Technical cadet course preparation in Pakistan army

How to Join Pakistan army through Technical Cadet Course?

Through the Technical cadet course (Abbreviated as TCC), one can join the Pakistan Army as an engineer. Pak Army announces the Technical Cadet Course every year, so interested candidates can apply for the course. Read this complete post for All information and guidance

Who is eligible to apply in TCC?

Only unmarried Male candidates can apply for the technical cadet course. Females cannot apply for this course.

What is the age limit for the Technical cadet course?

The age limit is
Lower Limit: 17 years
Upper Limit: 21 Years

The upper age limit is measured on the Joining Date of the Pakistan military academy. Both lower and upper age limits are relaxable up to 03 months.

What are the Physical Standards for TCC?

The physical standards to join the Pakistan army in TCC are

Height Requirement: Minimum is 5 feet and 04 inches. There is no relaxation in height.

Weight as per Body Mass Index: Greater weight for greater height. For example, if you have 180 Cm (06 Feet) height, Your minimum weight should be 60 KG.

Chest Requirement: 31.5 inch

Education required for TCC

FSc in Pre-engineering group with the following subjects
Chemistry/Computer science/computer studies

Gade: 65% Marks in FSc

Intermediate in Computer Science (ICS) passed students can apply only in Computer software engineering.

Can you apply for TCC based on the Hope certificate?

Big Yes, You can apply based on the hope certificate if you have more than 65% marks in FSc Part 1.

Read more details about the Hope certificate: A sincere advise for those candidate who apply on the basis of Hope certificate

Where to apply?

You can apply for the Technical Cadet Course through the official website. Please visit the official website through this link.

What is the registration deadline for the TCC?

The online registration for the TCC is continued for at least 30 to 40 days.

Technical cadet course Online test preparation

You can prepare yourself online for the subject post through these links.

  1. Verbal Intelligence Tests
  2. Non-Verbal Intelligence Tests
  3. How to Pass Verbal and Nonverbal Intelligence test?
  4. Medical test and Examination in Armed Forces
  5. All about Pak Army initial Physical test
  6. Initial interview guidelines for PMA long course
  7. Essay writing topics in Initial Interview: PMA long course
  8. Recomended Candidate Experience: 147 PMA Long Course
  9. 8 Qualities ISSB try to find in a Recommended Candidate: Personal Qualities of a Good Leader

TCC selection process

The following is the selection process for the TCC

  • Online registration
  • Initial test/medical/physical test/interview in respected selection centers
  • Shortlisting of the candidates
  • ISSB examination
  • Final detailed medical examination after the ISSB

Training Program for the TCC

The selected candidates will undergo 04-year graduate course earning Engineering degree in different fields.
After the completion of the Engineering degree in Pakistan army institutes, the cadet will undergo 01 year of military training at PMA.

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3 thoughts on “How to Join Pakistan army through Technical Cadet Course?”

    1. Yes, You can pass the test through hardwork and preparation. You have to groom your personality to meet the specific requirements.

  1. Abubakkar Ahmad

    why repeater option is not showing over there when apply online plz check it only fresh option is there

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