PAF Short service commission (SSC) Initial Test Syllabus

What is the Initial Test Syllabus of PAF SSC?

This post will elaborate Syllabus for all Short Service Commissions Initial tests.

Accounts Branch

Desirous candidates for the Accounts Branch in PAF are required to prepare for the academic tests based on the graduate courses out of the following syllabus:-
•Fundamental Accounting (Inclusive of Financial Accounting)
•Advance Accounting
•Cost Accounting
•Principles of Management & Taxation
•Techniques of Audit of Business •Communication

IT branch

Desirous candidates for the IT Branch in PAF are required to prepare for the academics tests based upon the graduate courses out of the following syllabus:-
•Introduction to Computing
•Object Oriented Programming
•Computer Architecture and Assembly Language Programming
•Database Management Systems
•Data Warehousing
•Data Structure
•Fundamentals of Algorithms
•Software Engineering
•Digital Logic Design
•Advance Computer Architecture
•Computers Networks
•Data Communication
•Web Design & Development
•Arithmetic Series Test
•Mathematical aptitude Test

Also read PAF ISSB: Recommended candidate experience

Logistic Branch (SSC)

Desirous candidates for the Logistics(SSC) Branch in PAF are required to prepare for the academic tests based on the graduate courses out of the following syllabus:-
•Basic level English for Graduates
☆Recommended book
•Exploring The World of English
☆For BSc candidates
•Basic level Mathematics
☆Recommended books
•Mathematical Methods
•Calculus with Geometry
●Business Mathematics & Statistics
•For BBA candidates
•Business Mathematics & Statistics
☆Recommended books
•Business Mathematics (Latest Editon)
•Introduction to Statistics (Third Edition) •Ronalde Walpole
•Basic level concept of Management

Recommended book

•Management (Tenth Edition)
•Stephen P. Robbins & Mary Coulter etc
☆Note:-Recommended books are only for reference, where as other books on the subject should also be consulted for better results. Individuals having hand on experience or back ground knowledge regarding, Supply Chain Management, Inventory Management, Warehouse Management, Import / Export procedures, Custom Clearance procedures, Freight Forwarding, Contract Management and Business Law will have added benefit (for short listed candidates during interview)

Also read this: PAF Female Uniform

Legal Branch

Desirous candidates for the Legal Branch in PAF are required to prepare for the academics tests based upon the graduate courses out of the following syllabus:-
●Constitution of Islamic Republic of Pakistan – 1973.
●Pakistan Penal Code, 1860.
●The Code of Criminal Procedure, 1898.
●The Code of Civil Procedure, 1908.
●Qanun-e-Shahadat Order, 1984.


Desirous candidates for the Meterology Branch in PAF are required to prepare for the academics tests based upon the graduate courses out of the following syllabus:-
The various topics given in this syllabus is a guide, or considered to be important topics which the candidate is expected to know:-
•Basic Algebra
•Basics Laws of Motion and Physical Forces
•Distribution of Land / Water
•General Geography of Earth
•Latitude / Longitude
•Global Time Distribution
•Weather and Climate
•Annual Distribution of Seasons
•Effect of Meteorological Phenomenas over Climate (Such as Elnino-Lanio etc)
•Rainfall Patterns over Sub Continent

Religious Officer

Aspiring candidates opting to join PAF as Religious Officers are required to prepare for the academics tests based upon the the following syllabus:-
●The Holy Quran: Recitation with Tajweed and Translation out of entire Holy Quran
●Tafaseer : Tafseer Jalalain and Tafseer Baidhavi
●Hadith : Basic knowledge about six authentic books of Ahadith (Sihah-e-Sitta)
●Seerah of the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) and History of 04 Caliphs (Hazrat Abu Bakr, Hazrat Umar, Hazrat Usman and Hazrat Ali RA)
●Usool-al-Hadith : Nukhba-tul-Fikar
Islamic Jurisprudence: Al Hidyah
Usool-al-Fiqh: Usool al Shashi
●Arabic Grammar : Al-Nahw al Wadhih or Hidayat-un-Nahw
●Islam and the modern thought in the light of Shah Waliyullah’s Hujjatullah Al Balighah

GDMO Branch

Desirous candidates for the Medical Branch in PAF are required to prepare for the academics tests based upon the graduate courses out of the following syllabus:-
The various topics given in this syllabus is a guide, or considered to be important topics which the candidate is expected to know.

  • Initial management of all medical and surgical emergencies.
  • Diagnosis, management and control of the following communicable diseases: Poliomyelitis, diphtheria, tetanus, measles, tuberculosis, hepatitis, mumps, rubella, salmonella infections, AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases.
  • Fever, pain, general and of specific organ systems.
  • Nutrition, weight loss, fatigue, malnutrition and obesity.
  • Vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, indigestion, dehydration and jaundice.
  • Hemorrhage and bleeding from different orifices.
  • Cough, upper and lower respiratory tract infection. Shortness of breath including asthma.
  • Oedema, general and local Swellings, lumps.
  • Common behavioral and socio-cultural problems.
  • Palpitation, anemia, hypertension, coronary heat disease.
  • Diabetes mellitus.
  • Tremors and abnormalities of gait.
  • Addictions, depression and sleep disorders.
  • Loss of hearing and vision. Red eye.
  • Haematuria and disorders of micturation.
  • Poisoning and adverse drug reactions.
  • Insect and animal bites, rabies, tetanus.
  • Abscess and local inflammation, varicose veins.
  • Parasitic infections.
  • Pregnancy, antenatal care, family planning, infertility.
  • Pediatric assessment. Problems of the newborn infants.
  • Common dermatological conditions.
  • Acute toothache.
  • Rational drug use.
  • Fits including Epilepsy.
  • Low back pain, shoulder and neck pain etc.
  • Communication skills in clinical practice.
  • Immunization of children and adults

Keeping in view, the following textbooks are recommended for preparation for the entrance exam:

Davidson Principles and practice of Medicine 21st Edition
Love & Bally Short practice of Surgery 25th Edition
Gynaecology by Ten teachers 19th Edition
Textbook of Ear, Nose and Throat by Maqbool
Community Medicine by Ilyas 7th Edition
Parson- Diseases of Eye 10th Edition
Robin Textbook of Pathologic basis of disease 8th Edition

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2 thoughts on “What is the Initial Test Syllabus of PAF SSC?”

  1. Syed Ubaid ur Rehman

    I have completed my Bachelors in Mechanical Engineering from NED. What will be the syllabus for us if we applies in logistics branch?

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