Note: These are details Only. No any announcement / Advertisement
Hello Girls, if you are aspirant of Pakistan armed forces commissioning Jobs and you want to know about All the Feilds they offer. Then this post will help you to understand the areas to join the three armed forces.
Here is a list of branches/Corps where Females are inducted in the past. Please Note, The induction is not regular and is based on requirements basis only. There are some fields, Where Induction occur even after 4 or 5 years. On the other hand, some demanding Fields have regular female induction.
You may want to read ; Girls in PAF: Join PAF as a lady officer
Pakistan Army through LCC (Lady Cadet Course)
Requirement based Induction hain on requirement announce hote hain..
◾Corps of Signals
◾Public Relation Officer (PRO)
◾JAG(Judge Advocate General Branch)
◾Remount of Vetinary and Farm Corps
◾Computer Technology Officers (ICTO)
◾Corps of Ordanance
◾Army Services Corps
◾Corps of Electrical and Mechanical Engineering Corps (EME)
◾Corps of Engineers
◾Army Education Corps (English, Maths, Physics, Chemistry)
You might be interested to read Lady cadet course 2022: Join Army as A Lady Captain
Pakistan Airforce through Combat Support Course (SSC) & Special Purpose Short Service Commission (SPSSC)
Requirement based Induction hain on requirement announce hote hain.And kuch branches mein ab tak sirf 1 ya 2 baar induction hue hai..Keep this in mind..
◾ CSC Logistic Branch
◾ CSC Education Branch
◾ CSC Accounts Branch
◾️CSC Admin & Special Duties
◾ CSC Information Technology (IT) Branch.
◾CSC Engineering Branch
Pakistan Navy through SSC (Short Service Commission)
Requirement based Induction hain on requirement announce hote hain.And kuch branches mein ab tak sirf 1 ya 2 baar induction hue hai..Keep this in mind..
- Special Branch – PR(Public Relations)
- Special Branch – Pharmcist
- Special Branch – Physiotherapist
- Law Branch
- Special Branch – IT
- Special Branch – Cardiac Perfusion
- Special Branch – Bio Medical Engineers
- Special Branch – Human Nutrition and Dietics
- Special Branch – Food Sciences and Technology
- Supply Branch
- Special Branch – Psychologist
- Special Branch – Materials
- Special Branch – Religious Motivation
14.Education Branch
These are all fields which a Female can apply in the three armed forces. Tell us about your own Qualification and which field you want to apply. Leave a comment below.
Test yourself by a psychologist for ISSB test preparation

Hi, Are you preparing for ISSB? or you want to know why you were not recommended by ISSB? or do you want to know about your leadership qualities? If YES, You are at the right place. We have a bunch of psychologists, who can evaluate your personality for ISSB test preparation and leadership Qualities. You can then improve your weaknesses highlighted in the psych assessment.
This is a golden opportunity for you to assess your personality and leadership Abilities.
Following is the appointment process.
- Contact us through our Whatsapp number
- We will send some psychological tests and you will fill it in your time.
- You will return your written psych tests for the assessment
- After the written psychological assessment, your interview will be held on WhatsApp call, for some cross questioning.
- Your detailed result will be shared in the form of a PDF report highlighting your strengths and weaknesses, Your leadership qualities, ISSB qualities, suggestions for improvements, and recommendation chances.
- The Normal fee for a psych assessment is 1,000 Rupees, Only. However, if you are a student, then We know your financial challenges. We will do your personality assessment for 500 rupees only. If you are unable to pay the fee due to your financial background, then don’t worry, We will make sure that your financial background doesn’t hinder your growth and we will do your assessment through other options. For contact please click on the WhatsApp button.
If you find this content interesting, kindly share it with your friends who are preparing for careers in the armed forces or ISSB. Feel free to use the WhatsApp icon or click the relevant button below to share this post on Facebook.
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A.O.A Sir ! Can physiotherapist join pak army ?
W.Salam, They can apply through local adjustments usually civilian post through a contract, and can not apply as commissioning.
Assalamualikum sir I am doing graduation in psychology plz guide me in which field I should apply and how?
You can apply for the psychologist posts through short service commissions, in the three armed forces.
Sir Is media and communication degree is valid for army?
For which post? Every post have different criteria.
Assalam-o-alaikum sir.
I have completed my master in bs physics .i want to join pak army as a captain ….guide me ….plzzzzzz
W.Salam, Yes You can apply in the three armed forces, whenever the vacancies are announced through short service commissions.
Can bs food science and technology can apply in any Field
No, They can apply only human nutrition and food technology. Said posts were announced in the previous Lady cadet course. However, in the recent advertisement, There was no post announced.
Salam sir .I have completed my half of graduation in chemistry and still continue.can you guid me where I can apply in any department of arm forces after completion of my BS degree
You can apply in Army Education Corps after completing your degree in Chemistry. You can apply in Navy and PAF as well.
i have done fcs pre angineerinangineering and waiting for my result
what are opportunities for me to joinpak forces
Dear Mansha, The Best Choice for you is to Join PAF as Aeronautical engineer CAE. You can also apply in other branches, However, I recommend the most suitable one.
Can BS Environment Sciences can apply in any field?
Dear Zaynab, Currently There are No vacancies in any armed forces on the Basis of BS Environmental sciences.
Can BS English can apply in any field
Dear Barira, please read this post Opportunities for English degree Holders in armed forces
Sir kindly tell me when will the posts for BS psychology wil bê announced?