If you are looking for different ISSB test preparation WhatsApp group links, then you are at the right place. Here We have shared different WhatsApp groups for different ISSB test Preparations. As the ISSB is the same for All forces, We share the same material through different ISSB Whatsapp groups.
Advice: Instead of WhatsApp, Prepare for your ISSB from This website, through the following links, It will save you time and cost.
- 2nd Day at ISSB: Step by Step Complete Guidance
- 4th Day ISSB Guide: Complete Information
- Step by step Guide to ISSB Bio data form filling
- 22 Most Important Questions Related To ISSB Bio-Data Form
- Word Association Test
- Sentence Completion Test
- Picture Story Test
- Pointer Story Test
- Psych Test Preparation: Pointer stories test
- Sample Psych interview Questions
- 120 Most repeated ISSB Group Discussions and Lecture topics
- What is a Mechanical aptitude test in ISSB?
- 9 GTO Individual Obstacles in ISSB: Step by Step Guide
- Command task in ISSB
- Cracking the ISSB Deputy President Interview
- How to introduce yourself in the interview?
- PAF ISSB: Recommended candidate experience
- 8 Qualities ISSB try to find in a Recommended Candidate: Personal Qualities of a Good Leader
- Did academy really help in ISSB Selection? I do not have Extra money to Join any Academy? How can I prepare Best for ISSB?
Question: Is Joining The WhatsApp group is the Best Way to Prepare for Initial and ISSB Preparation?
Answer: The candidate tries to join different social media groups for test preparation. We will advise you to please DO NOT join too many WhatsApp groups and Facebook groups. This will create trouble for you. If you are preparing for the initial or ISSB, The best way to prepare is through Reading the ISSB Book or A good website. Alhamdulillah, We have uploaded much material for the Complete ISSB test preparation. Our Website will guide you in initial and ISSB in a very authentic way. Explore our website and write in the search Bar what you want to prepare, Our content will help you.
Question: When Whatsapp groups are better to Join?
You should join WhatsApp groups for Current and Past papers. But we have an alternative for you. If you are looking for past papers and past experience. Our Initial & ISSB Material page will help you in all past papers to any force, Initial or ISSB.
The Disadvantage of ISSB Whatsapp Groups
The main disadvantages of Whats group are
> > Un-necessary Chat
>> Fake and misguidance
>> Spam Links
If you want to complete online preparation for your initial test and ISSB, then please click on this Link COMPLETE ONLINE PREPARATION
As all of you know, WhatsApp has recently started Communities. I have started a community named ISSB test preparation on WhatsApp. Click on the link to Join the different groups for ISSB test preparation
ISSB tests are being held after the initial test examination for all PAF courses. If you are appearing in the current PAF ISSB schedule, then please join through the following link.
PAF Issb WhatsApp group link: https://chat.whatsapp.com/BAIzlRvXLy47uROvWvqRfM
ISSB WhatsApp group only for Females
The link for the female ISSB group is removed for the safety of privacy of female candidates. If you are a Female and applied to have any branch and want to join our WhatsApp group, then please leave a message on our WhatsApp
PMA long course Initial and ISSB group
After the initial test, the ISSB for the PMA long course, Short Service Commission, TCC, and other courses will be scheduled as per plan. However, you can join the Initial test preparation group by clicking the following links
ISSB: https://chat.whatsapp.com/BSySv25RdO15Wi46gWIGVZ
We will add a group link for ISSB for the said course after the completion of the initial tests.
FREE Pakistan Navy ISSB test preparation group
You can join the PN cadet initial test preparation group with the above-mentioned links.
PN Cadet online test preparation
ISSB group for Navy’s test preparation (FREE)
Join our community of Whatsapp, The Link is already shared above. Please click and join.
Test yourself by a psychologist for ISSB test preparation

Hi, Are you preparing for ISSB? or you want to know why you were not recommended by ISSB? or do you want to know about your leadership qualities? If YES, You are at the right place. We have a bunch of psychologists, who can evaluate your personality for ISSB test preparation and leadership Qualities. You can then improve your weaknesses highlighted in the psych assessment.
This is a golden opportunity for you to assess your personality and leadership Abilities.
Following is the appointment process.
- Contact us through our Whatsapp number
- We will send some psychological tests and you will fill it in your time.
- You will return your written psych tests for the assessment
- After the written psychological assessment, your interview will be held on WhatsApp call, for some cross questioning.
- Your detailed result will be shared in the form of a PDF report highlighting your strengths and weaknesses, Your leadership qualities, ISSB qualities, suggestions for improvements, and recommendation chances.
- The Normal fee for a psych assessment is 1,000 Rupees, Only. However, if you are a student, then We know your financial challenges. We will do your personality assessment for 500 rupees only. If you are unable to pay the fee due to your financial background, then don’t worry, We will make sure that your financial background doesn’t hinder your growth and we will do your assessment through other options. For contact please click on the WhatsApp button.
If you find this content interesting, kindly share it with your friends who are preparing for careers in the armed forces or ISSB. Feel free to use the WhatsApp icon or click the relevant button below to share this post on Facebook.
Or follow our FB Page
Hello guy please someone tell me how I find best books in google plz detail me
Have you want military colleges etnery test preparation groups?
Unfortunately, NO.
I don’t know
How can i join WhatsApp group
Hii I’m from Pakistan Peshawar.
Student of zoology.
Can I join issb tests plzzz inform me..
Hi, someone cannot directly apply for issb. The three armed forces, Army, Navy and air force anounce Jobs for different branches and courses. As A Male You can Join the Armed forces if you have done BS or MSc in Zoology.
Hi Im a student of textile designing can I join army????? If yesss plzz guide mee
Yes, You can Join. As you have already contacted through our WhatsApp No, You will be guided there and added to Lady cadet course WhatsApp group