What is the ISSB SRT Test?
It is a test where a candidate has to give his or her reaction to a certain situation. If you are preparing for the ISSB test then you are advised to prepare Our topics one be one. Read Topic 8: 22 Most Important Questions Related To ISSB Bio-Data Form
Following are some Situations, Please make your own reaction. If you try to find solved solutions, then it will be not good for your ISSB preparations.
Also read: All about SRT Test: ISSB Situation Reaction Test
SRT 1: A person is going to his office. He saw a man climbing a house building through a rope. What will he do?
SRT 2: You are on duty and there is Marriage ceremony of your sister. Your not granted leave due to any reason. What will you do?
SRT 3: You are going for an important meeting and you stuck in traffic Jam. Due to traffic Jam you are getting late, what will you do?
SRT 4: You are travelling in a train and you are sleeping. When you open your eye, you find a person stealing something through window. What will you do?
SRT 5: You are going home at midnight and you found two people fighting with each others. What will you do?
SRT 6: You are assigned with a tough task which you never done before? What will you do?
SRT 7: You are attacked by 2 or 3 person with knife, when you are going home. You will ….
SRT 8: A soldier is on leave. He came to know about India – Pak War. He will ..
SRT 9: A soldier is in desert or jungle. He lost his way. What will he do?
SRT 10: You have good plan than your Boss, but your Boss doesn’t agree. You will..
SRT 11: He is a poor guy and his family has less money for his education. What will he do?
Also read: Sample Psych interview Questions

Recent SRT Situations
SRT 1: Your brother is addict of PUBG Game. If you deny him he get angry. What will you do?
SRT 2: Your friends take you to an ICE club. What will you do?
SRT 3: A women is driving on Motorway/Highway and she met an accident. What will she do?
SRT 4: Your friends are angry with you due to high cost on a recent picnic, how you will convince for the next tour?
SRT 5: If You are driving on motorway and the brakes failed, what will you do?
SRT 6: If there is Covid-19 situation and Your mother is suffering from Covid-19. There is no one to look after her. Your boss did not sent you on leave. What will you do?
SRT 7: You are a handsome rich man. You fall in love with lower cast woman. Your parents do not agree. what will you do?
SRT 8: A woman has cancer, she require 1 million rupees to treat her disease. Her husband have no resources. What will he do?
SRT 9: You got a friend request from a girl on Facebook and she is your sister friend. What will you do?
SRT 10: At your friend wedding, you realize that no one is talking with you? How you will react to the situation?
SRT 11: At a lonely place, you find two men misbehaving a women, what will you do?
SRT 12: You are a captain of Cricket team, You see many other players are against your appointment? What will be your action?
Also read: Changes in ISSB: OPI & SRT tests and The purpose behind these changes
Added SRT Situations
1. Your elder brother is involved in immoral activities, what will you do?
2. You killed a person accidentally and at the same time a car also hit that person, woman who was driving the car think that she killed that person. What will you do?
3. You were going for a job interview, on your way you saw a an injured person, what will you do?
4. You become mess instructor and your senior instructor told you to do extra billings of people , what will you do?
5. You are going with your sister and a stranger is following you. What will you do?
6. Due to COVID-19, you saw people stealing basic things of need from a store. What will you do?
7. You purchased 5kg meat from a shop and on your way back to home, a dog bite you and snatched some meat. What will you do?
8. You are the only son of your parents so they want you to marry a girl. But if you marry, you will not be eligible for Pak army. What will you do?
9. You are quite handsome😁 boy. An old man blink his eye while looking at you. What will you do if he keeps staring at you?
10. You got a foreign scholarship at PMA, but your physical fitness is not good. Will you go for it or skip that chance?
11. Your brother is your responsibility and he is not performing good at school because of excess use of mobile. He is not obeying you. What will you do?
12. A girl get stuck in a jungle at night and she doesn’t have any source to inform police. What she should do?
13. What are your views about your life till now
A) very frustrating
B) many achievements
C) full of thrilling moments
D) successful and satisfied
14. you commited a sin , you are ashamed of it. You will be defamed in society If you admit that sin and if not then every thing will go well. What will you do?
15. One of your friend get addicted to wrong deeds. You and his father suggest him to leave all these deeds but he did,nt understand. what will you do?
16. You are doing a job and you are sent on a special secret mission but your family is not allowing you to go. What will you do?
17. If someone steals money from a bank and distribute it to needy people. you know that person. What will you do?
18. A student always stands first in his class but during his mid term exams his health was not good and he was not prepared for exam. But he still secure good marks in exam. His teacher came to know that he has done cheating . Now what should his teacher do?
19. One of your friend is taking sleeping pills and you came to know that he is doing this because of financial issues. What will you do?
20. If your father does not afford your fee and one of your uncle paid all your university fee but he demands that you should marry his daughter but you don,t like her daughter. What will you do?
21. UN announced that every year students from Pak will come for higher studies abroad. Do you think it’s a good thing for nation development of Pakistan?
22. Your neighbors were shouting because there were thief in their house . You ran for their help and you came to know that thief is your brother. What will you do?
23. A girl from your neighbor was kidnapped, you went for her help and came to know that kidnappers also include your brother. What will you do?
Also Read: Girls ISSB: Complete Procedure and guidelines
24. If you are given a recommendation letter, to whom you will give among your group members?
25. One of your group members has recieved joining letter but his parents are not willing to send him to PMA. What should he do?
26. You saw a person who hit a young boy with his car and ran away. What will you do?
27. You and your friends planned a picnic but your father will not allow you to go for it. Your friends suggested you to ask your father that they are going for combine study at one of your friends house. What will you do?
28. A woman had cancer and 10 lacs are required for her treatment . Her husband only had 4 lacs. What should he do?
29. You were playing cricket with your friends and ball went to your neighbors house. Your neighbors had given you the responsibility to look after their house but your friends are asking you to allow them to jump so that they may get the ball back. What will you do?
30. You have a friend and your father does not like him. Your friend need some money and you steal that money from your father’s purse. Your father came to know that you have stolen his money. Now your father is asking you about money, what will you answer your father?
31. You are coming out from a very famous plaza and watchman suddenly stopped you and ask you to show your card. what will you do?
32. There is girl who belongs to a very decent and religious family. She convinced her family to take admission in a co university. Now there is a boy who is consistently irritating her and wants relationship with her. What she should do?
33. You are working in a company and there is a senior who irritates you. You left that company and becomes manager in another company. Now he is under you. How will you treat him?
34. You are working in your friends company, your pay is 2 lac and you came to know that his company is involved in money laundering. What will you do?
35. There is a poor student in your class. Your best friend bullied him and becomes harsh with him. What will you do?
36. If you were given the authority to
recommend a candidate. On which qualities you will recommend a candidate?
37. You were defeated badly in football match what will be your reaction
A) win and loss are part of life
b) you will wait for next match to take revenge.
c) you will search for the reasons why you were defeated?
d) you will start fighting
38. You steal money from your father’s purse and gave it to your needy friend but your parents were against it. When you came back, your parents were fighting for money. What will you do?
39. You are in a hotel and suddenly a female waitress ask you for a selfie.what will you do?
40. You are working in a company and fullfulling all the requirements but your boss is still not happy. Your other fellow members are also not happy with the behavior of boss and also suggest you to leave that company because it does not suit you. What will you do?
41. If some people are threatining a boy from your neighbors and threaten him that if he tells someone they will harm his family. What will you suggest that boy?
42. You are invited on a dinner at your friends home and after dinner you were going back to your home but some robbers did robbery in that house and people started shouting. police came and ask you to raise hand and surrender.What will you do?
43. You are studying in a coaching academy and suddenly terrorists attack and you saw a window and decided to jump but your friends are afraid of jumping. What will you do?
You might want to read: Recomended Candidate Experience: 147 PMA Long Course
ISSB test preparation
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- 4th Day ISSB Guide: Complete Information
- Step by step Guide to ISSB Bio data form filling
- 22 Most Important Questions Related To ISSB Bio-Data Form
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- Sample Psych interview Questions
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- Command task in ISSB
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- 8 Qualities ISSB try to find in a Recommended Candidate: Personal Qualities of a Good Leader
- Did academy really help in ISSB Selection? I do not have Extra money to Join any Academy? How can I prepare Best for ISSB?
If you have any question, leave a comment.
Test yourself by a psychologist for ISSB test preparation

Hi, Are you preparing for ISSB? or you want to know why you were not recommended by ISSB? or do you want to know about your leadership qualities? If YES, You are at the right place. We have a bunch of psychologists, who can evaluate your personality for ISSB test preparation and leadership Qualities. You can then improve your weaknesses highlighted in the psych assessment.
This is a golden opportunity for you to assess your personality and leadership Abilities.
Following is the appointment process.
- Contact us through our Whatsapp number
- We will send some psychological tests and you will fill it in your time.
- You will return your written psych tests for the assessment
- After the written psychological assessment, your interview will be held on WhatsApp call, for some cross questioning.
- Your detailed result will be shared in the form of a PDF report highlighting your strengths and weaknesses, Your leadership qualities, ISSB qualities, suggestions for improvements, and recommendation chances.
- The Normal fee for a psych assessment is 1,000 Rupees, Only. However, if you are a student, then We know your financial challenges. We will do your personality assessment for 500 rupees only. If you are unable to pay the fee due to your financial background, then don’t worry, We will make sure that your financial background doesn’t hinder your growth and we will do your assessment through other options. For contact please click on the WhatsApp button.
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