clear. Federal textbook will be preferable. (Available online on Federal textbook board website)
Sir, Biology ki posts pr sirf BS 4 yr wale apply kr skte hn? Qk details sirf 4 yr maangi gayin hn apply k doran
02 Year Msc walay b apply kar sakty hen. Equivalent qualification likhi hwi hay, saath
The website is very useful, thanks…
Thanks for your kind words 🙏 😊 🙂
Aoa.Sir I have done on-line registration today for AFNs.When will I get test date and from where will I take roll number slip??
Sir MSc botany botany ka academic part ma kia ho ga LCC KY lia ..
Orr documnts ma likha huia tha ky degree must be verify
Vo hamy abi degree ni mili transcript ha vo verify karana lzmi ha ??
ballpen r page allow hoga LCC tests k lye…. WEIGHT R EYESIGHT P COMPROMISE HO SKTA H LCC m apply kya ho to…
Rough work is allowed in some selection centers, while some don’t allow. It depends. Yes, Weight and eyesight me margin mil sakta hay…
Sir LCC k liye glasses use kr skty hai ?
Zada eye sight weak py issue to nahi ho ga??
Yes, Use of Glasses is allowed if meeting other eyesight requirements.
Assalam u Alaikum Respected Sir
Ayesha Zaheer here
Sir I’m the student of BS in English Literature(last semester Alhamdulilah)
Sir how I can join PMA?
As a lady cadet course?
If as a lady cadet course then plz guide me about the syllabus
Gk or English Literature?
Kindly sir reply me
It’s humble request to you Respected Sir…..
I have applied for the post of Ordnance Branch (Electrical/Electronics). Will you suggest me any book or website for preparation?
Dear Abdul Rehman, You can prepare your intelligence test through this website. For academic test, you have to review your own syllabus / consult any past or current paper if found.
Assalam O Alaikum sir… As I have done BS in English, you told me to prepare grammar for the academic portion! So there is no need to prepare general knowledge, Pak Study Islamiat or Mathmatics
iqra apki test date kia aai h LCC ki ?
Mny abhi registration nhi krayi thora degree ka issue tha…last date 12 july hai na?
Yes, The last date for registration of current LCC 23 is 12th July. If you have Final Transcript or Marksheet, Then You can apply.
LCC k lye eyesight ka issue ho to koi problem to nhi hoti mean agr glasses use krte hn to
Glasses Use kar sakti hen… but fir b dekha jayega… minus 3.5 se to kam nai hay
Minus 3 ha
When the registration will start for LCC?
The registration process will start soon.. please be ready.
aoa sir, is there any notes available for academic portion of army services corps that is supply chain related for LCC batch, pleas do share
Sir, from where to prepare for academic portion of initial test for LCC (AEC, chemistry) and Are advance level questions asked in initial? Please reply
I also need it…
Did you find any answer?
Aslam o alaikum, sir i have done bachelors in biological sciences n recently done MPhil. am i eligible for lady cadet course 2023? kindly guide me…
Walekum us Salam, If posts are announced for the Biology Dicipline then Yes you can apply. Generally Biology ki posts kabhi dekhi nai hen.. But fir b confirm karna parayga. I DON’T remember exactly.
Assalam O Alaikum sir! I hope you’re doing well.. Sir, when will LCC registration start? Do you have any ideas??
Generally, These are announced in June, July every year.
Assalam o alaikum sir, few months ago my tooth got damaged so doctor removed that. Now will there be any issues regarding it or not kindly clear it….
No Issue..
Aoa sir LCC 23 ka ik add internet py circulate KR raha hai but official notice website py Ni aya abi Tak do you have any idea when it will be announced??
W.salam, Although mene abhi Ad dekhi nai hay… But generally official website pe late he announced hota hay aor social media pe ad aajati hay.
Assalamualaikum Hope you are fine sir.Your verbal intelligence tests are very helpful.
Sir how to prepare academic portion for medical cadet test
W salam, Read Past academic mcqs and prepare the Federal board textbooks for the test preparation. You might consult think link for amc past papers Medical Cadet AMC Test Preparation
Thanks sir
How can I find past academic tests?
candidates who r applying for English, then will they prepare grammar or (linguistics and literature?
can not say exactly, but mostly grammar.
Assalam Alaikum! I am Shumaila and want to apply as GDP in PAF. I have completed my FSC so can you guide me how can I prepare for initial test, it is June and test date is in August I guess so I hardly have 2 months. Actually I know the basics for example subjects like Bio,physics, English ,Verbal and Non Verbal and I am also going to give my eye sight test this coming Monday (to check in advance if I’m physically fit or just going to waste my time and hopes) but still I have no idea how to prepare for the test. Can you direct me to some online classes or a good teacher or do you take classes if yes, can you add me to your class? Also the preparation book, which is more relevant for the test.
Shumaila, I appreciate your enthusiasm.. You can Prepare yourself for the GDP test through 1. Current and past papers 2. Preparation books like dogar etc 3. Preparing Fsc Syllabus. Initial tests are just screening tests and hence require No academy coaching and you can clear the test on your own. If you still feel Difficulties, Contact on our WhatsApp, We will guide you.
Assalam O Alaikum Sir! I have done my BS English recently and I’m doing preparations for the initial test of Pak Army through Lady Cadet Course, but sir, I’m really worried about my academic portion. Will you please guide me to something that I will prepare for my academic portion??
Walekum us Salam, As BS English student you should not worry about initial academic tests, They are just screening tests and you can clear it with little hardwork. Generally Test includes larger portion of Grammar.
Sure! Sir thanks a bunch!
aoa sir jin students ny Bs in textile and fashion designing ki dgree ki hai wo girls Pakistan Army join kar skti hain agr kr skti hain tou Lady cadets Course ki 2023 date kb ay gi?
Shaheera, Lady cadet course will be announced in June-July this year. As per my Knowledge, Textile Engineering degree is eligible.
i pass my matric in science with 73% marks and fsc pre medical with 525 marks i wanna join army can u help me plz in which feild can i go?
i passed my matric in science with73% MARKS AND FSC PREMEDICAL WITH 52% marks can u tell me in which feild can i go to army.
Aoa sir kiya graduated girls Pakistan army join kr skti hain as a Captain kun ky main ny recently graduation complete ki hai in BS in Textile and Fashion Designing. Tou kiya main army join kr skti hn plz bata dain or kb regestration date ay gi lady cadets course ki
Shaheera as per my knowledge i don’t think that there is an option for textile or fashion designing in Pak Army through Lady Cadet Course….U have to confirm this from official website of Pak Army.
Aoa sir I have done graduation recently in BS in Textile and Fashion Designing tou kiya main Pakistan army join krskti as a captain in lady cadets course jo after graduation hota hai
sir can a fsc pre medical passed girl join issb
Dear Kanwal, kindly read this post for further clarification regarding your question. I am an FSc Passed Girl, How Can I Join Pak armed Forces?
Assalam o alaikum, Sir my mom was deceased in 2021 when i was in 2class.I am applying in armed force, during apply i am facing issue regarding my mother’s CNIC number but I don’t have so will you help me.
Please contact on our WhatsApp number, We may provide some help.. in form of guidlines
Assalam o alaikum wr wb…respected sir, I would like to know about test preparation there at HPHS, as I have to attempt test there for intermediate. Pre engineering.+
My friend is going yo apply there at Cadet school mansehra ,,, he can as his father can pay a huge amount ,can I apply there ,though my father can not .
Glade to read your feedbacks and student’s interest.
Walekum us salam, I dont know about HPHS, Further academy does not guarantee success. Do not waste your precious money on academies. If an individual has potential, he or she will certainly get selected without attending any academy.
اسلام علیکم
Sir hope you are Fi9….
Sir When will the “Lady Cadet Course” seats Come?
Next lady cadet course is expected to announce in June-July. Please read this post for more details. Lady cadet course 2022: Join Army as A Lady Captain
Sir please add the method or guide to learn how the answers are correct or incorrect because the digits or numbers would be changed but the method to solve will be the same…. I hope you understand what I’m tyring to say. So please
Dear Hamza Aziz, Yes I got your point. In the future, I will try to add explanation regarding answers .
Thank you so much Sir
aoa sir plz guide me for ldc udc test preparation
For UDC test preparation, please prepare the intelligence tests both verbal and non verbal. Additionally you are required to increase your typing speed and skills.
A.o.a sir plz Guid me about acadmic test for LDC !
Psyclogical test mm KIA type k question hoty
Sir plz guide me for math test in Pakistan air force for teaching
Dear Muhammad annas, please revise your Fsc Mathematics syllabus and in sha Allah, you will clear the math test very easily. Believe in yourself and prepare for all the tests. good lcuk
Asalam u alikum sir logistics branch ma short service commission ka test pattern kaya hoga ? Intelligence to theak hy logistics ko kasa cover karen gyn
Kindly prepare current and past papers / test experiences. In sha Allah, your test will be clear.
JazakAllah Sir!! ❣️ This website help me alot….
Sir PAf GDp mai physical test hota hain
No.. There is No physical tests in Initial for PAF
Sir! Plz guide me for TCC initial syllabus of Chemistry, Physics…. Kindly the link of model papers…
Dear Ammad Hamdani, please visit this link for tcc initial tests, past papers and experiences
All Technical Cadet course Tcc Initial Tests
Sir after clearing initial test of GDMO at AS&RC and initial medical ..
What are the next steps?
There will be Final Interview by the GHQ and Psychological assessment.
Slam sir
I liked your sample test practice.i have attempted two samples test of your.now I want to practice more of verbal and non verbal.plz guide me
Dear Khan Muhammad, Kindly click on the page numbers for attempting more online tests. Once you done with the test, then you can attempt another test by visiting next page. Page numbers are given at the end of the tests and Just after the social media icons. If you like the tests kindly share through clicking the social media icons with your friends.
Assalam o alikum sir mn fma ka test diya hy agr mara paf mn ho jata hy to kiya mn sth afns mn b test dy skti hn
yes, Dear Batool, aap sath AFNS me b appear ho sakti ho, If you are selected as AFNS, then it is better than FMA. AFNS is better option as they are awarded with honorary commissioned ranks.
Sir mri age 20 huii h 3rd march ko to sir mn abi navy mn sailor apply kr skta hn agr is year vaccines a jainn…
Or second ye pochna tha k issb ki age limit with study…
Pattern of test for GDMos???
Dear Maryam, The gdmo exam is consisted of 02 tests 1. Intelligence Tests which include verbal and Non-verbal and
2. Academic tests (Based on your coursework)
Please see this for your Academic topics
PAF Short service commission (SSC) Initial Test Syllabus
so this syllabus is similar to that for Army GDMOs
Sir female medical assisstant ka test clear ho jata h tu jo bachy fsc kr rahy haan wo apni study complete kr sakhy gy
Agar Join karny se pehly Exam ho gaye to teek Nai to Mushkil hay.. Exam k liye chutti nai milti fir.
Sir what about medical specialist test (OBS & gynae) test? Academics will contain subject related means speciality or whole mbbs?
Zyada Questions speciality se ayengay.. but MBBS k b Questions include hongay.
Sir i got 95%
Ma sha Allah Good.. Also monitor your speed.. as the speed matters.. Intelligence tests are speed tests and You have to attempt maximum in limited time.
Wah kia bt hai
Test # 05 ke question # 06 me odd one ko find krna hai..me ne answer me cinema lagYa but tgat was wrong. Options me TV, Radio, Drama and cinema hai or dekha jaye tu first three option ko hm grr me b easily avail kr skte hai but cinema ke liye bahir jana zarori hai. So i think cinema should be the right one.
Nope,Tv Drama or Cinema may pic nzr ati hei lkn Radio may srf awaz ati hei,So Radio is the ri8 answr
Good, Jannat, You explained in the right way.
Sir, i have done BS electronics engineering, however BE is mentioned in the application form. Can i still apply for LC course 2022?
If it is equivalent, Then Yes you can apply.
Another query, sir I’m currently a graduate with BS Hons in psychology. Am I eligible for a psychologist position without MS in army, navy, or air force?
Yes, Yoh are eligible for Psychologist posts in armed forces. The basic educational qualification for the post of psychologists is BS or Msc Degree and one can apply without MS or higher education.
Aoa. Sir can you pls confirm if any vacancies for female psychologists will be open in 2023? How could I stay updated?
Dear Laiba Nadeem, Yes, In sha Allah, there will be vacancies in 2023 for psychologists. You can stay updated by Joining WhatsApp group only for psychologists “Psychology Community “. Please contact us through Contact page to join.
Sir can you help me in passing pn cadet test of pak navy
I want to ask that I have completed my BS In psychology and I’ve applied for SSC navy as Psychologist. But my 8th semester result is not announced yet but it’s expected to be announced before the issb if I’m selected. So can I give initial test on the basis of hope certificate and 7th semester transcript.?
AOA sir kindly answer my question
It depends on different conditions. When will you recieve your Result card? Last time Pakistan army allowed to appear in the Initial tests on the basis of hope certificate however, Candidates have to submit their Result cards before ISSB FORM Filling. So it depends when you will submit the Result card. I am Not Sure, about Pakistan Navy, How they are dealing with result card Awaiting Candidates, On the other hand Pak Army and airforce Allow the result card Awaiting Candidates for Initial tests.
Hopefully I will receive it at the end of December or at the start of January In shaa Allah
Best of Luck
Thank you
main BSIT kia hai to CS k option p krna
W.salam, Yes CS k option pe apply karna hay
Hi! I’m applying for GDMO in navy. Can you guide me about the test syllabus and preparation?
Please prepare Intelligence test (which include both verbal and non verbal) and the academic (Your own subjects).
hey sir, I want to clear something, that in these questions there are few mistakes which i observed like the 12th day of month if monday is the first day is friday as per my knowledge also calendar says the same and also if sunday is the first day then thursday will be 12th day the answers of both questions are not correct may be due to any issue and also the answer for months having 30 days is 4 but here it says 7 while 7 months have 31 days. kindly correct these mistakes. btw thank you so much for such number of practice questions.
Thank you so much, Maria qureshi… For highlighting the errors and Mistakes. I will recheck it and will clear it In sha Allah. These mistakes are due to hurry in question feeding and it is not intentionally .. Thanks for your positive response.
Assalamoalaikum Sir! I have done my BS(Hons) in Information Technology. Will i be able to join lady cadet course 2022 in signals through information technology course?
W.salam Soha, If you have done BS IT, then yes you can apply for the ICTO posts whenever announced in the lady cadet course. Currently the registration for the lady cadet course is open, please check, if the ICTO posts are included in the advertisement then please do apply.
aoa sir kia fmt pak navy may bhi nursing ka hi diploma milta hai
W.salam, Yes Nursing ka Diploma… Not degree.
sir can we join lady cadet course after bsc mlt
Yes, You can apply in lady cadet course after completing 16 year education in computer science.
sir fma may training kay baad kia deegre milti hai or kia hum bsc mlt kar saktay hain after training job kay sath sath
Degree nai milti, Just Nursing Diploma.. You can Continue your education through distance learning university like Aiou and virtual university.
I have recently done my B.Eds (Honors) secondary 4 years am I eligible for LCC course ?
Dear Laiba, Unfortunately No vacancies are announced for the education Dicipline. In the past, No such posts are announced in any course. Only certain subjects graduates are allowed to apply. For details please read Lady cadet course 2022: Join Army as A Lady Captain
assalam o alaikum
i have applied for pma long course 151
lkn registration status pending arha hai abhi tk
10 din se ziada hogye han
is it normal or should i go to asrc to confirm my reg?
W.salam, Dear Wasiq, It is Normal and you don’t need to worry.. Just focus on your initial test preparation, You will get your exam date in the due time.
Respected sir assalamualaikum
How I prepare initial test for PMA 151 long course…..
What are the most important things for initial?
Prepare verbal, nonverbal and past papers. You can Prepare yourself from these links.
1. PMA verbal Test
2. Non-Verbal Intelligence Tests
3. PMA long Course Initial Tests
A.o.A Sir , Please correct the Statement and options of Test No. 15 : Questions No. = 10 and 12 … Thank you .
Aoa sir. Are these also for LCC preparation?
Yes, These are also for lady cadet course Initial tests verbal portion.
Aoa.. sir
Mai LC course k Liye apply karna Chahti ho..ap mujhy guide kr dy kya procedure ho ga. Or Mai kaisy preparation karo?
Dear Sawera Baig, Female can not apply in PMA long course. If you have done FSc, Then you can apply in the Pakistan air force for different commissioning jobs when announced for females.
Dear Sir, Please Check the answer of #16 correct answer is Thursday but here friday is correct…
Dear sir , Test no. 14 Question No. #16 … Check Answer please
Dear Sir, In Test no. 22 , The answer of Question No. 11 is AC . Thank you.
Dont worry its will take sometime.
You should go because usually test is allotted to candidate with 72 hours. So you should go to your selected ASRC
Sir meine 151 k liye apply kiya hai
Verbal test tayar ho gaye hain ab non verbal aur academic tayar karne hain woh kahan se hon ge
Please reply me
A.o.a sir i have applied for paf psychologist recruitment job can you plz tell me about the outline for initial test?
Assalam o Alaikum
My name is afraz
I have applied for pma 151 long course
Sir non verbal aur academic ki tayari kahan se karen
Aoa sir
Sir my hand toe nail is broke should I rid it of completely or I am fit
its normal
how can i join your WhatsApp group
Dear Muhammad Saqib, Aoa…We have discontinued our WhatsApp groups recently… Due to different reasons…
You can prepare yourself for test preparation for
🔹Initial tests
🔹Medical test
🔹 Physical test if Any
🔹 initial interview
Please stay on our website and Explore different information and test through different links.
Sir main na navy ka test daina hai to iss k liyay main yahan sy preparation kr skta hon
Yes, Dear Maaz, You can… for certain tests.
Sir,Mne Navy may Assistant ki post pe apply kia hei,Sir I really really need to know k Kya civilian ka tst b utna hi tough hta hei jitna uniform waln ka??
Nai Utna Tough to Nai hota…. But aap tough ki preparation karen.. So Apkay performance achi ho aor aap kam time me zyada se zyada questions solve kar saken.
JazakALLAH sir, plzzz sir ye b bta den k Kya tst time may Navy wle koi pencil etc ni le Jane dte 7 or na hi ku6 b likh k solve krne dte hen??
Asslam o Alikum!
Sir mjhe abhi 1 hour pehly ptcl number sy call ai hai aap apna issb form aa kr ly jeeee kyaaa is time call aa skti hai aur dbara wo number dial krny sy lg bhi nhi rhaaa hai kindly bta dein kya wqai is time call aa skti hai
Yes, Aa Sakti hay… aap Monday ko Call kar lena.. Selection centre k Number pe, during working hours… Apna Confirm kar lena.. if you are in doubt..
Assalam o alikum sir. Men 2 bar lady cadet course k liye apply krchuki hn after doing MBA. mgr mein ik bar initial men ik bar issb men select nahi hoi. Ye mera last chance ha. Aur Is bar jub forms fill hongey tu meri age 28 plus hogi means 28 saal 2 months. Tu limit 28 years ha. Am I still eligible to apply?
Dear Syedah… You have to look, k apki Age 28 years kab Ban rahi hay. Armed forces age Joining date k hisab se Count karty hen. For example Last course Of lady cadet June July me announce hwa tha to unki Joining Abhi November me hay.. So Jab next lady cadet course announce hoga, tab pata chalay ga, k aapki Age us time kia hay.. aor if it is less than 28 years and 03 months, then you are eligible to apply, with 03 months relaxation.
Thank you sir, also I need some guide papers for my relevant field that is bba academics. Hons.
2 question) sir I have done 16 years of education bba hons. They open field for bba hons/MBA supplychain only. Am I eligible and can apply my degree is bba hons. Majors are HR but have read supplychain. Secondly , sir agr mein June/july 2023 men apply krti hn for LadyCadet tu men november tak 28 years 7 months hongi. Coz my birth month is May. But I’m also applying in this cadet I.e december 2022. This time I’m eligible i know but I’m counting my next chance too. That’s why I asked it.
Dear Sir , Option of test no. 21 Question No.#1 is wrong please correct them. Thank you
plz guide me about fma test and i want to give test online like others are preparing and asking question to you sir
assalam o alaikum
what is the limit for appearing in initial tests of pma long course
and academic test ki preparation k liye best guide? and kis subjects k ate han in pma academic test
W.salam Wasiq, about Which limit are you asking? You can appear as many times as you pass the test and till your age limit allow it. Academic test of pma long course consists of General knowledge and current affairs, Islamic studies, Pak studies, English Etc. The best Course for academic test preparation is past papers. We have uploaded past papers of previous long courses on the following links. Please prepare it.
sir kindly explain the question #8 of test#12
Agar 4 Din pehlay Sunday tha, to 3 din bad konsa din hoga. In this case, Current day is Friday, if you calculate.
Sir kindly explain test 22 last question…. Why option a is correct (which is LO) and not option c which is (AC)
Assalamualaikum sir I have to ask that how many times we can give initial test I mean is there any limit per Year
Dear Faiza, If you are Talking about the lady cadet course Initial test, then it is announced once in a year.. So its mean you can appear once in a year.. On the other hand Pakistan air force restrict candidates based on initial test results. If you have failed 3 Initial tests in any force you cannot apply in PAF. Navy aor Army me is tarah nai hota. You can appear as many times.
Aoa sir
Mai f.c blochistan mai sep ki renk per job kara hu kia ma issb test de sakta hu letter ma lekha gya hai ke jo banda allready job fer ho oske lye 50% percent marks allow hai leken jub ma apply karta hu to regestration parm ma option nahi ha jisme ye bata sako ke ma allready job per hu iska kia hal hoga mera percentage 52 ha F.A our matric dono ma please sir solution
Dear Ali, Agar Apka Domicile Balochistan k hay, Then Yes can Apply.
can you please guide me how to prepare for academic test for Software Engineering?
Assalamualaikum sir during intal test we bring the 📄 with us in some time question is not clear may we solve in paper is this allow in intal
Answer for test#09 and question#02
Jahazaib, Is question ko solve karnay me 10 mint se zyada Ka time lagta hay. Ye Question b isi liye load kia hay… k log apna time is pe waste karty hen… ya Simply go ahead chaltay hen… Remember, Solve the easyone first and leave the tough questions which are taking more than a minute to solve.
Assalam o alaikum Sir, me ny Pakistan Airforce ka Education department ma psychologist ky liye test Dana hai intelligence and Psychology ka is bary ma guide kr dain kidhr sy tayRi karu From Fatima
Dear Fatima Aap ye Prepare kar len.
1. Verbal Intelligence Tests
2 Nonverbal intelligence questions from Super excellent book
3. For Academic: Introduction to psychology handouts Psy101 by VU, Research methods, Statistics and probability, DSM 5
Test#01, question #7,15 and 20 explain plz
Brother. Sab ma February ma 1 time A ata ha. Or January ma 2 times.
Isi trah June ma 0 times A aata h.
Assalamoalaikum Sir my question is after fsc if you are selected for commissioned officer can you become general
Dear Nazar Abbas, If you are selected in Pma long course after FA, FSc… Yes there is an opportunity to became general… after a very tough and long Journy. I ll suggest you to please read biographies of different Retired generals. It will help you to understand the process.
Yes sir I have read of General Pervaiz Musharraf
That’s good.
Assalam O alaikum sir I’m nida haleema sir aap se aik question hai main FMA k liye tests de rahe hon tu kya service main rehte hue issb de sakte hon sir plz reply me. Thanks
Dear Nida Haleema, Yes, You can apply and allowed for commission during your service as Female medical assistant.
G ask your question
Aoa sir agr mn ye sary test prepare kr lo tu kiya mn PAF initial test clear kr skti ho?
Yes, You can Clear the Verbal Part. Nonverbal intelligence k liye aapko Books Consult karni paray gi. Because we have uploaded less data related to Nonverbal. The best book for Nonverbal intelligence is Super excellent and academic Book by Khokhar Brothers.
Assalam u Allaikum sir can you please explain the question #5
Kindly Tell about both Test No and Question No, please
assalamo alaikum i wanT to apply for FMA and didnot know about syllabus plz guide i have recently passed my examination with94%
Dear Sehrish, Ma sha Allah, You have good Marks.. If you really interested in FMA (Female medical assistant), Then Prepare These things..
1. Verbal and nonverbal intelligence
2. English
3. Physics
4. Biology
(Academic should be prepared from federal SSC Syllabus)
For more Information, Please Read this post
How to Join as Female Medical assistant in PAF?
For Past papers, Please visit
PAF Female Medical assistant Test experience
Which book is best for the preparation for initial test for joining PAF as CAE?
Super excellent academic and intelligence book
Intellegence test for army navy airfforce green colour ki book hogi
Sir can you please tell the formula for calculating days of month (like that in question 15 and 18)?
marks distribution in CAE?
If you are talking about Initial tests, Then 100 Marks for Intelligence test, 100 for English, Physics and Mathematics.
Salary during Training of CAE in PAF?
and after training?
The Salary is around 40 Thousands. Don’t Focus on just salaray.. There are many more things need to be considered other than Salary.
Assalam o alaikum!
Sir after completeing CAE in PAF can i apply for gd pilot?
No, you can’t
Assalam O alaikum sir main air force main FMA ka test dena chahte hon kya mai service main rehte hue issb tests de sakte hon please sir mere ye oljan dor kr de.
Yes, Nida… Aap apply kar sakti hen
Can i apply for CAE and GD pilot combine
No, You can’t apply for two posts at a time. You have to choose One.
Assalamualaikum Sir Will you please tell me next year PAF ki seats kab aingi for CAE ?
And If you have done, Pre.engineering, Then CAE is the best option for you
ok thank you Sir
No you can’t
I need weapon engineering academic portion for preparation
Assalamualaikum sir, I am really worried about the structure of this academic/ intelligence test. It would be really helpful for me if you can tell me about the quantity of MCQs, structure of MCQs. And the topics related to these MCQs. If you can list i will be really grateful to you. Jazak’Allah. I am applying for the LCC BBA/MBA supply chain management.
There will be 84 verbal and 64 non verbal having 30 30 minutes for each portion.
Dear Sir, I have applied in Supply Branch of Pak Navy. Can you please share from any past experience which courses should I prepared for my academic test. Thanks!
Dear Tauseef Bukhari, The Intelligence test is almost similar across the three armed forces with little bit changes. For academic test of Supply branch in Navy I will create a separate forum on this website to post relevant material. Please visit PN cadet Initial test Experience. I am not sure, But you might be able to get one or two relevant paper.
Salary during training of CAE in PAf?
And after training?
asalam u alikum i am preparing to appear in July lady cadet course of BS Software engineering. can you help me what kind of academic questions will be asked and from where I can prepare them?
Dear Fatima, You can prepare yourself for coming Lcc-21 through these Links.
1. PMA verbal Test
2. Non-Verbal Intelligence Tests
3 LCC ICTO Test Paper / Experiences
We hope, these link will be sufficient for your test preparation.
Assalam u Alaikum, I am preparing to appear in the army exam this July. However, I don’t know the academic subjects that are included in the test. kindly help me in this regard, I will be very thankful to you.
Walekum us Salam Dear Sana, Kindly Tell us about your applied course. Did you applied in lady cadet course? If Yes, Then the academic test will be comprises of Mcqs based on your Mater Degree subject. For example, If you have applied for the post of Icto in lcc, You should prepare your academic related to your subject i.e. Computer science. If there is any issue, Kindly communicate, We will help you accordingly.
Thanks for replying, I have applied for corps of ordanance with the required degree of BBA Hons or MBA supply chain. Kindly help me in this regard. Jazak’Allah
I have also applied in the same field. Still unable to get past academic papers of BBA Hon.
Yes, you are right, Komal. There are only Few past Experience available reltaed to BBA Hons / MBA Supply chain management. However, We have made a WhatsApp group for the current course, And Inshallah sufficient number of papers will shared by the group members.
Can you please tell me these all verbal and non-verbal intelligence questions are for lady cadet initial test ?
Dear Maryam, The Intelligence Test is almost simliar in nature for all courses. If you are preparing for Lady cadet course intelligence test then please Visit PMA verbal Test . These are most repeated questions both for lcc and pma long courses
Aoa sir I’m applying in Corps of ISPR but in peace and conflict / IR , do I need to prepare islamiat questions for academic.
Dear Mudassra Syed, Academic test will include only Mcqs related to International Relations/ Peace and conflict studies . There will be No questions from Islamic studies or General knowledge.
Sir LCC education corps biological science ma masters ha ..
Academic portion bata dein plzz
Sir ISSB main Verbal or non verbal tests Hoty hai Kia ??
Ajkal Nai ho rhy. There is No Intelligence tests in issb, like verbal and nonverbal. There is a Similar test, which is bsed on Physics principles and Machine Laws, Called Mechanical aptitude test. MAT hota hay. Intelligence test nai hota.
Sir Tu screen out karty hain
No, Nowadays, there is No screening Test in Issb.
Thanks sir
Great Thanks To this Great Effort. Really amazing way to help. I’d like to appreciate and say جزاک اللہ خیر 😇
Ameen and Welcome. Our team is available for any type of Help related to commissioning in the armed forces. Thank You So much, for appreciating
Assalamualaikum Sir kia AFNS prep k liay koi valid group hai jhan sahi material mil jae ??
WALEKUM us salam, Abhi AFNS ka abhi group nai bnaya. Lady cadet course k bad ik valid group bnayengay for AFNS.
Sir pma long Mai sufarish hai to hum yahen see hum apna time bacha le kyon ke
Mujhe mere dosto na kaha ke sufarish hai
Tumhara kuch nahi hoga😠
Dear Hashmat Ali… Jo Log kehty hen, K sifarsh chalti hay. Ya To failed log hotay ya Fir Jinko pata nai Hota. Ye dono type k log apko missguide karengay. If you ask from serving or recommended candidates, wo Apko sahi rasta dekhayengay.
I am 100% Sure, That there is No Reference system (Sifarsh) in the selection process of armed forces.
Thanks sir
lady cadet course k lie test ki kia pattern hai? i have dome by doctor of nutrition sciences.
Please Join our Lady Cadet course WhatsApp group for Test preparation.
Your Test will consist of
Verbal intelligence
Non verbal intelligence
Subject Test related to Human Food and Nutrition sciences.
Sir, how can I join your WhatsApp group
Contact us through our Contact Page. Through E.Mail or Phone Number.
assalam o Alaikum sir whats app group my kesy add hona ha
Please contact through by clicking Contact Us
sir my degree is food technology plz share your watsapp link in reply
Please contact at WhatsApp Number 03241099879.
sir kindly ap whats group ka link share kr dein
meina test ki prepation krni ha
Dear Bisma, We can’t share the group link due to privacy concerns. We allow female to join after scrutiny. Privacy and confidentiality is more important for us.
sr link please
Un-fortunately, the link can not be shared publicly due to privacy concerns. Kindly message us through Contact Us page. You will be added to the group after verification.
Assalamualaikum! Sir how can I join WhatsApp group.. I contacted at your page
Your Message was recieved and added to WhatsApp group accordingly.
Sir how can I join lady cadet what’s app group?
Dear Itbah, Kindly contact us through our Gmail or WhatsApp No. WhatsApp link is not shared due to privacy concerns.
Aslam alikum ..Ma aj ya page dkha ap ka or ya sra test ma slove kr lia ..Boht sri cheezing mjy smj nhi ai..Ma ksy clear kru kindly help me
Dear, Please Read Description of Test No 4 to 12. Hum ne 4 se 12 test me har test se pehlay explain kia hay. K is test k questions kesay Solve karnay hen. Please read that description before attempting tests. It will provide great help.
Ok . Then how to join Whatsapp group
Kindly Contact through “Contact us” page
Asaalam o alaikum
Sufarish hai to hum apne tyari ko rok den kyonke kuch PTA nahi chal raha mehnat krna bhi zaya hojaega time bhi jaega
Dear Hashmat, aap apni Company Change ka len. And start Believing in yourself.
Thanks sir
To show me a best way
Sir me ne air defence ke liye apply kia ta kal magar ghalti se CAE ke liye hogya online to kia teat ke din ja kar wahan teek karoon
Yes, Test walay Din aap batao gay. To wo teek kar dengay. Apka test Air defence ka he liya jayega.
Assalamualaikum sir recently I completed 16 years of education in applied psychology.plz guide me how to join pak army as a captain in this year
WALEKUM us salam Dear Husna. You have to wait for Psychologist posts for year or longer. PAF had already advertised Female Psychologist posts and the Next Batch will take a longer Break. Unfortunately, Pakistan army has not announced Female Psychologist posts in Current lady cadet course. You should wait for Pakistan Navy’s advertisement.
Ok .thank you . Pak navy mein kb tk announce kry ge ?
Expected In July-August, If Not, then November /December
Ok sir. Thank u so much
Can I join your WhatsApp group for preparation of test ?
Yes, You can. I have made a Separate WhatsApp group for Psychologist community, Where All jobs are posted. Do join that.
Sir mujy non verbal test nh mil rhy website py ??Plz help me
Website Menu Open karen. Initial test preparation pe click karen. Dropdown List me Verbal, Nonverbal, English or Physics test page Nazar ajayengay.
Aoa sir i am very passionate about to join pak army as a lady captain .sir i done my bachelor in bs microbiology .now food and nutrition subject is announced in lcc advertisement .can i join through this field as we study the food sciencs subject in bs .
Dear Zeefat, if Food and Nutrition is Majors in your Degree, Then Yes. I think just having a subject of Food and Nutrition will not work.
then how sir i can join pak army .in which field we can apply?
Unfortunately, Female with certain Disciplines having 16 years education with less than 28 year of age can apply. Please Read the Detail Post on Lady cadet course on our website for details. If uanble, Talk to us via Contact us page.
i completed my masters in supply chain management from corps of ordnance malir cantt just completed my degree but my degree is not issue yet it take some months but i have my ordnance college qualified certificate can i apply in LCC?
Dear, It depends on how much time is required for your Transcript issuance. You can apply on result card / transcript. If You are able to get your transcript/result card before 27 July (Rough Idea), Then Yes. You should Apply for the Lcc, You can appear in the test, Till the Test process ends. If any help required, please Contact us.
Ok Thank you
Asslam o Alikum sir no verbal nae mil ry kindly help me
What’s the logic behind question *if caruso 84 and gigli 56 how much is crossby worth* ?
Test No, 9 question no. 2
I am apply for pma long course 150 so help me for this preparing these tests of pma 150
Dear Abdur rehman, You can prepare yourself for the PMA Long course from this website. Jo verbal intelligence test diye hwe, Wo saray attempt karo, Iskay ilawa Pma verbal test alag se diye hwe, wo saray repeated hen, apka Verbal part easily clear ho jayega. Nonverbal k liye Dogar ki book consult kar len. Academic test ki tyari Initial and issb material wali page pe Click karen. Udar pma long courses k academic questions upload kiye hwe, 147 pma, 148 pma and 149 so on. Wahi questions prepare kar len, Apka test confirm clear ho jayega In sha Allah
Thanks sir for guidance
A.o.a Respected Sir,
I’ve confused at question no. 4,5 and 8 … What is the method to solve these three questions . Please guide me 👍
Option nhi hy
asslam o alaikum sir physical test initial k kitny din bd hota h lcc ka? kindly reply plzz
Dear Rukhi, Different Centers have different schedule due to Number of applicants. Kisi me hafta time mil jaata hay, kisi me 2 Hafta, Kisi me 2 Din.
Im too
are these verbal tests enough for the preparation of the initial test of the airforce CAE BRANCH?
Dear Rabia, These are Enough for the CAE branch Initial test (only Verbal Part). New type of questions are added every time. We will update and upload more questions based On Current papers. The PAF verbal test have a Separate page. We will upload latest mcqs on that page.
Aoa…sir Army ko direct captain join kr skty hain ….?as a female psychologist after bs in psychology…. vecancies kb ayn ge females k liye army m as a captain…
Aagae hy female kea lea as a captain
Dear, lady cadet course 21 have No vacancies for female Psychologists.
Are we given ruf sheets for intial written test
No, separate Rough Sheet is Not given in your initial test exam. In PAF initial test, Candidate bring board marker and they use the Table Glass as a Rough Sheet. In Army, Candidates use Registration slip backside for rough work. Even some selection centres, Don’t allow. So it depends.
Test#06,Question#04and07 explain plz
Assalam-o-Alaikum sir kindly tell me the sites name or link for preparation of academic test. I have applied for special branch psychologist in navy.
Can I also apply for lady cadet course my degree is M.sc applied psychology?
W.salam Saima, For the academic preparation of psychology subject you have to revise your own syllabus of psychology. There is no specific website or link for the psychology test preparation. Please revise these books / topics and you will easily clear the academic test. 1. Research methods (Reliability, validity, sampling types etc), 2. Introduction to psychology (Revise all basic concepts) 3. Abnormal psychology (have a look on DSM 5). Answering the 2nd query, You can apply in this lady cadet course as the female posts for psychologist are not announced. You can apply only, once the psychology posts are included in the advertisement. Kindly wait a little, In sha Allah, in 2023, Lady cadet course may announce posts for the female psychologists.
Aslam o alaikum..sir kindly guide me about academic test for BS IT(information technology)am I eligible for lady cadet ?
Yes, You are eligible. The test will comprise of Intelligence and Your Major Subject I.e. Computer science.
Excellent work is done by the admin of this website. May Allah Bless you more
With regard to intelligence test , will they allow us to use calculators on the computer on which we are performing our test
No, They will neither allow Nor you can use Calculator.
Assalamo alaikum Sir. I’m pharmacist from karachi im so much eager and passionate to join PAF as my college is also Fazaia Degree college base faisal,thatswhy I registered myself in paf this year and prepared best for the exam by studying day and night and went to give the test but due to my pharmacy degree i would nt allowed to give exam in any of the branch . I m literally dedicated to join paf but become demotivated by this behaviour . Please let me know I wanna join PAF.its my dream from many years and now im shattered into pieces that I don’t make it to fullifill my aim.please tell me what i do its a question to the PAF Pakistan
A shattered soul.
Walekum us salam, Dear, We respect your Passion, Feelings and emotions toward joining PAF. However you Applied for the Psychologist post on the basis of Pharmacology degree, Which mislead you. One cannot appear For the Medical doctor post if he or she have did PhD in Physics. Every post have certain prerequisite, and everyone have to fulfill it. It doesn’t mean PAF doesn’t Respect your Degree, If they denied you in appearing for a Different post. Hope you understand and Apply for the posts which match your Educational Qualifications in the Future.
How can I contact you?
Through Our WhatsApp Number. Visit the Contact page.
Sir I have done Msc psychology , I wanna ask that when new vacancies will be announced for females who did Msc psychology .
Kindly upload psychology sunject test questions
Sir Assalam o alaikum! Meny bs psychology ki degree complete kr li hai.But transcript nhi ai ku k pichly week he papers khtm huwe hai.Mera cgpa 3.4 hai 7th semester k hope certificate k bases py test deny degy?
Ye Bahut Saray Logi ki Query hay, Ik dafa Me Ensure kar lo, I will update you here, in a day or two. Please Keep continue your preparation.
Sir test no 10 k question explain kr dy plzzz
In test 15 qs 3 answer should be 5 mints and also in qs 10 answer should be 18 km
Dear Sayyam, Let me check. If there is a Mistake we will correct it. Thank you for highlighting.
Aoa, I’m in seven semester. My 8th semester just started a week ago and wil finish in june of this year. Although I applied for the paf (psychologist).
Can I give test on the basis of hope certificate from University for 8th semester? Guide pl, thank you.
W.salam Dear Ayesha. On the Basis Of ongoing 8th Semester, they will simply Not Allow. They will only Allow if Your 8th Semester is complete and you are result Awaiting. In that Case, You have to provide a Hope certificate from your respective University. Hope This will Help you.
So there is no chance even if I get hope certificate for 8th? It is because I’ll be free in June.
Also when next admissions will come? Next year or somewhere near this year? Guide pl, thank you for previously answering.
The advertisement for Female Psychologist are published on requirement Basis. We are Not sure about the next advertisement of Psychologist job in PAF. You can start your preparation, As there Are also chances in Pakistan Navy and Army for Psychologist jobs this year. The procedure is almost Similar in All three Armed forces.
Also I’m 3.93 CGPA holder, even then it won’t work?
Yes, even if you have 4 out 4 Cgpa and did not cleared the 8th Semester, You can appear in the Test. Completed degree or Result Awaiting students can apply.
Sir my query was regarding and medical test which is eyesight testing
Sir i wear spectacles and my eyesight is -1.75 and -1..25 so sir is there any issue for me in medical?
In test 15 qs 3 answer should be 5 and also in qs 10 answer should be 18
A o.a sir.
Meri reg slip a gpa ghalat lkh dya.is sa Koh problem Hoga.srf point ka difference ha.percentage same ha
Dear Khushbash, Don’t worry, it’s not a big issue. Agar koi barhi ghalti b ho jaye, to No problem. Test walay din, Inform the PAF selection centre staff during Document verification. They will rectify it.
Right answer are not shown sir please change the setting
Dear Hafsa Nouman, Kindly tell us about the test, As we have loaded more than 17 verbal tests. Ap bata den, k konsay test k answer show nai ho rahay, so usko priority pe set karen. Kal tak in sha Allah, Sab ki setting ho jayegi.
Sir test no 6 sa test 11 tk jo ma na abhi tk solve keye hn baki b b apko sth sth batow gi
Sir test no 12 ki setting b thk kr dy plz
Ok, let me check. thank you for your kind suggestions.
Kindly show correct answers
Dear Hanfa, We have changed the setting of Almost all verbal tests, Once you complete the test and click finish, both the right and wrong answers will be shown in different colors. Right answer with green line and wrong answers with red line.
Thank you sir
Electricity – gas is equal to 100 jack – jill is equal to zero
aoa sir
jo question glat ho jye hum uska reason kha se ly sir ta k hmy pta chly k hum kha pr glat hn
In test 6 , I don’t receive right answer ….plz tell
Thank you for the suggestion. I will change the settings to show all the right answers once the test is completed.
Test no 2 right answers not shown sir
Thank you for highlighting, We have changed the setting for verbal test no 2.
Me 2
Sir, How i will join PMA after Fsc
Sorry,,right answers are not shown even after clicking on “FINISH”.
Which one test? Please mention, so we can change settings accordingly
Test 7 Q7. Answer A (Bison) is also correct
10th paper ka 1st?? Could anybody explain it??
Multiply every no. With even no. Then double the even no. In next multiplication
For example
0, 2, 4, 8, 16
Numbers are multiple by 0 2 4 8 16 32…
Mcq # 17 plz help..
Please also mention the verbal test.
For test # 1
Sir! How can we know that our answer is wrong or correct?
After attempting the test, The Green highlighted option show the Right answer, While the Red Highlighted options show the wrong one.
Test#1 McQ#17: The living place of the Bird is called Nest, Similarly the living place of Horse is called Stable.
other’s ending with “ER” except august
A stable is a building in which livestock, especially horses, are kept.
mcqs no 19 and 20.plz hlp me
Please, which one test?
rubber is a bad conductor of electricity and A
Mcqs no.19 and 20..if anyone is available then plz help me…
In which verbal test?
A o a! Sir please share WhatsApp group link for pn cadet
Please leave a message at our WhatsApp no, we will add you in your Desired WhatsApp group. 03241099879
Aoa sir,
Sir kindly share whatsapp group link if you have created one.
Kind Regards,
Rehan Ahmed
Dear Rehan Ahmed, for which course do you want to join? We have separate WhatsApp groups for each course.
For army
Please Join through this link for PMA longa course only.
Sir group is full.How can I join?
Please leave a message to our WhatsApp No: 03241099879, we will add you to some other group.
I’m applying for paf short service commission psychology.. Kindly send group link
Dear Umda, You already contacted our WhatsApp Number. The group link for psychologists is shared for more information.
kindly also explain the details about those question who become wrong after the result you will only mark the correct option but you did not tell why this question become wrong
kindly Sir 12,14,18,19 or 20 samjhaden
Page no 2 me sy.
@persona psychologist?
Please wait, once I am Free, I will reply your query
Sir ap free hogaye hen to please smjhaden questions
someone tell me how to open test no 2
Dear, Jahangir; Please click on Page 2, to open the Test 2 of verbal intelligence test. You can Attemp more tests by clicking more pages. Page Numbers can be Found at the end of the Page. Thanks
Question no :15 and 14 ,kindly explain sir .
Dear Muhammad Atif, in which test? In first one?
In question No. 15, The right answer is office. Other three Iggloo, house, hut are places which are used for living places. While the office is different from the rest.
Badminton is different than other three games, as other uses a Ball, while badminton uses a shuttle’s cock.
Okay thank you so much sir
But Sir Football Is Played By Foot And Others R Played By Hand…
Great, You are also Right. This is A Sample question but vague one. Jo real test me question hoga. Wo easy hoga In sha Allah is se.
got 80%, having some a little sort of struggle in verbal and non verbal….
Dear Hashir Qayum, What about your 147 PMA long course ISSB results? Please sent us an email or contact through WhatsApp. Thank You.
is there any whatsapp group for preparation of psychometric exam of MoD?
Dear Moeed Khakwani, We will create the WhatsApp group for the psychometric exams of MoD in a day or two, as there is a high demand from different aspirants. I will share the Group link here.
I want to join your WhatsApp preparation group
Dear Maryam, We have not created a Separate group for girls. in the future we will, when there are sufficient participants, You can leave a WhatsApp message in case of any ambiguity in your initial test preparation.
I got 70%😐
Great, still better result. Try to reach 90%, which is good for your initial test preparation.
I want to join whatsapp group
Dear Haseeb, for which course?
Sir ISSB. Main abh screen out karty hain Kia plz guide me 😒
Ajkal Nai kar rahay. Sab ka Issb lay rahay hen.
Sir i want to apply for as a lady captain after done my msc in paychology plz tell me how i can apply what the criteria?
i really appreciate your efforts thnx alot jazak ALLAH!!!!!!!!
Thanks, dear< for your kind comment> Please keep visiting, we will publish more tests including English, Physics and Math Tests.
Dear Jawad, Thank you for the Comment. If you have any query, you can ask in the comments.
Sir I got 90%
Ma, Sha, Allah… Very well
Assalam u Alaikum Sir , Dear Sir Options of Question num #7 Are wrong Because There are 4 Months which have 30 days and 7 months which have 31 days but the given options are ans of 31 days… Thank you
Verbal test is not starting
Please, attempt the intelligence test In Non-Mobile version. You can activate and deactivate at the end of any page. Kindly Click the EXIT MOBILE VERSION to attempt the test in real time. Thank you