Note: Changes in ISSB is a normal process and they make changes to improve the evaluation process.
You might hear about the changes in the ISSB Exams at the start of January 2021, (OPI and SRT: Changes in ISSB). Although some changes are temporary while some changes are permanent.
ISSB in English
It is a temporary change. It depends on the ISSB center, whether they are conducting the Exams in English or Urdu. You might hear that There is totally English in ISSB Kohat, but the case is different in Malir center.
Advice: Prepare yourself accordingly. It is up to GTO or deputy president, if they wish, they can conduct your ISSB in either English or URDU.
Want to read full ISSB Procedure? Click Here
Changes due to Covid-19 (Not applicable nowadays)
In normal days, the group discussion, lecture and military planning were the Indoor tasks. These tasks were performed in a small room. However, these tasks are conducting in the open air due to prevailing conditions.
Advise: Take necessary precaution as advised by the ISSB board. They take the Covid-19 very seriously.
Also read; All about SRT Test: ISSB Situation Reaction Test
Psych Interview
Psychologists are so experienced, that they can recommend or not recommend a person through only checking the candidate’s Dossier. They are highly qualified and they can decide the recommendations on the basis of WAT and Incomplete sentences. It is now happened, that they only conducted few candidates.
Advise: Psychologists do not need interviews for strongly Recommended or Non-ommended candidates. They might interview if they are in doubt and want to clear through the interview.
OPI and SR Test
OPI stands for Officer Personality Inventory. The basic purpose of this OPI test, when it was built by the author, was to check the language efficiency. Situation Reaction test checks a person how he or she reacts to a specific life event. ISSB board is using both these tests to check the morality of the ISSB aspirants.
You can attempt an OPI test online at our website, Click and visit OPI test
What is morality? Morality is right or wrong according to each person’s view. We all humans have different views and it is possible, that a certain thing may be right for one person, but wrong for the other person. Morality is culture-based. It explains how a candidate is brought up. These tests can easily explain, what is the background of the candidate. The time for these tests is very limited. Every candidate has to respond quickly. We have a test for measuring emotional Intelligence, and OPI & SRT are similar to this. Please note, we have not applied restrictions to our test, so the result might be different due to the time available.
Also read; ISSB SRT Test: 40 Confusing Situations you have to react
This was all about OPI and SRT: Changes in ISSB.
If you are looking for ISSB Material, then you are at the right place, Just click the following button to explore all material related to INITIAL tests and ISSB.
Golden Opportunity: Fill out the WAT and Incomplete sentence test available on our site, and we will tell you. Whether your responses are recommended or not. You can analyze your whole personality through qualified Psychologists. Please avail of this by clicking the following links.
Test yourself by a psychologist for ISSB test preparation

Hi, Are you preparing for ISSB? or you want to know why you were not recommended by ISSB? or do you want to know about your leadership qualities? If YES, You are at the right place. We have a bunch of psychologists, who can evaluate your personality for ISSB test preparation and leadership Qualities. You can then improve your weaknesses highlighted in the psych assessment.
This is a golden opportunity for you to assess your personality and leadership Abilities.
Following is the appointment process.
- Contact us through our Whatsapp number
- We will send some psychological tests and you will fill it in your time.
- You will return your written psych tests for the assessment
- After the written psychological assessment, your interview will be held on WhatsApp call, for some cross questioning.
- Your detailed result will be shared in the form of a PDF report highlighting your strengths and weaknesses, Your leadership qualities, ISSB qualities, suggestions for improvements, and recommendation chances.
- The Normal fee for a psych assessment is 1,000 Rupees, Only. However, if you are a student, then We know your financial challenges. We will do your personality assessment for 500 rupees only. If you are unable to pay the fee due to your financial background, then don’t worry, We will make sure that your financial background doesn’t hinder your growth and we will do your assessment through other options. For contact please click on the WhatsApp button.
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How can I submit my test is there any whatsapp group or I have to post my test on Facebook page
Dear Muhammad Sohail, You can submit a psych test online through the TEST ME page. Just visit the page and fill out the concerned forms. We will ensure your psych tests results in 5 to 10 days. Thanks