PAF test preparation Online

PAF test Preparation for All posts

This single page will help you in all PAF test preparations, whether you apply for the Non-commissioned Like Airmen or Commissioned posts, like GDP, Aeronautical engineer or Short service commission. Pakistan Air Force advertises for different vacancies every year to fulfill its human resources. We have published a lot of data, including online tests, Test instructions, Interviews, and all details related to PAF ISSB. The following links will help you in PAF test preparation.

General guidelines for the PAF test apply

Please click on the relevant link for more details

Online tests Practice

If you are applying for any post, from airmen to commissioned officers, an Intelligence test is a must. Surprisingly, it is the same for all, but it has a different time duration for each category. For example, if you are applying for the Airmen posts, then the intelligence test consists of 100 questions with 40 minutes, while for commissioning posts you have to do the same test in 35 minutes. 60% marks are considered PASS in the intelligence tests. IF you are preparing for the Initial computerized tests, then the following links will help you exceptionally.

If you prepare all the links above, In Sha Allah, You will clear the Intelligence test very easily.

Past Papers and Experiences for PAF test preparation


If you are preparing for the PAF Interview, then following Interview Experiences will help you in interview test preparations.

ISSB test Preparation Links

Undermentioned links will help you in the ISSB test preparation, If you have cleared your Initial test exams.

Following links will provide you the past papers and experiences for different posts.

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