NUMS Entry Test syllabus

NUMS Entry Test Syllabus: Details and information

So Guys many people were asking about the NUMS entry test syllabus, Test composition and other details. So I decided to write this post for you. The following is the NUMS test composition.


There are 60 MCQ’s of the Biology subject.
My personal suggestion to all of u, Review federal text book for test preparation. aap is kay federal book ko aik dfaa zaroor dekh len because 2020 may exact lines ayi hui thi…. But If u have no time then it iz ok with ur own province book!


Physics kay 37 mcqs anay hy… General mcqs aty hy.. Mixture of simple definitions and numericals too…. If u have good concepts u can easily deal wid conceptual ones too.. No issues!


Chemistry kay 38 mcqs anay hy… In 2020 mostly physical chem sy thy mcqs..but U should have grip on both organic and inorganic! Memorize the catalyst, reactions, reactivity order…. Strong grip on concepts will lead u to achieve max marks in chem!


English 15 mcqs anay hy…. If u have done grammar rules to the fullest u can easily solve thiz portion….(bchay kehty hein ky english kon krta hy.. Jo mcqs acha lgy wo tick kro bss but thiz misconception is totally wrong)
Rules rules hoty hein.. I hope so ap sb ab tk krchuky hongy all grammar rules..
Vocab ki jha tk bat hy to Vocab agr ayi to general hi ani hy but pichli dfa spellings ay thy.. U can do them…
If u face any difficulty then 1stly rule out the wrong mcq.. U will be left with the right one but do thiz very intelligently! I hope u understand my point!


The psychology test consist of 50 Mcqs. These mcqs are not counted in the merit but it compulsory to attempt all with proper filling!..

You feel shy in public.
A. Agree
B. Strongly agree
C. Disagree
D. Strongly disagree
E. Neutral

You have to solve this test as per your own experience.

What will be the AGGREGATE?

Although there is no official criteria for the Nums Test. But mostly y formula circulate horha hy

NUMS merit calculations criteria 2021:

For Private (that include CMH,s & other NUMS colleges)

FSC/A levels : 50%
NUMS test : 25%
MDCAT: 25%

You might be interested to read: Girls in PAF: Join PAF as a lady officer


FSC/A levels: 50%
NUMS test: 50%


Question: mdcat failed should appear in the test or Not?

I would suggest u all agr fail bhi hein to trst zaroor de..

1. pehli baat fees bhri hy test deny may hrj nhi aik trha sy practice hojy gi

2. Dusri baat Ky Ap may sy boht sy bchy BS /ALLIED HEALTH ki trf jaty to usmy NUMS ky marks srf count hoty along wid fsc.(in nums colleges)
So it’s better to attempt it.

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6 thoughts on “NUMS Entry Test Syllabus: Details and information”

  1. Asalam o alikum sir…
    If any internship program in PAF for those students who have passed the master’s degree recently in psychology…
    Sir kindly inform me about internship in PAF…

    1. Dear Iffat, There is No planned schedule for the Female Psychologist jobs in PAF. PAF had announced said vacancies earlier this year and it may take a year or two to announce the next vacancies.

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