Evaluate and analyze your Personality through Psych tests: Apply Now

Our website helps candidates to understand the ISSB as well as guide them about how to attempt a Test in ISSB. In this post, you will be able to know that How ISSB assesses a Candidate’s Personality and Why it is important.

What is personality assessment?

How is it beneficial for you?

As You Know, there are three Dimensions in ISSB, the Psychologist, the GTO, and the Deputy president. All three try to judge the personality from different angles. The Psychologist uses Psychological tests to reach his own opinion while The GTO assesses the candidate through practical tasks. Although both the Dimensions look different, their findings are similar, The Psychologist judges the personality traits through written tests while the GTO judges the candidate through his expression in a Group setting. The Deputy President then evaluates the same candidate individually and cross-match the results with other findings.

What method will be used for personality assessment?

The Significance of Personality Assessment

The ISSB is not only looking for candidates who are intelligent and confident but they search for candidates who have High emotional Strength, Team building capabilities, decision-making skills, and good behavior in general. All these can be assessed through personality assessments. That’s why ISSB uses three Dimensions to evaluate candidates’ personalities to minimize human error in the selection process. The process is mutually exclusive and the Judges don’t know, what is the performance of the candidate in another dimension. They just make their own Findings and these are discussed on the Last day. There are higher chances that they reach the same results. This means if A Psychologist sees that a candidate is not fit for commissioning in the armed forces, GTO and the Deputy president might find the same result. That’s why it took less than 3 hours to finalize the results of a candidate on the Final Day.

So What Candidate should do?

If you have applied for commissioning in the armed forces, Then You must know that they are not just searching for Academically intelligent people, Rather they search for a Strong, Impressive, and Mature personality with good communication skills. If you really want to earn commissioning, Start working on your personality Today.

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2 thoughts on “Evaluate and analyze your Personality through Psych tests: Apply Now”

  1. AOA Respected Sir, kindly give response to the picture stories. I am interested to evaluate my persona through the required procedure.

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